Hold on to your hats libbys


Well-Known Member
New fear mongering just in from the liberal news machine, Covid cases rose by 4.1 million infections globally last week and our govts urging you to roll up your sleeve and get a 4th shot! This rise is 0.000532 of a percent on a global level so do you part, jab yourself again, strap on that mask and pray to your god that we don’t see a rise of 0.002% or were all royally fuckered. And you thought it was over….
New fear mongering just in from the liberal news machine, Covid cases rose by 4.1 million infections globally last week and our govts urging you to roll up your sleeve and get a 4th shot! This rise is 0.000532 of a percent on a global level so do you part, jab yourself again, strap on that mask and pray to your god that we don’t see a rise of 0.002% or were all royally fuckered. And you thought it was over….
Is this another example of a right wing troll telling us what 'the left' is thinking or doing?

You can get them both (Flue and Covid) done at once now. Are they free in Canada?

Yep and if you wait a bit they'll throw in a zap for the Monkey Pox too. 3 birds with one stone and another reason Canada always punches above it's weight class!

Gonna have to pay for that abortion tho if you can escape the US long enough to get to a friendly clinic. New ones opening at a border town near you soon!

Amazing that to Canadians and Yanks Libs are left and here in lefty land OZ Libs are right. (and lost the last federal election)
New fear mongering just in from the liberal news machine, Covid cases rose by 4.1 million infections globally last week and our govts urging you to roll up your sleeve and get a 4th shot! This rise is 0.000532 of a percent on a global level so do you part, jab yourself again, strap on that mask and pray to your god that we don’t see a rise of 0.002% or were all royally fuckered. And you thought it was over….
Yes, as you say, you don't have a clue. We already know that.

What you are demonstrating is that ignorant people are the most confident in their beliefs. Confident and wrong. That's right wing policy in a nutshell.
Yes, as you say, you don't have a clue. We already know that.

What you are demonstrating is that ignorant people are the most confident in their beliefs. Confident and wrong. That's right wing policy in a nutshell.
Or what I’m saying come on, exercise some common sense instead letting the “rising Covid cases, it could be deadlier than any other variant” talk not rule your life considering it’s under a tenth of a percent increase which is not in any way a reason to panic nor alert the masses to get more experimental serum injected in their bodies when scientists have no long term data on what exactly this “vaccine” does to humans. But hey feel free to ignore all that and blindly follow your dems and libs pleas to get more shots, it’s not like these rich politicians haven’t found a way to financially capitalize off of your blind subservience
Or what I’m saying come on, exercise some common sense instead letting the “rising Covid cases, it could be deadlier than any other variant” talk not rule your life considering it’s under a tenth of a percent increase which is not in any way a reason to panic nor alert the masses to get more experimental serum injected in their bodies when scientists have no long term data on what exactly this “vaccine” does to humans. But hey feel free to ignore all that and blindly follow your dems and libs pleas to get more shots, it’s not like these rich politicians haven’t found a way to financially capitalize off of your blind subservience
Your earlier posts, where you explained/justified your beliefs, were based on a falsehood. Not even close to reality. The person who is panicking over an imagined threat is you.

You really shouldn't make decisions on your own. You should check with your mommy before doing anything.
Your earlier posts, where you explained/justified your beliefs, were based on a falsehood. Not even close to reality. The person who is panicking over an imagined threat is you.

You really shouldn't make decisions on your own. You should check with your mommy before doing anything.
Grab your fourth booster and double mask up pal.
Would you iterate that phrase to someone who is diabetic , had a transplant, or is otherwise immunosuppressed? Tough guy.
Has it actually worked for them? Unfortunately it’s those people who are succumbing to the virus and yeah condolences to the ones who lost their lives but let’s be honest here, the flu was doing the exact same thing. Let’s also look at the rise in myocarditis in healthy teenagers and adults post vaccination. When you have fully vaxxed professional athletes who can no longer finish a game of the sport they’ve played their whole lives, people in the peak shape that could run circles around people like you and I, and they never had these issues prior to the shot there’s a problem with the shot. Any fool running out to get more when our seniors have already had 4 and continue to be the leading age of victims of Covid should have the slightest bit of intellect to realize it doesn’t work but your certainly lining the pockets of your leaders who are heavily invested in the markets. You’re just brainwashed to believe if you question it you don’t believe in science and you all fancy yourselves the epitome of refined logical minds when you’re no wiser than bob down the street. It’s laughable
Has it actually worked for them? Unfortunately it’s those people who are succumbing to the virus and yeah condolences to the ones who lost their lives but let’s be honest here, the flu was doing the exact same thing. Let’s also look at the rise in myocarditis in healthy teenagers and adults post vaccination. When you have fully vaxxed professional athletes who can no longer finish a game of the sport they’ve played their whole lives, people in the peak shape that could run circles around people like you and I, and they never had these issues prior to the shot there’s a problem with the shot. Any fool running out to get more when our seniors have already had 4 and continue to be the leading age of victims of Covid should have the slightest bit of intellect to realize it doesn’t work but your certainly lining the pockets of your leaders who are heavily invested in the markets. You’re just brainwashed to believe if you question it you don’t believe in science and you all fancy yourselves the epitome of refined logical minds when you’re no wiser than bob down the street. It’s laughable

You haven't got a clue what you're talking about.