Has it actually worked for them? Unfortunately it’s those people who are succumbing to the virus and yeah condolences to the ones who lost their lives but let’s be honest here, the flu was doing the exact same thing. Let’s also look at the rise in myocarditis in healthy teenagers and adults post vaccination. When you have fully vaxxed professional athletes who can no longer finish a game of the sport they’ve played their whole lives, people in the peak shape that could run circles around people like you and I, and they never had these issues prior to the shot there’s a problem with the shot. Any fool running out to get more when our seniors have already had 4 and continue to be the leading age of victims of Covid should have the slightest bit of intellect to realize it doesn’t work but your certainly lining the pockets of your leaders who are heavily invested in the markets. You’re just brainwashed to believe if you question it you don’t believe in science and you all fancy yourselves the epitome of refined logical minds when you’re no wiser than bob down the street. It’s laughable