
Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Just how is putin going to enforce this annexation? the typical russian tactic is to saturation bomb an area and then post men on top of the rubble. I'm not sure they have enough munitions, weapons to fire them through, or men to run them, to do that for very long...
300,00 men is a pretty good sized army, but they don't want to be there, many are out of shape, alcoholics, old...they're all out of practice, and the training they're getting is a joke. they get shitty gear, and don't know how to use most of it.
and that is if he can get 300,000 men to cooperate long enough to attack anything. i'm expecting a lot of them to surrender at the first opportunity, and some may frag their leaders on the way out to buy time...
this "mobilization" has been a disaster so far, and i just don't see him being able to do it again, without open revolt...he would be drafting grandpas and middle school students.


Well-Known Member
Just how is putin going to enforce this annexation? the typical russian tactic is to saturation bomb an area and then post men on top of the rubble. I'm not sure they have enough munitions, weapons to fire them through, or men to run them, to do that for very long...
300,00 men is a pretty good sized army, but they don't want to be there, many are out of shape, alcoholics, old...they're all out of practice, and the training they're getting is a joke. they get shitty gear, and don't know how to use most of it.
and that is if he can get 300,000 men to cooperate long enough to attack anything. i'm expecting a lot of them to surrender at the first opportunity, and some may frag their leaders on the way out to buy time...
this "mobilization" has been a disaster so far, and i just don't see him being able to do it again, without open revolt...he would be drafting grandpas and middle school students.
Just how is putin going to enforce this annexation? the typical russian tactic is to saturation bomb an area and then post men on top of the rubble. I'm not sure they have enough munitions, weapons to fire them through, or men to run them, to do that for very long...
300,00 men is a pretty good sized army, but they don't want to be there, many are out of shape, alcoholics, old...they're all out of practice, and the training they're getting is a joke. they get shitty gear, and don't know how to use most of it.
and that is if he can get 300,000 men to cooperate long enough to attack anything. i'm expecting a lot of them to surrender at the first opportunity, and some may frag their leaders on the way out to buy time...
this "mobilization" has been a disaster so far, and i just don't see him being able to do it again, without open revolt...he would be drafting grandpas and middle school students.
Zelenski offered them refuge and anonymity. Only positive I see. And a better than putt putts plan.

I'd betting people close to him are planning short highrise one way flights to promote his draining of real russian powers income.


Well-Known Member
Just how is putin going to enforce this annexation? the typical russian tactic is to saturation bomb an area and then post men on top of the rubble. I'm not sure they have enough munitions, weapons to fire them through, or men to run them, to do that for very long...
300,00 men is a pretty good sized army, but they don't want to be there, many are out of shape, alcoholics, old...they're all out of practice, and the training they're getting is a joke. they get shitty gear, and don't know how to use most of it.
and that is if he can get 300,000 men to cooperate long enough to attack anything. i'm expecting a lot of them to surrender at the first opportunity, and some may frag their leaders on the way out to buy time...
this "mobilization" has been a disaster so far, and i just don't see him being able to do it again, without open revolt...he would be drafting grandpas and middle school students.
All this carnage between fellow Slavic nations who share much kinship is 1 man's war,the Russian nation has taken a tremendous hit with the absolute brutality and cruelty with which this war has been conducted,regular Russians are now saddled w/this image of barbarians that will take generations to repair if even possible.Gas pipeline sabotage surely done by Russian military(submarine or frogmen),Putin has no way out and is doubling down because he can't take the hit for this debacle,pretty ironic in US one man destroys his country internally for His benefit and in Russia one man destroys his country externally for His benefit. Russia quickly needs to come to the conclusion that Putin has to go and fast,it's the only sane way for Russia to end this and pin most of the blame on one man to begin the long road back to some kind of respectability which will be a incredibly arduous task involving reparation,co-operation w/tribunals,sincere regret and apologies, and the gargantuan task of Ukraine being able to forgive.


Well-Known Member
I agree Canada. What are you guys doing for the cause? I'd like to see a Balance Sheet.
We have been contributing in proportion to America and everybody else we sent M777s, ammo, and tons of weapons and other equipment. We've also been training Ukrainians and had 200 trainers there when the war broke out, they set up shop and expanded in Poland. We also sent cash, but eastern European countries who lived under the Russians are giving more of everything than most.

