Yet another brick in the wall of bullshit - no different from the ‘ammo’ they’ve been making up, stapling together and passing out for decades; the irony is those weapons ONLY work on gullible, inexperienced ‘fraidy-cats who need support from others like them - y’know, the ones who feel safest in a mob of fellow dupes.
This will just push the MAGA-hats closer to the ice wall, which will heighten their fear of falling off the fucking planet, but only the ones who *already* believe such crap will be harmed: “Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free” (h/t to cannabineer)...though I suppose there’s a sort of freedom in landing hard in a puddle of srawberry jelly, too
Cannabineer, how many times did you have to type your nom before auto-‘correct’ stopped messing with it?