Is a reversal of Roe v Wade decision next?


Well-Known Member
I said government issues revokable privileges like with a marriage license. If you have to ask for permission, it's a privilege, not a right.

As far as revokable, don't you have to get permission to get legally divorced too? Isn't that a case of a marriage license being removed / revoked?
I dont get married to plan on getting divorced like so many. I'll cross that bridge if I ever have to.

To be fair, you said all kinds of dumb shit.


Well-Known Member
Do you see the narcissism?

Everyone knows killing isn't awesome, but then there are certain situations where we, as a society, decide that killing should be allowed. Most righties approve of the death penalty, so they've created a formula so when a certain situation occurs, they make an exemption. Then on the other side, lefties have also created a formula for a certain situation where there's an exemption.

So what you're saying is, over here on my side where a hundred million people think killing is okay for this, and over there where you have a hundred million people that think it's okay for that, but what you're doing is saying, "no, only my formula is okay. sure, there's the same number of people that approve of your idea, but you should listen to me, because my idea is the one you should all listen to.".

And do you realize that in order to protect your formula that's widely approved by society, that the best way to protect it is to allow other people to have their widely approved formula?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I dont get married to plan on getting divorced like so many. I'll cross that bridge if I ever have to.

To be fair, you said all kinds of dumb shit.
I'm not responsible for your low comprehension and inability to use extrapolative logic though.

To be fair, you never offered a rebuttal, just whining noises.


Well-Known Member
I'm not responsible for your low comprehension and inability to use extrapolative logic though.

To be fair, you never offered a rebuttal, just whining noises.
I actually did. It was to STFU because this truly isn't your fight, never was, still won't be if you go the Bruce Jenner route.

So yeah. I did.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
With today's technology you can track someones shopping habits and their travel with cell phones, that info is already being sold. How hard would it be to track a woman's menstrual cycle by her purchase of tampons/pads and see that stop and then she travels to a doctors office. If you think these religious nuts won't use that you're kidding yourself.

Cough cough.

Something something vaccine travel passports.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I actually did. It was to STFU because this truly isn't your fight, never was, still won't be if you go the Bruce Jenner route.

So yeah. I did.
As an aside about how many beers would it take for you to make out with Caitlyn Jenner ? She has kinda nice hair for such an old dude uh, person.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Michigan will REFUSE to prosecute any woman or her doctor for getting an abortion. Governor Gretchen Whitmer says she will "fight like hell" to protect a woman's right to choose in her state.
Yet, she wanted to make sure people were masked and locked down for a fake virus. Pretty funny.


Well-Known Member
When are you going to ban mixed race marriage, Supremes? It's not in the constitution. Is that uncomfortable for one of your own? I'm just asking questions. The American people deserve to know!
The anti-woman crowd needs to get a grip on a clue: the overthrow party doesn’t give a rat’s ass about women or abortion - they’re after UNENUMERATED RIGHTS as a *concept*.

Yes, that’s correct. Amyl Corner Burrette doesn’t even recognize the Ninth Amendment as part of the constitution, her ‘hearing’ exposed her complete unfamiliarity with and disinterest in our founding documents. Unless a right is EXPLICITLY spelled out in the constitution (bill of rights) it doesn’t exists and can’t be allowed.

That’s some *serious* “originalist“ thinking: SO original that the bill of rights doesn’t count as part of the constitution! Except for the Second: gotta be able to kill, after all. And the Tenth, of course - STATES’ rights uber alles, y’all….


Well-Known Member
Pretty stoked the chick's that like to fuck from all the surrounding states will be coming over.



Well-Known Member
Legal weed made shit weird, but guys, come on. We like to fuck, do drugs, and listen to music/party. That used to be sort of a unifying view. California had to go and make it weird with their conservatives that also happen to smoke weed, but damn.

I sure miss doing/buying/selling drugs as a great unifier.

Edit: forgot to include the point I was going to make. Eat shit motherfucker if you don't enjoy sex/drugs/rock-and-roll. Get the fuck out with this conservative Jesus shit. You aren't welcome and don't belong in my hedonist world. Muahahaha
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Well-Known Member
I can envision the travel industry creating express, and vacation packages. Fly in, have the procedure, fly out within 8 hours, or stay and go to Hollywood and Disneyland.


Well-Known Member
As America gets more like Russia, it will be treated like Russia, or at least some states will be. Maybe we should start mailing out abortion pills for free to American women in states with anti human rights laws... Then I suppose the next Republican congress will declare war on Canada and we will have another Ukraine.


Well-Known Member
I can envision the travel industry creating express, and vacation packages. Fly in, have the procedure, fly out within 8 hours, or stay and go to Hollywood and Disneyland.
People in Texas would sue and the SCOTUS would allow it, not so much Canada though! However a future republican congress could declare war on us for it, they do have that power, not the president. If Trump wanted it, they would declare war on Ukraine after the election, provided they won and Trump and his gang were not indicted for treason and sedition and even then...