
Don't be ridiculous, you live in a liberal democracy, warts and all, Putin is a murdering bastard and always has been who played Trump for a fool and obviously owned him. By the time ole Joe gave his first SOTU he had Vlad by the nuts, though Vlad fucking up mightily helped a lot. The fight for liberal democracy has been moved from your doorstep and is now on Vlad's and it doesn't look good for the cocksucker at all, now he's fighting to survive.

These are free countries who wanted to join NATO, Vlad can go fuck himself, he's more afraid of the EU and a Ukraine that was becoming a liberal democracy. The people of Ukraine are citizens fighting a war of national liberation with guns and guts, most republicans are all in. BTW Ukraine has a large private gun culture too and they seem to be pretty good at fighting for liberty. If you lose your guns in America it will be because a law was passed and got by the SCOTUS, who enforce the constitution. That's how a liberal democracy works by the rule of law under the constitution. As far as I know the SCOTUS would be ok with banning semi automatic weapons including pistols. The government regulates weapon calibers and can regulate automatic weapons and as far as those federalist conservative judges look at it if the founders used black powder, so can you. The intentions of the founders being important to them.
How does he have him by the nuts if thousands supported Putin at his Rally? Those sanctions aren’t stopping him from invading! Nothing he’s doing is stopping anything! Everyone is acting like I’m in support of Ukraine ppl dying which I am not! All I’m saying is the US has it’s own shit to worry about! If US wants to help send planes or go to war with Russia or stfu & stay neutral. How many ppl sitting here bashing me for my opinions has actually sent a monetary donation to the Ukraine? Instead of keyboard support?
Really kind of funny when you think of it. At least the few of us who know anything about the poster in question, which you obviously do not.
Have you donated money? Better yet why don’t you go and fight for Ukraine! You are aware they are accepting help from citizens of any country that wants to fight!
How does he have him by the nuts if thousands supported Putin at his Rally? Those sanctions aren’t stopping him from invading! Nothing he’s doing is stopping anything! Everyone is acting like I’m in support of Ukraine ppl dying which I am not! All I’m saying is the US has it’s own shit to worry about! If US wants to help send planes or go to war with Russia or stfu & stay neutral. How many ppl sitting here bashing me for my opinions has actually sent a monetary donation to the Ukraine? Instead of keyboard support?
They are getting plenty of help where it counts and when they whip Putin's ass, he will pay for the damages and Ukrainian post war prosperity with seized money, while Zelenskiy does a victory tour of Europe collecting medals and a Nobel peace prize. It will burn Vlad's asshole, if he's still alive after his blunders. His Trumpian dog and pony show rally means shit, because soon the people will be living like shit and know it. Nothing gets rid of Russian leaders like humiliation and the loss of a war, it's a repeating theme in Russian history.
They are getting plenty of help where it counts and when they whip Putin's ass, he will pay for the damages and Ukrainian post war prosperity with seized money, while Zelenskiy does a victory tour of Europe collecting medals and a Nobel peace prize. It will burn Vlad's asshole, if he's still alive after his blunders. His Trumpian dog and pony show rally means shit, because soon the people will be living like shit and know it. Nothing gets rid of Russian leaders like humiliation and the loss of a war, it's a repeating theme in Russian history.
Sad to say but he’ll use Nukes before that happens, and nobody would win!!!
Sad to say but he’ll use Nukes before that happens, and nobody would win!!!
They are getting plenty of help where it counts and when they whip Putin's ass, he will pay for the damages and Ukrainian post war prosperity with seized money, while Zelenskiy does a victory tour of Europe collecting medals and a Nobel peace prize. It will burn Vlad's asshole, if he's still alive after his blunders. His Trumpian dog and pony show rally means shit, because soon the people will be living like shit and know it. Nothing gets rid of Russian leaders like humiliation and the loss of a war, it's a repeating theme in Russian history.
Want to know who will be living like shit? Us Americans for every dollar that’s printed equals more inflation! A dollar doesn’t buy what it used to! We are being destroyed mark my words & these so called elected officials along with these Corporations are to blame!

