Is Biden really that bad?

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Just think of the millions of republicans that live in California that must know that their votes are all cancelled out by Democrats every 4 years. Kind of like being a republican in NY i guess. I don't understand why they don't all move....
they know if they ever all get together at the same time, we'll sedate them all and send them to the middle of the Sahara, or the bottom of the ocean..or hell...or w/e, just as long as they won't be able to find their way back
Just think of the millions of republicans that live in California that must know that their votes are all cancelled out by Democrats every 4 years. Kind of like being a republican in NY i guess. I don't understand why they don't all move....
Thats very true. Any republican vote in NY is pretty much a waste, but not enough reason to move. NY and California will always be democrat central.
You are hilariously uninformed.

Harris was elected Attorney General and the as a senator in a state that has the largest economy in America. As senator she sat on the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, Senate Judiciary Committee, and Senate Select Committee on Intelligence.

She is great at debating (made Pence look like a chump), and shit she even made Kavanaugh cry like a little spoiled brat he is.

But sure, you go with whatever one reason your little fragile ego thinks it is.

Your bigotry aside, she is also very highly qualified.

4 star admiral and a pediatrician, served as physician general, on and on.
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lmao at your bullshit sales tactic of repetition.

400k+ jobs added on average every month is not a sign of a recession.

But hey, that is just a distraction form the nepotism and minions that Trump and the Republicans appointed vs the highly qualified diverse cabinet that Biden and the Democrats have appointed to overcome the bullshit that was left that we all are continually having to deal with after the last dumpster fire that was Trump's presidency.
I am glad you think theyre qualified. I think he could have picked far better people, and not just based on race or weirdness. Funny he picked Kamala after she backed up Joes sexual accuser. Are you denying we are in a recession?
they know if they ever all get together at the same time, we'll sedate them all and send them to the middle of the Sahara, or the bottom of the ocean..or hell...or w/e, just as long as they won't be able to find their way back
we will do no such thing except in 4am revenge fantasies. That belongs to the fascists.
I am glad you think theyre qualified. I think he could have picked far better people, and not just based on race or weirdness.
Once again you ignore all relevant facts and just continue with your trolling like a good little propagandist. You are wrong, and will continue to be. Because you are just another in the endless lines of trolls pushing the right wing hate mongering narratives to try to keep Dear Leader's cult all angsty.

Funny he picked Kamala after she backed up Joes sexual accuser. Are you denying we are in a recession?
LMAO you are a fucking cuckhold for the Russian propaganda.

You really think we didn't see the Putin love note that lady wrote.

lol you are really bad at this. Outside of bumping stupid titled thread, you got nothing but regurgitated spam that is almost completely bullshit.

As for your repetitive troll of 'recession' scare mongering, yeah, we have no clue if we are in one right now or not because the economists studying the economy have not declared it yet. And why? Because of the robust consumer spending and extremely high levels of job growth. That is not something that occurs in a recession.
I am glad you think theyre qualified. I think he could have picked far better people, and not just based on race or weirdness. Funny he picked Kamala after she backed up Joes sexual accuser. Are you denying we are in a recession?
It's a difficult job restoring all the damage trump and Mitch McConnell did over 4 years. Give Joe a chance it's only been a little over 1 year....if we can get rid of Mitch things would improve much faster. Republicans in congress are trying their best to sink this country. Fight on Joe we are behind you 100%.
They give a limited number of free reads.

Basically, he had a meltdown at some interview with a tainted media outlet and spewed all the same falsehoods that @NYCBambu drones on about.

Speaking to the Washington Examiner, Donald Trump baselessly claimed on Friday that the January 6 investigation is an attempt by Democrats to take the heat off of Joe Biden, who, for those of you keeping up at home, is not the president who incited a violent riot in an attempt to overturn the results of a free and fair election. “It’s a disgrace, what’s going on. They’re using these things to try and get people’s minds off how incompetently our country is being run. And they don’t care. They’ll go after children,” Trump complained. Speaking of his eldest children as though they were (1) not full-grown adults and (2) hadn’t been given senior positions both in the White House and at the Trump Organization, the ex-president moaned about the panel: “It’s a very unfair situation for my children. Very, very unfair. They are using whatever powers they have. They couldn’t care less. They are vicious people.” He also, for the zillionth time, claimed Attorney General Letitia James’s investigation of the Trump family business is politically motivated, saying, “She campaigned on a whole issue of ‘I’ll get Trump. I’ll get Trump.’ And that’s all it was.”

It was written in Jan '22. Given how good the June jobs report is, how leading indicators are flashing decreasing inflation and how the stock markets are responding, with nearly 10% rise in market valuations, his claims about "incompetently our country is being run" didn't age well. Lulz at how he talks of his 40 YO daughter and sons are children. I dunno, maybe she is.

None of this rant held up well over time.

That's the thing about lies vs facts. Facts don't need maintenance. They remain the same over time. Lies require constant maintenance and they change constantly. Just look at the crap @NYCBambu blathers on about. Or the rant that Trump had during that interview. In light of the facts both of them look silly. Which is why they keep trying to draw the blinders.
They give a limited number of free reads.

Basically, he had a meltdown at some interview with a tainted media outlet and spewed all the same falsehoods that @NYCBambu drones on about.

