We finally got our AC going. At first I tried to fix it, cause I'm cheap and broke. When I got up on the roof I found out where the hornets from my back yard had moved to and promptly got down and called an AC guy.
I told him about the wasp nest over the phone and he said not to worry about it. I thought he was going to poison them or it was going to be a big deal. Guy gets on my roof, knocks the small nest off with a stick that and proceeds to replace the fuse, just as smooth as a hot knife through butter. He even gave me a new filter. I don't know if I'm more in awe of him or jealous that he was able to be that cool about it. He's like, "they won't come back now".
Then he billed us less than I was expecting because he had "left overs" in his truck and "was just down the street. I still don't know if he meant left over parts from the last job or food he was waiting to heat up, but I'm super grateful either way. My house is cool and my back yard has a few less jerk bugs in it. Overall a good day!
Time for some cananut butter cookies and a bowl. Note: I copied this recipie from a peanut butter cookie recipie
@Milky Weed posted. Thanks for this!