Hold on to your hats libbys

Anyone who took that experiment will regret it eventually...go ahead and tell me I wear tin foil hats. Search for yourself how many young healthy adults have dropped dead lately. Oh well, RIP.
Has it actually worked for them? Unfortunately it’s those people who are succumbing to the virus and yeah condolences to the ones who lost their lives but let’s be honest here, the flu was doing the exact same thing. Let’s also look at the rise in myocarditis in healthy teenagers and adults post vaccination. When you have fully vaxxed professional athletes who can no longer finish a game of the sport they’ve played their whole lives, people in the peak shape that could run circles around people like you and I, and they never had these issues prior to the shot there’s a problem with the shot. Any fool running out to get more when our seniors have already had 4 and continue to be the leading age of victims of Covid should have the slightest bit of intellect to realize it doesn’t work but your certainly lining the pockets of your leaders who are heavily invested in the markets. You’re just brainwashed to believe if you question it you don’t believe in science and you all fancy yourselves the epitome of refined logical minds when you’re no wiser than bob down the street. It’s laughable
Nearly 44,000 unvaccinated US national guard troops could be penalized
The guard now has the lowest vaccination rate. While 97% of all active duty personnel in the army, navy, air force and marines are vaccinated, only 88.59% of national guard soldiers had received at least one dose as of 27 June.
Austin said unvaccinated guard members could face expulsion.
Has it actually worked for them? Unfortunately it’s those people who are succumbing to the virus and yeah condolences to the ones who lost their lives but let’s be honest here, the flu was doing the exact same thing. Let’s also look at the rise in myocarditis in healthy teenagers and adults post vaccination. When you have fully vaxxed professional athletes who can no longer finish a game of the sport they’ve played their whole lives, people in the peak shape that could run circles around people like you and I, and they never had these issues prior to the shot there’s a problem with the shot. Any fool running out to get more when our seniors have already had 4 and continue to be the leading age of victims of Covid should have the slightest bit of intellect to realize it doesn’t work but your certainly lining the pockets of your leaders who are heavily invested in the markets. You’re just brainwashed to believe if you question it you don’t believe in science and you all fancy yourselves the epitome of refined logical minds when you’re no wiser than bob down the street. It’s laughable

Ya but pre-plandemic.. they weren't pumping the flu patients full of remdesivir, and flooding out their lungs while they made 39k off each medicade patient who were on ventilators that were rushed out and tainted with ethylene oxide residuals (2 patients hooked to 1 one machine to increase profits BTW).
speed limits only work because most people chose to abide by them. Unvaxxed are the crazies you see on the hwy speeding & swerving from lane to lane endangering everyone on the road.
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New fear mongering just in from the liberal news machine, Covid cases rose by 4.1 million infections globally last week and our govts urging you to roll up your sleeve and get a 4th shot! This rise is 0.000532 of a percent on a global level so do you part, jab yourself again, strap on that mask and pray to your god that we don’t see a rise of 0.002% or were all royally fuckered. And you thought it was over….

There's no fear mongering. If you don't want to get another shot then don't. It's that simple. No need to whine about government recommending you get another shot. They're not forcing you to do anything so why do you care?

Most people have moved on from all of this anyway. They either get the shot or they didn't. Either way people are going about their lives. Why are you still clinging to yesterday's news cycle?
There's no fear mongering. If you don't want to get another shot then don't. It's that simple. No need to whine about government recommending you get another shot. They're not forcing you to do anything so why do you care?

Most people have moved on from all of this anyway. They either get the shot or they didn't. Either way people are going about their lives. Why are you still clinging to yesterday's news cycle?
Because Covid ain't going away.....too many people not wearing masks or getting vaccinated.
The charts show average new cases per 100,000 people for each state over the last year. In most cases, three waves are visible in these charts: last winter's surge, the delta wave of late summer, and the ongoing omicron wave. In many places the omicron wave has already passed the peak of either previous wave.
There's no fear mongering. If you don't want to get another shot then don't. It's that simple. No need to whine about government recommending you get another shot. They're not forcing you to do anything so why do you care?

Most people have moved on from all of this anyway. They either get the shot or they didn't. Either way people are going about their lives. Why are you still clinging to yesterday's news cycle?

Actually just a few months ago they wanted to fire me for not getting it...how can you ignore that fact? Now its just dust in the wind. Leftists have short memory and attention spans.
It happens every time ...

One moron admits to not being vaxxed, and several more come out of the woodwork to chime in with their bullshit! :roll:

Just like when you see one cockroach, several more show up soon.


How's Bob Saget doing after his experiment? How's the 6$ a gallon gas under your potato cult leader? Democrat voters are just honestly the lowest of the low. None of their insults mean anything. They voted for a geriatric who is destroying the country and they love it.