Is Biden really that bad?

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Yeah, like human caused climate change. After reviewing the evidence, that is.

And, theft can be proven. In fact theft has to be proven before a person can be convicted of a crime. God damn you are stupid.

Still though, by your standard every concern should be treated as real. A whole new world every day.
If I don’t find my car in the driveway in the morning, it might still be parked at the saloon. Time to take a hangover for a long walk.
You are the one dumb enough to think people wont cheat. I dont even believe you, nobody could be that dumb.
People do cheat. But it's a tiny fraction of the vote. Some get caught too. fact

Speaking of crazy ass beliefs that by your standard should have a law, What about

The Government’s Hidden Agenda: A Look Inside Chemtrails

It is believed by some that contrails, or a trail of condensed water from an aircraft at high altitude, are chemtrails that contain chemicals made to harm humans. These chemicals are supposedly put in these jets by the government for various goals such as for profit solar radiation management, weather modification, mind control, human population control, and biological warfare, that is they are causing respiratory and other health problems.

There ought to be a law.
People do cheat. But it's a tiny fraction of the vote. Some get caught too. fact

Speaking of crazy ass beliefs that by your standard should have a law, What about

The Government’s Hidden Agenda: A Look Inside Chemtrails

It is believed by some that contrails, or a trail of condensed water from an aircraft at high altitude, are chemtrails that contain chemicals made to harm humans. These chemicals are supposedly put in these jets by the government for various goals such as for profit solar radiation management, weather modification, mind control, human population control, and biological warfare, that is they are causing respiratory and other health problems.

There ought to be a law.
spoke to a neighbor on a nice day. A few old contrails slowly getting wide. He started in on that. I was as gentle as I could manage when I disagreed.

The failure of publishing ethics is damaging us at a level that matters.

If a smallish (a mile?) asteroid were spotted in 1975 with a certain impact in five years, we would have probably pulled together hard to rise to the need. Nationally for sure, and perhaps globally.

If a match for that asteroid were announced today, the hurricane of woo and cries of hoax! would be where much of that energy would be squandered.
. . . . . . . . . . . . What did Biden give us? Highest inflation in 40 years. Highest overdose death toll on record. More dead on drugs than covid.
It's even worse than you think. The Biden "policies" have cause high rates of inflation in every single country on earth with the exceptions of Russia, China and Japan. And everyone knows you can't trust the numbers out of Russia and China, and that Japan has struggled with deflation for years. So in fact, Joe Biden's "policies" has caused inflation everywhere.

We are up to 100K overdose deaths a year. But math. (covid has killed 1M)

On that note, there is a book coming out about the drug industry using GOP congress people to get the top watchdog fired from DEA because he was hurting their profits. He told the congress folks that they had blood on their hands, and they filed that as a threat, so were able to get him fired. But he has been the star witness in many of the civil trails. The e-mails came out in the court cases show the drug dealers joking about folks getting addicted. But yea, it's all Joe Rob's fault.
Tucker should feel more threatened by his fellow citizens and his own suckers, especially after he turns on Trump, as he must. Foxnews won't carry this much, it would not be seen many times, content analysis of foxnews is revealing, somethings are covered a lot and some not at all. It is one of several ways foxnews biases their news content, their opinion content is removed from reality and important issues. This is not controversial folks, he was a viscous cocksucker with buckets of blood on his hands, they violated the agreement and would have to whine about someone who wasn't suppose to be there. As soon as Obama found Osama he snuffed him, same for Joe with this guy, only cleaner and more high tech.

The propaganda people at foxnews are having trouble generating a narrative and it just looks like fucking treason to me

Trump's Fox News Nightmare: Anchor Touts 'Huge Win' For Biden As Carlson Gets Emotional
150,744 views Aug 2, 2022 As President Joe Biden announces the killing of Al-Qaeda leader and 9/11 plotter, some within Fox are downplaying the news. One host calling it Biden’s “Bin Laden” moment, while Sean Hannity says the US is “less safe.” Ari Melber reports on the split within Fox News on the international policy reality, as well as support for Trump. Plus, Tucker Carlson gets emotional, saying Biden killing 9/11 leader doesn’t make him “feel” safer.
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Sure, if you like paying double at the pump its great.
Yes. I want everyone to pay double. If we could only treat gas like tobacco, we could really reduce the use. I would start at two bucks a gallon tax. With the understanding it would go up ten cent every year. Soon moms driving six thousand pounds trucks to get a gallon of milk and dozen eggs will be a thing of the past. I want kids to learn about SUV's in museums.
It's even worse than you think. The Biden "policies" have cause high rates of inflation in every single country on earth with the exceptions of Russia, China and Japan. And everyone knows you can't trust the numbers out of Russia and China, and that Japan has struggled with deflation for years. So in fact, Joe Biden's "policies" has caused inflation everywhere.