Don’t take your negativity out on me, the Ukrainian people can really use your help. I copied a link for all the tough guy’s in this forum to go fight along side the Ukrainian people. You can tell the Russian army what you think about Putin face to face! Like real men!!!
They have too many now, over 300 thousand Ukrainian men returned to fight, they alone outnumber the Russians, they also have 5 million young fit men and an army that is already over a quarter million and growing rapidly, territorials number in the millions and all have been armed to the teeth or soon will be. They are only arming citizens and training them in the Russian line of advance and partisans behind their lines, they will need to collect weapons and put them in armories when this is done.

The Russian strategic situation sucks and they are in a bad tactical position too, it will be weeks before they can get off the roads because of mud. Meanwhile the Ukrainians are training men as fast as they can and turning away volunteers, soon they will out number the Russian combat troops by a large margin.
They are getting plenty of help where it counts and when they whip Putin's ass, he will pay for the damages and Ukrainian post war prosperity with seized money, while Zelenskiy does a victory tour of Europe collecting medals and a Nobel peace prize. It will burn Vlad's asshole, if he's still alive after his blunders. His Trumpian dog and pony show rally means shit, because soon the people will be living like shit and know it. Nothing gets rid of Russian leaders like humiliation and the loss of a war, it's a repeating theme in Russian history.
How could Ukraine possibly beat Russia even with the minor help they’ve been receiving? I suggest if we are really committed to Ukraine sovereignty then everyone backing Ukraine should go to war & while everyone is at it declare war on China over Taiwan! A world war will eventually happen. Might as well get it over with so society can rebuild through the ruble!!!
They have too many now, over 300 thousand Ukrainian men returned to fight, they alone outnumber the Russians, they also have 5 million young fit men and an army that is already over a quarter million and growing rapidly, territorials number in the millions and all have been armed to the teeth or soon will be. They are only arming citizens and training them in the Russian line of advance and partisans behind their lines, they will need to collect weapons and put them in armories when this is done.

The Russian strategic situation sucks and they are in a bad tactical position too, it will be weeks before they can get off the roads because of mud. Meanwhile the Ukrainians are training men as fast as they can and turning away volunteers, soon they will out number the Russian combat troops by a large margin.
The media really has everyone programmed & sold! You honestly will sit here & say that Ukraine can & will beat a Nuclear powered country? Putin is willing to use Nuclear weapons if need be I’m sure! He doesn’t have to although the spirit of the Ukrainians is very strong and admirable it’s not enough imo to defeat Russia. I’m not kissing Russias ass or anything but I’m thinking logically. I just don’t see it! Ultimately as I stated before they have a right to defend their land! All I said was I can see Putins concerns, at the same time to each it’s own. Meaning countries should tend to it’s own business. An so many wars could have & would be avoided! Side note know one wants to talk about how America has done the same shit Putin has done, and actually worse than what Putin is doing. We dropped two Nuclear bombs on a island! On citizens of that Island… We have killed children & bombed hospitals in Afghan, Iraq, Libya. Soldiers stole, and raped their women, but nobody talks about the atrocities the US has committed, and Europe all one has to mention is slavery!!! I’m not going to even go there though!!! The truth hurts!!! Keep living life everyone will see how we have been sold out. Once a war on American soil starts and all those fema coffins have everyone in them erasing that National debt because majority of that deficit is owed to the public! Keep living…
We can even go as far as to say Hitler was funded by Americans, and Europeans, hell even the Queen did the Nazi salute. As much pull, and clout along with spies America & Europe had they knew what the hell he was doing and/or planned on doing to Jews. I call bullshit!!! On the things many of you are saying the truth strikes nerves which is where the disrespect comes. That’s how you know you’re speaking facts or legitimate opinions because ppl get to acting like ppl you see acting ghetto in countless videos on YouTube killing or fighting over Popeyes chicken sandwiches!!! Or getting shot by cops & then blaming the cop for being shot as a result of them not following orders! When the fight should be in the court room!!!
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The Ukrainian army is still accepting volunteers on the contrary of what you may have been told! This was updated yesterday so unless they start turning ppl away today they are still accepting volunteers to fight along side them! Even though it say’s they’ve been inundated with volunteers they’re still want ppl with experience!!!

