
Yeah, I didn't watch the vid. Too much froth in the "information" posted there for me to take seriously that a video posted there uncovers some insidious conspiracy nobody else knows about.

From a trusted news site, sure. Music videos, fine. Top secret conspiracy revealed? I'll wait until I can read about it on WaPo, FT and NYT.
Youtube videos are like print, it depends on who makes them and what their angle is. There are good short informative videos about all kinds of stuff and many different people cover the same topics, educational videos and interviews with actual experts! Then there is the other shit...
Someone mentioned in a meme that we are turning Russia into a cash society, even if they need a wheelbarrow full of rubles to buy a loaf of stale bread. We are a mostly cashless society, if the system went down or the lights went off, we would soon be worse than Russia. There is not nearly enough cash in circulation or non electronic accounting systems to cope, sometimes I feel our modern technological world is built on a foundation of sand (ironically it is), we like Vlad have no plan B.
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This is a TV war in the internet age and we have satellite imagery and expert opinion, while they remain silent on some aspects, like what we are doing to help and what the Ukrainians are doing etc. The Russians can't make a move without the public knowing about it FFS, imagine what the intelligence people know!
New images offer clues to what happened to Russian convoy

Retired Major General James “Spider” Marks and Retired Lt. General Mark Hertling break down new satellite images showing that a stalled 40-mile Russian convoy headed to Kyiv has dispersed and repositioned.
I think the most important number in this war might be the number of Russians taken prisoner and those who end up in The Hague. That will have the biggest impact on Putin, the dead can be buried. The civilian deaths and war crimes will have an impact too and make the price of lifting sanctions heavy and the more innocents they murder the heavier that cost will be, both for peace and the eventual lifting of sanctions. If Putin and his cronies do not realize this, then plenty of others will.

Once the Russians are driven out and I believe after this they will be driven even from Crimea, Ukraine will see an economic boom as infrastructure and buildings are replaced and modernized. Infrastructures can be repaired fairly quickly and Russian money will pay for a lot of it. Not all the cities have been shelled and those that were are not destroyed to rubble, most of the county, especially in the west and center has power internet and cell phone service. Much of the reconstruction should happen in the east and south. Vlad's army deep inside Ukraine will be spent in a week or two, but the border areas will suffer for some time and it will take longer in the south to eject them.
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I think the most important number in this war might be the number of Russians taken prisoner and those who end up in The Hague. That will have the biggest impact on Putin, the dead can be buried. The civilian deaths and war crimes will have an impact too and make the price of lifting sanction heavy and the more innocents they murder the heavier that cost will be, both for peace and the eventual lifting of sanctions. If Putin and his cronies do not realize this, then plenty of others will.

Once the Russians are driven out and I believe after this they will be driven even from Crimea, Ukraine will see an economic boom as infrastructure and buildings are replaced and modernized. Infrastructures can be repaired fairly quickly and Russian money will pay for a lot of it. Not all the cities have been shelled and those that were are not destroyed to rubble, most of the county, especially in the west and center has power internet and cell phone service. Much of the reconstruction should happen in the east and south. Vlad's army deep inside Ukraine will be spent in a week or two, but the border areas will suffer for some time and it will take longer in the south to eject them.

and if and when this war is over, you can most definitely see the Ukraines being armed with more and sophicated weapon systems.....Patriot being one of them
I think the most important number in this war might be the number of Russians taken prisoner and those who end up in The Hague. That will have the biggest impact on Putin, the dead can be buried. The civilian deaths and war crimes will have an impact too and make the price of lifting sanction heavy and the more innocents they murder the heavier that cost will be, both for peace and the eventual lifting of sanctions. If Putin and his cronies do not realize this, then plenty of others will.

Once the Russians are driven out and I believe after this they will be driven even from Crimea, Ukraine will see an economic boom as infrastructure and buildings are replaced and modernized. Infrastructures can be repaired fairly quickly and Russian money will pay for a lot of it. Not all the cities have been shelled and those that were are not destroyed to rubble, most of the county, especially in the west and center has power internet and cell phone service. Much of the reconstruction should happen in the east and south. Vlad's army deep inside Ukraine will be spent in a week or two, but the border areas will suffer for some time and it will take longer in the south to eject them.
The world can fight the war or give them free shit, not both. Life is going to change either way.
Tic Toc, we keep on moving closer to special military operation III.
Source not to be trusted.


