He is 40 working construction. I have everything I need so does he with my help.
Can't really say anything to him because he does plenty for us. Like yesterday he was working on our Washer.
some months back mine helped me change the clutch in my tractor,it took three of them about 4 hours to change it out, they kept telling me to back up out of the way,then it did'nt want to go back together,i had 'em loosen the clutch then ,i got everything lined up, and had to step back agin. too slow plus too old.And i'm not 70 yet just pushin' it.hell i was changing points , key switches and blower motors, heater hoses , fan belts ,brake shoes( dad had a garage back in the day) , by the time i was 7 years old, i could lay on top of the motor and change points and plugs.can't really fuss at them ,they all work good jobs, and help there mom and i , so i cant fuss.they don't do any drugs ,not even smoke , is one reason, so far i have one lot beside me for a house or a trailor ,water and septic already on the lot.the oldest already has his own place Sorry for the rant!