Anyone know how to make Blunt Glue?


Thanx man I appreciate you.. my purpose was NOT to use saliva at all hence trying to source bermocoll powder glue here in the uk. USA has a few websites but the shipping costs is nuts. So trying hard to find it here in uk :-)
Sure thing. Look for dextrine maybe?



Well-Known Member
Bermocoll 320 seems to be the best thing to use as its tasteless and used by professional cigar factories but getting it here in the UK its like crazy difficult :wall:


And Europe can't understand NOT doing that. Actually most of the globe, i believe does it. I was told a full-cannabis joint is referred to as "California style" over there, and it's my sole source of pride for being a Californian right now :lol: also I agree w you, not a fan of the mixed buzz
Never heard of a "California style" but I totally agree with you. I know hardly anybody in Europe smoking it pure unless you vape it.


I got sooooooo happy for a min until i read its unsuitable for food use.
Its being used as an adhesive for cigarette wraps and is supposed to be tasteless. I have no clue about chemicals tho. In the end it's some kind of sugar and not healthy to burn I guess


Well-Known Member
leaves an acidic Aftertaste same with pectin.
Scratch that then.

The only time I think a blunt is a good idea is when you're smoking at a party. It will go around a million times and everyone is drunk anyway.
Hell no. I'm not sharing with a bunch of different people. Think of all the lips yours will be touching. You'll basically be kissing anyone that took a hit before you. :shock:


Well-Known Member
Scratch that then.

Hell no. I'm not sharing with a bunch of different people. Think of all the lips yours will be touching. You'll basically be kissing anyone that took a hit before you. :shock:
From my experience smoking cannabis has always been a fairly social activity. By that logic I have probably kissed half a million people.


Well-Known Member
I buy a pack of Backwoods about once a year, just to keep my skills shape. I can't let these young bloods out roll me.


Well-Known Member
I think it would be funny referring to it as "California style". I'll start doing it :)
Talking about definitions, how would you describe the difference between a blunt, joint and a spliff?
Blunt = wrapped in tobacco
Spiff = mixed w tobacco
Joint = CALIFORNIA STYLE wrapped in paper or glycerin if you're fancy


Well-Known Member
yea bro stop doing it. Protect your health. Any form of sugar is NEVER supposed to be burnt and inhaled.

Hmmm ya learn something new every day. Honestly though I haven't smoked a blunt since high school or shortly after, not my cup of tea.

Seems like sacrilege to me to grow great dope and contaminate it with cheap gas station tobacco. I haven't smoked anything but joints for years, about 1,100 per year actually. Online ordering makes it easy to come up with the figures. Lol