
got his ass.......think treason charges are awaiting for ya bud.......

little background

They better hold him in custody, or some will kill the fucker, there are a lot of heavily armed very pissed off people around! The east is rich in oil and gas, produces most of the world's helium too. With further development and a new pipeline, they could be a major supplier of gas to Europe for a decade and cut Vlad out of the picture while they transitioned to a green new grid.

Now all they have to do is destroy Vlad's army that is in Ukraine now, the second one will take awhile to arrive, if it ever does. Then they can eject the Russians from all of Ukraine, including Crimea, blow the bridge at Kerch and be done with Russia. If he has Ukrainian hostages after the war, then they can raid into Russia and march a few hundred thousand Russians back into Ukraine under gun point and do an exchange. Vlad's military power will be broken, unless he wants to use nukes or chemicals, then it moves up to a whole new level of pain and will involve others doing "provocative things" to Russia. When it's over the Ukrainians will be a military giant and Russia will have no conventional forces to speak of and no new technology to equip them, whether they use weapons of mass destruction or not. They lose in every single scenario and lose very badly, Ukraine will beat the shit out of his army and destroy much of it's equipment, then they will reclaim their stolen territory. Then there will be other trouble for Vlad, in Georgia and in Belarus, perhaps Kazakhstan and other surrounding countries under his thumb too. They will loose control of the Black sea and will only own the eastern shore, Turkey and Ukraine will control most of it and Ukraine will own most of the sea of Azov too.

This is gonna change the map and expand Europe further east and make them neighbors with Moscow. Access to Caspian sea oil and gas with a pipeline through Georgia and Turkey even to Europe become a possibility, further freezing Russia out of energy markets. Erdogan in Turkey wants his Black sea canal so bad he can taste it, they get 90% of their grain from Ukraine and with a European Ukraine, his canal is a short cut for tankers and container ships from the middle east and Asia.
Are you ready to relax and learn to love the Bomb?
Wasn't there a Movie?

I fantasize that some benevolent force would ruin all Russia's Nukes everywhere all at once.
If Starship were up and running, I’d say rod the silos. A one-ton needle of tungsten coming almost straight down at the silo door at 4+ miles a second would do nicely. Many Russian missiles still use storable hypergols. Remember the dropped wrench in a Titan 2 silo?

Id still like to know how you abort or recall an autonomous UCAV.
If Starship were up and running, I’d say rod the silos. A one-ton needle of tungsten coming almost straight down at the silo door at 4+ miles a second would do nicely. Many Russian missiles still use storable hypergols. Remember the dropped wrench in a Titan 2 silo?

Id still like to know how you abort or recall an autonomous UCAV.

the ol "rod of god" thing....kinetic force....
I know you are enamored of unmanned platforms. But if the mission is to punish Russia for launching the big ones, I want command and control to the last instant. Tell me how to abort or recall a SLCM.
If it happens, it will be with a variety of weapons systems and as little will be left to chance as possible, it will be all hands on deck, manned and autonomous ones, many of those can be waved off and deactivated via satellite. One thing you probably won't see initially are ICBM strikes. As I said it would be an act of desperation, say if someone crazier than Putin clawed their way to power in Russia. A wingnut and Joe had insider info from a couple of concerned sources and other intelligence that he was gonna pull the pin, be ready for anything and have an updated plan for it.
If it happens, it will be with a variety of weapons systems and as little will be left to chance as possible, it will be all hands on deck, manned and autonomous ones, many of those can be waved off and deactivated via satellite. One thing you probably won't see initially are ICBM strikes. As I said it would be an act of desperation, say if someone crazier than Putin clawed their way to power in Russia. A wingnut and Joe had insider info from a couple of concerned sources and other intelligence that he was gonna pull the pin, be ready for anything and have an updated plan for it.
Please address abort and recall options.
At this point, it’s looking less like there was a chemical attack. The news came from Azov Battalion, a neo-Nazi militia. So I have my doubts and suspicions about veracity from them. Look at them, those banners!

Those guys need less press. The far right wing party that they all belong to got less than 2% of the vote, but it looks like the place is over run with right wing nut jobs.

There is a LGBT battalion with rainbows and a unicorn as their emblem. Someone needs to make sure they get in the news a lot more. Even if they have to stage some shit.
the ol "rod of god" thing....kinetic force....
They don't need anything so sophisticated to punch through a silo cover a foot or two thick and can hit it down to centimeter accuracy with a conventional warhead, or bunker buster, the cruise missile climbs over the target and dives straight down at full throttle or fires a penetrator as it passes over the target like a big NLAW.
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Please address abort and recall options.
Cruise missiles can be waved off and the warheads deactivated now with a satellite signal, same one the manned aircraft would use and encrypted message repeatedly transmitted in a microsecond. ICBM's can't be recalled and it is unlikely a first strike would be recalled, there would be no mistake involved, it would be a deliberate act with forethought. ICBM's are expected, easily detected and would invoke an immediate response, strictly a follow up option.
Cruise missiles can be waved off and the warheads deactivated now with a satellite signal, same one the manned aircraft would use and encrypted message repeatedly transmitted in a microsecond. ICBM's can't be recalled and it is unlikely a first strike would be recalled, there would be no mistake involved, it would be a deliberate act with forethought. ICBM's are expected, easily detected and would invoke an immediate response, strictly a follow up option.
We all have a gentleman's agreement not to put nukes on cruise missiles.
They don't need anything so sophisticated to punch through a silo cover a foot or two thick and can hit it down to centimeter accuracy with a conventional warhead, or bunker buster, the cruise missile climbs over the target and dives straight down at full throttle or fires a penetrator as it passes over the target like a big NLAW.

yeah but this uses kinetic energy......no fuel no nothing......it just drops from space

here, i've done a little bit of reading on it.....no fall out

Cruise missiles can be waved off and the warheads deactivated now with a satellite signal, same one the manned aircraft would use and encrypted message repeatedly transmitted in a microsecond. ICBM's can't be recalled and it is unlikely a first strike would be recalled, there would be no mistake involved, it would be a deliberate act with forethought. ICBM's are expected, easily detected and would invoke an immediate response, strictly a follow up option.
Ok. I thought cruise missiles did not have abort or recall. The rationale was denying the enemy any chance at deactivation.

(edit) These guys are all over the map!

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We all have a gentleman's agreement not to put nukes on cruise missiles.
Vlad ain't a gentleman, you might as well make an agreement with Hitler, he will do what he can get away with. Besides with precision guidance we can probably take his nukes out using conventional weapons. I'm sure they are simulating this shit daily in the Pentagon, now more than ever, wargaming using computers and various weapon systems and options. They always have contingency plans at least and dealing with a lunatic threatening Armageddon is one of them I'm sure! :lol:
Ok. I thought cruise missiles did not have abort or recall. The rationale was denying the enemy any chance at deactivation.
Well they don't get on the shortwave radio any more and tell the aircrews by voice to come back home! This was part of US cruise missiles for a long time, it often gave an extra hour to make a determination and the wave off signal sends it to a farmer's field to make a hole in the ground. A lot of these weapons are used in situations where this feature is useful and it is an encrypted key that probably changes constantly and is secure.