We are up to 100K overdose deaths a year. But math. (covid has killed 1M)

On that note, there is a book coming out about the drug industry using GOP congress people to get the top watchdog fired from DEA because he was hurting their profits. He told the congress folks that they had blood on their hands, and they filed that as a threat, so were able to get him fired. But he has been the star witness in many of the civil trails. The e-mails came out in the court cases show the drug dealers joking about folks getting addicted. But yea, it's all Joe Rob's fault.
@NYCBambu walks the Q party line and expects people to believe whatever he says without any hard facts to corroborate his statements or conclusions. I don't say that without justification. Look at his rants he uses to justify voter suppression. It's all belief. Spun out of thin air.

This is what the mainstream Republican Party has degraded into. It's a good thing most of them are retired. They can't make it in today's world.
Yes he did, Biden changed the law on immigration, says anyone can seek asylum. Thats why we are seeing record numbers. . . . .
The law has always said anyone can seek asylum. trumpf used covid to stop it for a while. Joe Rob kept the trumpf policy in place much too long to suit most folks. And when he tried to lift it, trumpf judges said that covid was too bad to. That's ironic, no?

Climate change is going to mean more and more migrants. Folks will be leaving our southwest as well.
Funny but none of that sounds like anything good Joe has done. Not even remotely close in any way. Surely you can google something good he has done.
I googled going out without your makeup and look what turned up. Pretty scary. I guess the one thing that Joe Rob can do that trumpf can't is not frighten folks with his looks. Not a big thing to thinking people, but lots of folks are pretty rough on ugly people, so he might have serious political problems ahead.

Spending is the last thing you want to do during a recession, thats why inflation is so high.
Finally someone who understands economics. We need to stop with the damn Amazon already. Just wait a month before buying your next order. The supply chain will have a chance to catch up, and prices will start to drop. This is so simple, I don't know why someone isn't doing something to get folks to spend less. Oh wait, they did raise interest rates. So that will work. It would be better if people would just do it on their own.
Joe should have met with American oil execs to discuss this, but he missed the last meeting. He instead begs OPEC for more oil. Meanwhile, we would not need anybodys oil if Joe had not launched a war against American energy. Only a short time ago we had energy independence for the first time. Now in one short year we have seen record highs in gas, inflation, illegal immigration. Skyrocketing crime and murder rates too, not record highs though.
I'm sure you know all this and are only playing the dumb troll part. But in case you are not, here goes. We are still a net exporter of oil. The oil market is global, so when there is a shortage due to Russia's war in Ukraine, the price goes up for everyone. We have reached our limit refining oil. Or so the oil companies claim. They have made record profit since Russian oil went off the market and prices jumped. Do you remember the week China locked down several big cites due to covid and the price of oil fell 30%? Do you remember how much gas prices fell that week? 4%. It makes you wonder just how much profit is enough for these people.

His so called war on oil has been to kill a pipeline deal that would have brought Canadian tar-sands oil to the Tx gulf coast so it could be shipped to China. A pipeline that was to be complete many years in the future. And he also took back some unused leases so they could be resold to folks who would actually drill on them.

People here read. The bullshit you try to spread will not work where there is knowledgeable folks. You would be better off talking to a bunch of dummies somewhere else. (assuming you are trying to spread you disinformation to as many folks as possible)
It will be interesting to see the results of BC’s move to decriminalize small (2.5 grams) amounts of most drugs starting in 2023.
Homelessness will soar to record highs (more than it is), and the streets will be flooded with junkies, shitting all over the sidewalks, and stabbing nearby business owners in the neck. Everyone's sons and daughters will start OD'ing way more often.

That's what they did in many places in the US, and now all those cities are f'ing shit holes.
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