The idea here is to have a slower war to destroy the Russian army and economy, also it will keep Europeans away from Russian oil, collapse their economy and get rid of Putin. The idea is not to spook Vlad, so he runs away or uses nukes in panic. We want the Russian army and its irreplaceable military equipment like tanks, planes, drones, and other stuff destroyed or captured. We don't want peace; we want Vlad gone from all of Ukraine and the Russian army and economy destroyed. The situation for the Russians is dire and they are about to suffer a serious of catastrophic defeats in Ukraine, the balance of power there and in the entire region has changed.


Well-Known Member
Only an idiot would be in Russia at this point, unless they were a journalist or diplomat, everyone draftable under 35 is running out of Russia like rats and mice from an old barn on fire. Vlad is reluctant to keep them from leaving since some will end up causing big trouble at home, or they will shoot their officers in Ukraine and surrender en mass. The Ukrainians are offering better terms than Putin and cash rewards for military equipment. They are hammering the Russians with psychological warfare now, broadcasting on their CB era 1980's unencrypted radios and on local commercial radio. This new hoard of very reluctant and poorly equipped warriors has rock bottom morale and is digging bedrock furiously.
I agree with this tactic. Tbh, they should start broadcasting that there is a bounty on putin's head. The people of Russia need to topple him.

"Tired of fake McDonald's knockoff shit, throw putin from a window and free quarter pounders for all."

"*but the metric system...Royale with cheese?" "Fine, just appease Ronalds blood lust, his hair isn't red for nothing.


Well-Known Member
Russian Troops Face ‘Imminent Defeat’ in East Ukraine Supply Hub
Russian forces face “imminent defeat” to advancing Ukrainian soldiers in a key supply hub in eastern Ukraine, threatening Russian positions elsewhere and potentially undermining morale further, observers said Thursday.

Russian military bloggers said Ukrainian troops advanced west, north and northeast of the Donetsk region town of Lyman on Wednesday. Russian troops captured Lyman, which had a pre-war population of 20,000, in the third month of the invasion in May.

“From a staging point on the right bank of the Oskil River, the Ukrainian command continues the offensive aimed at reaching Svatove and encircling Lyman,” said Rybar, a pro-war Telegram channel that shares daily reports to 800,000 of its followers, in an English-language update.

A key railway juncture, Lyman could be used as a gateway for Ukrainian forces' counteroffensive to continue advancing further east without losing momentum before winter.

“The collapse of the Lyman pocket will likely be highly consequential to the Russian grouping in northern Donetsk and western Luhansk,” the Institute for the Study of War (ISW) said in a daily update.

The Russian Defense Ministry’s failure to address these losses “will likely further reduce already-low Russian morale,” it added.
In a daily briefing Wednesday, the Defense Ministry's spokesman claimed that Ukraine’s offensive on Lyman had failed and that 70 Ukrainian soldiers were killed.

Rybar, however, noted that the Ukrainian forces’ manpower “allows the enemy to suffer heavy losses without reducing the onslaught” on Russian and pro-Russian positions.

Lyman’s capture would also likely complicate Russia’s imminent annexation of Donetsk and Luhansk in the east, as well as Zaporizhzhia and Kherson in the south, following referendums that Kyiv and its Western allies denounce as a sham.
The Kremlin said this week that the goal of the Russian offensive in Ukraine was to “at least” capture eastern Ukraine.

I agree Canada. What are you guys doing for the cause? I'd like to see a Balance Sheet.


Ursus marijanus
Russian Troops Face ‘Imminent Defeat’ in East Ukraine Supply Hub
Russian forces face “imminent defeat” to advancing Ukrainian soldiers in a key supply hub in eastern Ukraine, threatening Russian positions elsewhere and potentially undermining morale further, observers said Thursday.

Russian military bloggers said Ukrainian troops advanced west, north and northeast of the Donetsk region town of Lyman on Wednesday. Russian troops captured Lyman, which had a pre-war population of 20,000, in the third month of the invasion in May.

“From a staging point on the right bank of the Oskil River, the Ukrainian command continues the offensive aimed at reaching Svatove and encircling Lyman,” said Rybar, a pro-war Telegram channel that shares daily reports to 800,000 of its followers, in an English-language update.