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Says the coward typing behind a keyboard or cell phone! If you were anywhere near me I would punish you! You’re to stupid to even recognize that the American ppl are the only ones suffering from these useless sanctions! You don’t even know me! Where are you from? What’s your real name? If you’re in any city where I have ppl, I’ll have someone pay your punk ass a visit. Only men that talk about sucking dick is homosexual’s! You can find a better way to insult that’s unacceptable behavior. Idc what you or anyone says if you tell someone you’re going to do something where I’m from you keep your word!

See that’s the thing I’m not a fucking coward! I don’t care about doing shit illegal or whooping someone’s ass! Especially talking homosexual shit to me! Real Men don’t talk about other men sucking dick period!!!

You don't suck dick bro. You just suck ass. Bitch
How could Ukraine possibly beat Russia even with the minor help they’ve been receiving? I suggest if we are really committed to Ukraine sovereignty then everyone backing Ukraine should go to war & while everyone is at it declare war on China over Taiwan! A world war will eventually happen. Might as well get it over with so society can rebuild through the ruble!!!
The ruble has no value and that's why Putin can't win.
The ruble has no value and that's why Putin can't win.
Okay he has oil, and other resources to trade with Europe depends on him for gas. China will prop him up no? See I will admit this is where the West outclasses Putin! That’s exactly how the Soviet Union fell right? The world would be much safer with one country without nukes! My question is this wouldn’t it be to much pressure on Russia resulting in Nukes flying? Like if the ship is drowning, might as well drown as many along with them? (Nuclear war)?
Okay how many countries has USA invaded? What about those leaked cables when US was killing & bombing children. All I’m saying is America can’t talk about anyone else because they have done much worse. Like drop nuclear bombs on civilians! Either way all I care about is the US first, and these politicians & corporate ppl do not have our best interest at heart. Look at our debt!
I understand why you want to talk about the past, because the present has Putin illegally invading Ukraine and targeting civilians in acts that might qualify as war crimes.

Ukraine is fighting for independence from Russia and it is in the US's interest that Putin be stopped. Putin isn't conducting his war to occupy dirt. His objectives are fourfold. Undermine democracies. Weaken NATO. Increase the ring fence of nations under Russian control. Extend his power and influence inside Russia and in the world at large.

His botched invasion now means he can't achieve any of those objectives. So, he's just murdering and taking hostages in hopes of gaining some concessions that allow him to declare victory. I don't know where this ends but "'murrica bad" has nothing to do with what's going on today.

Regarding the debt, Republicans are the worst deficit spenders in the history of the world.
For anyone wondering… I was shown an taught that the US had Russia basically surrounded with NATO for over 20 years! That’s w
I understand why you want to talk about the past, because the present has Putin illegally invading Ukraine and targeting civilians in acts that might qualify as war crimes.

Ukraine is fighting for independence from Russia and it is in the US's interest that Putin be stopped. Putin isn't conducting his war to occupy dirt. His objectives are fourfold. Undermine democracies. Weaken NATO. Increase the ring fence of nations under Russian control. Extend his power and influence inside Russia and in the world at large.

His botched invasion now means he can't achieve any of those objectives. So, he's just murdering and taking hostages in hopes of gaining some concessions that allow him to declare victory. I don't know where this ends but "'murrica bad" has nothing to do with what's going on today.

Regarding the debt, Republicans are the worst deficit spenders in the history of the world.
I can agree with that, I’m just the type of person that keeps it real. You can’t talk about another doing the things that you did & continue to do. Right is right & wrong is wrong in my eyes. Ultimately we are all fighting for corporations, and lobbyists. Which seems sort of stupid they are playing with common ppl lives. The ppl of all these Nations need to take control back from these dirty politicians and wealthy ppl who mean us no good! That’s where I’m at with it!
Common people just want a drama free comfortable life. Imo anyone, any nation or politician, or elite member needs to be dealt with that tries to disrupt the livelihood of those that just want peace!