
With the Russian city and major supply hub of Belgorod in Ukrainian artillery range, just north of Kharkiv, this invites retaliation. Many rockets were fired at Kharkiv from Belgorod and it is a major supply and transport hub for the Russian army in Ukraine.

If this video is true, then using this shit on civilian targets is a war crime.

Using phosphorus on SOLDIERS is a war crime….
CO-FOUNDER with Syd Barrett - who was more than simply ‘replaced’ by David Gilmour

Roger, you’ve done great work (and awful work)…but your stance on NATO is both naive & uninformed
He's been called an idiot about his views enough you'd think he would start educating himself on the subject and more. It is the people who live on the ground who make the calls these days, not some fucking emperor in Moscow. WTF is Russia to tell another country what they can and cannot do? Waters thinks in terms of empires drawing lines on maps, not in terms of the people living there and their wishes and dreams.

The problem with being a pacifist is someone will punch you in the face take your shit and kick you out of your house, unless you depend on the violence of the police to do your dirty work for you, same goes for the military. Warlords still exist, look no further than Putin and they will make them slaves or surfs, pacifism does not work with neighborhood bullies and criminals or with nations. Non violent resolution and negotiations work between parties with good will, but the world is full of narcists and psychopaths who often run countries. It was this kind of mental illness that brought you Hitler, Stalin, Saddam, Trump and a host of others, the scum often rises to the top.
Putin ally calls Russian retreat in Ukraine ‘astounding’

The leader of Chechnya is criticizing the Russian army as it loses occupied territory to a Ukrainian counteroffensive.
“It’s a very interesting situation. It’s astounding, I would say,” Ramzan Kadyrov said Sunday in an audio message on the platform Telegram, according to translations from The Guardian.

An ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin, Kadyrov noted that Russian forces “have made mistakes” and will likely “draw the necessary conclusions” after Ukraine pushed them into retreat.

Ukraine said it ousted Russian forces from the occupied territories to the northeastern border as Russian strikes caused power outages across the country.

Kadyrov’s criticisms come as nearly 30 Russian municipal deputies signed a petition calling for Putin to resign.

Moscow is known for cracking down hard on dissent and has criminalized what it calls “fake news” about the invasion of Ukraine. Putin has yet to respond to Russia’s unexpected retreat over the weekend or to Kadyrov’s comments.

Kadyrov, appointed by Putin to lead the Russian North Caucasus republic, was sanctioned by the U.S. in 2020 for human rights abuses.
CO-FOUNDER with Syd Barrett - who was more than simply ‘replaced’ by David Gilmour

Roger, you’ve done great work (and awful work)…but your stance on NATO is both naive & uninformed

I was wrong about him. In an earlier interview/debate about Ukraine, I interpreted Waters' views as naive but centered upon a belief that peace with Russia is in the best interests of everybody, including the people of Ukraine. I thought Waters was mistaking Putin's invasion as a defense of Russia.

But I read his letter and he is all that his critics say he is.

Sadly, your old man agreed to those totalitarian, anti-democratic dismissals of the will of the Ukrainian people, and the forces of extreme nationalism that had lurked, malevolent, in the shadows, have, since then, ruled the Ukraine. They have, also since then, crossed any number of red lines that had been set out quite clearly over a number of years by your neighbors the Russian Federation and in consequence they, the extreme nationalists, have set your country on the path to this disastrous war.

Wow. Just, wow. Waters drank the Kool-Aid. Just like Trumpers in the US, who point at a tiny number of people as if they represent an entire group, Waters is pointing at the few in Ukraine who want Russian hegemony as "the will of the Ukrainian people". Then he doubles down with grievance politics. "Crossed red lines set out by Russia". As if Ukraine was not an independent nation and free to determine it's own policies. Water's words are the those of an authoritarian follower.

I never liked the music he made after leaving Pink Floyd either. I found it small and without imagination.
He's been called an idiot about his views enough you'd think he would start educating himself on the subject and more. It is the people who live on the ground who make the calls these days, not some fucking emperor in Moscow. WTF is Russia to tell another country what they can and cannot do? Waters thinks in terms of empires drawing lines on maps, not in terms of the people living there and their wishes and dreams.

