Is Biden really that bad?

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Well-Known Member
"dad, how come we don't have enough gas to go on our trip this year?"

"mommy, why is that crazy guy on the sidewalk swinging a hatchet again?" * the same guy that was let out of jail 10 times.

Kids don't ask these questions? lol
I have no idea what point you are trying to make.

Regarding pay for police and firefighters. This is a good graphic, which is why I chose it but there are plenty of other summaries of pay in other cities and those two categories rate pretty high. Are you saying that 300,000+ in total wages isn't enough? If not, what are you trying to say?



Well-Known Member
Do I dispute your feels? Yeah, I guess I do.

View attachment 5173334

Not everyone drives and doesn't need/want to spend hours waiting to pay for a id they will never use. That is why voting id requirements are bullshit and favor the white people who were able to flee to the suburbs in the post ww2 era with all that government loans paid for by the rich (you know, the ones minorities were unable to take advantage of).
What is it that you dispute exactly? Why is it so hard for a black man to get an ID? If I was black I would be insulted that you implied such a thing. And dont you realize our voting system is a free for all without ID? Is that what you really want? Without election integrity we have nothing in this country.


Well-Known Member
Damage like energy independence, stable borders, and cheap gas. Lowest unemployment in 50 years, strong stock market, positive growth, and stable inflation. Lowest black unemployment too. Trump did more for blacks than Obama. Yeah Trump was rough.

So far, Joe gets credit for having the most diverse panel of misfits, leading the way towards recession with their global warming nonsense. Can you name one tiny island lost, due to global warming? How about a stretch of land? A beach head? Anything? 20 years ago Al Gore said Florida would be gone in 20 years.
I live in California and drive an electric car. I believe in science and climate change. Is your world round or flat?

Drop That Sound

Well-Known Member
I did a few times way back in the day. But I wasn't carpet surfing for crumbles of cheese.. It was sesame seeds. Lol, whack shit. I hope Joe forgives his son for wanting to escape reality..

Drop That Sound

Well-Known Member
I'm not out there doing that, because I'm hiding in the woods most the time, waiting for Joe to build back better. Then, I'll come back into society and be productive towards it.

According to you guys that shouldn't be long? Its going so well.

Drop That Sound

Well-Known Member
I could put on a mask and cape, and do it anyway. People will poay more to watch me fight crime and fires on you tube than they would anyway..


Well-Known Member
Do you understand climate change is about a 1.5 degree swing over 100 years?
I would try to explain how much of an impact 1.5 degree change will have on our world but it wouldn't matter to you because you are only interested in today. Forward thinkers have a different view than the self centered only thinking of themselves. If I'm driving a car and see that it's heading for a brick wall I don't feel compelled to hit the accelerator and speed up. pumping the brakes makes more sense to me giving us a little more time to take evasive action. Our children will curse our legacy...
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