  • Overall, we rate The Sun Right Biased based on story selection and political affiliation that favors the right. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to overly sensationalized headlines and numerous failed fact checks.
and if and when this war is over, you can most definitely see the Ukraines being armed with more and sophicated weapon systems.....Patriot being one of them
He won't be back after this shit! Other NATO countries are gonna rethink defense after this and place much more emphasis on reserve forces and local armories stuffed with small arms, anti tank and AA Stingers. War has become an infantry fight again with this shit and enraged, motivated citizens armed to the fucking teeth can be useful! :lol: They can stop the tanks or slow them down on their own, European minute men with punch!
The mad midget better be careful making deals with China. He's paranoid about restoring his russian empire and protecting those borders. The mad midgets empire has 146,000,000 people and has lots of grain and energy. China shares a border with the mad midget and has 1,400,000,000 people and needs food and energy. If the mad midgets military is weakened will his crazy chinese neighbor think about taking the mad midgets energy and food by force? China has a small airforce and navy so a ground war for them is the only real option.
Lots of the folks who live in Russia's east are ethnic Chinese. I wonder how hard they would fight for Mother Russia.
The world can fight the war or give them free shit, not both. Life is going to change either way.
Post war they will have a lot of aid money and Russian money too, post war tourism will be a big thing, Ukraine is a beautiful country with much to see. While they might not be a part of the EU for awhile, trade ties and assistance will be forthcoming along with reform. If this ends well and Vlad is gone and worried about other things or dead, I beleve there will be an economic boom, the Americans will give them a ton of cash just to make Vlad look bad, because folks in Russia will be living like shit by then and for a long time to come.
I think the most important number in this war might be the number of Russians taken prisoner and those who end up in The Hague. That will have the biggest impact on Putin, the dead can be buried. The civilian deaths and war crimes will have an impact too and make the price of lifting sanctions heavy and the more innocents they murder the heavier that cost will be, both for peace and the eventual lifting of sanctions. If Putin and his cronies do not realize this, then plenty of others will.

Once the Russians are driven out and I believe after this they will be driven even from Crimea, Ukraine will see an economic boom as infrastructure and buildings are replaced and modernized. Infrastructures can be repaired fairly quickly and Russian money will pay for a lot of it. Not all the cities have been shelled and those that were are not destroyed to rubble, most of the county, especially in the west and center has power internet and cell phone service. Much of the reconstruction should happen in the east and south. Vlad's army deep inside Ukraine will be spent in a week or two, but the border areas will suffer for some time and it will take longer in the south to eject them.
It doesn't seem that Ukrainian resistance is interested in taking Russian soldiers alive.

I don't trust the absolute numbers but reports of Russian soldiers dead is in the thousands and less than 500 Russian POW.
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The mad midget better be careful making deals with China. He's paranoid about restoring his russian empire and protecting those borders. The mad midgets empire has 146,000,000 people and has lots of grain and energy. China shares a border with the mad midget and has 1,400,000,000 people and needs food and energy. If the mad midgets military is weakened will his crazy chinese neighbor think about taking the mad midgets energy and food by force? China has a small airforce and navy so a ground war for them is the only real option.
Lots of the folks who live in Russia's east are ethnic Chinese. I wonder how hard they would fight for Mother Russia.
A separatist movement could arise like in Ukraine... Ethnic Chinese could need protection! Works both ways Vlad and your military has been exposed as shit and you will be weak and on your knees! :lol:
China backs unsubstantiated Russian claims of US biolabs in Ukraine
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has made unverified claims that Russia has discovered U.S. biolabs in the nation to “develop ethnically targeted biological weapons,” the Associated Press reported.

“This Russian military operation has uncovered the secret of the U.S. labs in Ukraine, and this is not something that can be dealt with in a perfunctory manner,” Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian said Thursday.

“It is not something they can muddle through by saying that China’s statement and Russia’s finding are disinformation, and are absurd and ridiculous,” he added.

Headlines by Chinese-backed media have read “Russia reveals evidence of U.S.-funded bio-program in Ukraine,” “China urges U.S. to disclose more details about biolabs in Ukraine” and “US tries to refute ‘rumors’ about its biolabs in Ukraine, but can we believe it?” according to the AP.

The U.S. has been quick to condemn Russian accusations of biolabs in Ukraine and says Russia could be using the allegation as an excuse to launch its own biological attack.

Although Russia has committed to an international agreement not to use chemical or biological weapons, the country is already accused of multiple war crimes against Ukraine and its citizens.

The country has spread multiple lies to justify its war in Ukraine from the Ukrainian government is full of neo-Nazis to Russia is liberating the Ukrainian people.
They were talking about that on this morning's Friday News Roundup on NPR with a journalist stationed in China. He said the state run news had a story of mobile bio weapon labs, but they showed a screen shot of the documents in English, and they were about protecting against animal born viruses. I guess they know not a lot of Chinese can read English.

But the big takeaway is that China has to be shitting their pants after the way the EU, the US and the rest of the free world have came together against poot-poot.
It doesn't seem that Ukrainian resistance is interested in taking Russian soldiers alive.

I don't trust the absolute numbers but will reports of Russian soldiers dead is in the thousands and less than 500 Russian POW.
They might have negotiated settlements with large cut off forces. I think part of the mass killing of civilians is to make it difficult for the Russians to surrender. Smart says make it easy to surrender, heart says kill the fuckers, especially when family and friends are dead.