The problem with being a pacifist is someone will punch you in the face take your shit and kick you out of your house, unless you depend on the violence of the police to do your dirty work for you, same goes for the military. Warlords still exist, look no further than Putin and they will make them slaves or surfs, pacifism does not work with neighborhood bullies and criminals or with nations. Non violent resolution and negotiations work between parties with good will, but the world is full of narcists and psychopaths who often run countries. It was this kind of mental illness that brought you Hitler, Stalin, Saddam, Trump and a host of others, the scum often rises to the top.
If he were simply a naive pacifist, he'd give equal time to criticism of Russia. In his letter, he defends Putin's decision to invade as something like a father correcting his child. He says Putin was justified for invading because Ukraine crossed too many red lines laid down by Putin. Like a the friend of a wife beater who blames his friend's wife for the broken ribs.
Using phosphorus on SOLDIERS is a war crime….

The Jus in Bello of White Phosphorus: Getting the Law Correct
White phosphorus munitions are per se a lawful weapon that can be used against the enemy consistent with the normal laws of targeting. However, white phosphorus munitions, like any lawful weapon, can be used in numerous unlawful manners, such as to specifically target civilians or launch attacks indiscriminately. Focusing on the weapon, and not how it is being used, muddies the law and facts surrounding the circumstances in which a war crime may have occurred. This may ultimately make the actual war crimes harder to identify and prosecute. To that end, this post details the “black-letter” law of white phosphorus, firmly establishing it as a lawful weapon under the law of armed conflict (LOAC), and addresses the common misunderstandings of this weapon under the LOAC.
If he were simply a naive pacifist, he'd give equal time to criticism of Russia. In his letter, he defends Putin's decision to invade as something like a father correcting his child. He says Putin was justified for invading because Ukraine crossed too many red lines laid down by Putin. Like a the friend of a wife beater who blames his friend's wife for the broken ribs.
Appeasement never worked with Hitler or Putin, Donbas and Crimea are proof of that. In the case of Europe it was selling them down the river for Russian oil, until Putin went for the whole country. A war of attrition is just what we want, bleed them white slowly without provoking nukes, a longer war will only mean deeper destruction of the Russian economy and infrastructure. We don't want Europe to go back to Russian energy anytime soon, we want a transition away from it. The smart people in Ukraine don't want a long war, but know that the destruction of the Russian military and economy is their best long term security.
Putin ally calls Russian retreat in Ukraine ‘astounding’

The leader of Chechnya is criticizing the Russian army as it loses occupied territory to a Ukrainian counteroffensive.
“It’s a very interesting situation. It’s astounding, I would say,” Ramzan Kadyrov said Sunday in an audio message on the platform Telegram, according to translations from The Guardian.

An ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin, Kadyrov noted that Russian forces “have made mistakes” and will likely “draw the necessary conclusions” after Ukraine pushed them into retreat.

Ukraine said it ousted Russian forces from the occupied territories to the northeastern border as Russian strikes caused power outages across the country.

Kadyrov’s criticisms come as nearly 30 Russian municipal deputies signed a petition calling for Putin to resign.

Moscow is known for cracking down hard on dissent and has criminalized what it calls “fake news” about the invasion of Ukraine. Putin has yet to respond to Russia’s unexpected retreat over the weekend or to Kadyrov’s comments.

Kadyrov, appointed by Putin to lead the Russian North Caucasus republic, was sanctioned by the U.S. in 2020 for human rights abuses.
mene mene tekel parsin
okay where is that tiny violin at, look who's crying......

you hope that when people see the truth, the can recognize it, but that seems to not be the case, all too often. i can't even say that the russians are particularly stupid as a race, America just went through 4 years of a trump presidency, and 2 more years of him being a whining cunt, all the while stealing classified documents to sell once he was out of office, lying about it, and now trying to say it's a "minor records error"...
it appears that about 40% of the entire planet is dumb, and of that 40%, about half are just fucking stupid.
it actually makes perfect sense, the median I.Q. is 100...that means half of the population is above that number, and half is below...
it just seems kind of odd that 90% of the stupid people in the country are republicans, when statistically it ought to be about 50% of them. this can only mean that being a republican is more attractive to stupid people...and that is not a snarky comment, it is following a logical progression. it just really seems wrong that we allow people who put absolutely no effort into understanding what they're deciding, and who wouldn't understand it if they did apply any effort, to make decisions that effect the entire country...