Speaking to the Washington Examiner, Donald Trump baselessly claimed on Friday that the January 6 investigation is an attempt by Democrats to take the heat off of Joe Biden, who, for those of you keeping up at home, is not the president who incited a violent riot in an attempt to overturn the results of a free and fair election. “It’s a disgrace, what’s going on. They’re using these things to try and get people’s minds off how incompetently our country is being run. And they don’t care. They’ll go after children,” Trump complained. Speaking of his eldest children as though they were (1) not full-grown adults and (2) hadn’t been given senior positions both in the White House and at the Trump Organization, the ex-president moaned about the panel: “It’s a very unfair situation for my children. Very, very unfair. They are using whatever powers they have. They couldn’t care less. They are vicious people.” He also, for the zillionth time, claimed Attorney General Letitia James’s investigation of the Trump family business is politically motivated, saying, “She campaigned on a whole issue of ‘I’ll get Trump. I’ll get Trump.’ And that’s all it was.”

It was written in Jan '22. Given how good the June jobs report is, how leading indicators are flashing decreasing inflation and how the stock markets are responding, with nearly 10% rise in market valuations, his claims about "incompetently our country is being run" didn't age well. Lulz at how he talks of his 40 YO daughter and sons are children. I dunno, maybe she is.

None of this rant held up well over time.

That's the thing about lies vs facts. Facts don't need maintenance. They remain the same over time. Lies require constant maintenance and they change constantly. Just look at the crap @NYCBambu blathers on about. Or the rant that Trump had during that interview. In light of the facts both of them look silly. Which is why they keep trying to draw the blinders.
Thanks. I bias-checked the Examiner. Yeah.
well, in trump's defense, most of those investigations ARE aimed at him...guess it's a lot easier to not meddle in investigations if you haven't given anyone a reason to investigate you.... :lol:
Joe's son is being investigated for a tax violation. Not a peep from Joe. Garland confirms there will be no interference. Can you imagine what Trump would have done in a similar situation? Oh, wait
By looking at the top notch people that he has appointed. Unlike Trump who appointed lackeys, Biden has appointed highly qualified people in roles that they are suited for.

What a stellar team Biden has assembled to address the US's problems after Trump left it in ruins.

President Joe Biden. What a wonderful thing to say. Sounds clean and free from corruption.
What a stellar team Biden has assembled to address the US's problems after Trump left it in ruins.

President Joe Biden. What a wonderful thing to say. Sounds clean and free from corruption.
If qualified means giving hormone blockers to children, yes he is qualified.
They give a limited number of free reads.

Basically, he had a meltdown at some interview with a tainted media outlet and spewed all the same falsehoods that @NYCBambu drones on about.

Speaking to the Washington Examiner, Donald Trump baselessly claimed on Friday that the January 6 investigation is an attempt by Democrats to take the heat off of Joe Biden, who, for those of you keeping up at home, is not the president who incited a violent riot in an attempt to overturn the results of a free and fair election. “It’s a disgrace, what’s going on. They’re using these things to try and get people’s minds off how incompetently our country is being run. And they don’t care. They’ll go after children,” Trump complained. Speaking of his eldest children as though they were (1) not full-grown adults and (2) hadn’t been given senior positions both in the White House and at the Trump Organization, the ex-president moaned about the panel: “It’s a very unfair situation for my children. Very, very unfair. They are using whatever powers they have. They couldn’t care less. They are vicious people.” He also, for the zillionth time, claimed Attorney General Letitia James’s investigation of the Trump family business is politically motivated, saying, “She campaigned on a whole issue of ‘I’ll get Trump. I’ll get Trump.’ And that’s all it was.”

It was written in Jan '22. Given how good the June jobs report is, how leading indicators are flashing decreasing inflation and how the stock markets are responding, with nearly 10% rise in market valuations, his claims about "incompetently our country is being run" didn't age well. Lulz at how he talks of his 40 YO daughter and sons are children. I dunno, maybe she is.

None of this rant held up well over time.

That's the thing about lies vs facts. Facts don't need maintenance. They remain the same over time. Lies require constant maintenance and they change constantly. Just look at the crap @NYCBambu blathers on about. Or the rant that Trump had during that interview. In light of the facts both of them look silly. Which is why they keep trying to draw the blinders.
Falsehoods like record inflation, record high gas prices? Highest number of border arrests, that kind of falsehood? Of course. You see what you want to see but the numbers dont lie. Joe Biden has run this country into a recession. Dummies voted with hate instead of common sense, and now we are paying the price. Does anybody deny we are in a recession? Can anybody name one good thing Joe has done? If diversity is a category, ok I will surrender that. Joe knows how to choose people based on color and gender. Great skill.
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It's a difficult job restoring all the damage trump and Mitch McConnell did over 4 years. Give Joe a chance it's only been a little over 1 year....if we can get rid of Mitch things would improve much faster. Republicans in congress are trying their best to sink this country. Fight on Joe we are behind you 100%.
Damage like energy independence, stable borders, and cheap gas. Lowest unemployment in 50 years, strong stock market, positive growth, and stable inflation. Lowest black unemployment too. Trump did more for blacks than Obama. Yeah Trump was rough.

So far, Joe gets credit for having the most diverse panel of misfits, leading the way towards recession with their global warming nonsense. Can you name one tiny island lost, due to global warming? How about a stretch of land? A beach head? Anything? 20 years ago Al Gore said Florida would be gone in 20 years.
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