A key railway juncture, Lyman could be used as a gateway for Ukrainian forces' counteroffensive to continue advancing further east without losing momentum before winter.

“The collapse of the Lyman pocket will likely be highly consequential to the Russian grouping in northern Donetsk and western Luhansk,” the Institute for the Study of War (ISW) said in a daily update.

The Russian Defense Ministry’s failure to address these losses “will likely further reduce already-low Russian morale,” it added.
In a daily briefing Wednesday, the Defense Ministry's spokesman claimed that Ukraine’s offensive on Lyman had failed and that 70 Ukrainian soldiers were killed.

Rybar, however, noted that the Ukrainian forces’ manpower “allows the enemy to suffer heavy losses without reducing the onslaught” on Russian and pro-Russian positions.

Lyman’s capture would also likely complicate Russia’s imminent annexation of Donetsk and Luhansk in the east, as well as Zaporizhzhia and Kherson in the south, following referendums that Kyiv and its Western allies denounce as a sham.
The Kremlin said this week that the goal of the Russian offensive in Ukraine was to “at least” capture eastern Ukraine.

Considering the size of their population and economy, Germany’s contribution is small. At least they sent the Gepard, a pretty good antiair weapon.


Well-Known Member
Almost as quick as confirming a MAGA SC judge.
Deadlines for consideration of laws on annexation of Donbass and regions of Ukraine announced
The State Duma has announced the deadlines for considering laws on the entry of the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics (DPR and LPR), as well as the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions into Russia . This is reported by TASS with reference to a source in the lower house of the Russian parliament.

According to the interlocutor of the agency, bills on the entry of these territories into the Russian Federation can be submitted to the State Duma on the evening of September 28. He added that their consideration could take place at an extraordinary meeting of the House of Parliament on September 29.

On September 23, referendums began in the DPR, LPR, Zaporozhye and Kherson regions on the issue of joining Russia as subjects. Voting will last until September 27 inclusive.

Actually a good idea. If half the people watching the Russian citizens up and leave for Ukraine the home population will never have a better chance of throwing off their shackles.
Kadyrov proposed to mobilize half of the employees of law enforcement agencies
The head of Chechnya , Ramzan Kadyrov , proposed mobilizing half of the employees of law enforcement agencies, the total number of which is about 5 million people, to participate in a special military operation. He wrote about this in Telegram .

“Even if we exclude reservists from the equation, we still have a colossal staff of employees who, one way or another, have good physical training and weapons skills: the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the FSPP, the FSB , the FSO, the SVR , the UFSIN , the FTS, the Prosecutor’s Office, the UK,” Kadyrov added.

According to him, if you leave half of the staff in office, the other half in the amount of 2.5 million people "will demolish any Western army." The heads of these departments could now begin to optimize the work process, taking into account innovations, the head of the republic concluded.

Earlier, Kadyrov commented on the actions of the Russians who are leaving the country due to the announced mobilization. According to the head of Chechnya, dodgers standing in line at the airport are a pitiful sight.
Russia needs to leave including Crimea for the trouble..who in this nuclear age just goes and attacks a neighboring country to annex?


Well-Known Member
Considering the size of their population and economy, Germany’s contribution is small. At least they sent the Gepard, a pretty good antiair weapon.
Now that they are weaned off of Russian gas Germany's contribution will probably increase, but their real contribution will come in the future, as they massively increase their military potential. Considering the future potential Russian threat to Europe, once Ukraine is finished beating the shit out of them, I see little reason for American or Canadian troops to be there except for a token force. We will have plenty of notice and it will be a long time before Russia rises from the ashes of defeat and resulting political and economic turmoil, even if Vlad were to find an open window tomorrow.


Ursus marijanus
Now that they are weaned off of Russian gas Germany's contribution will probably increase, but their real contribution will come in the future, as they massively increase their military potential. Considering the future potential Russian threat to Europe, once Ukraine is finished beating the shit out of them, I see little reason for American or Canadian troops to be there except for a token force. We will have plenty of notice and it will be a long time before Russia rises from the ashes of defeat and resulting political and economic turmoil, even if Vlad were to find an open window tomorrow.
I forgot about the gas. They too serve who sit and shiver.


Well-Known Member
Russian Troops Face ‘Imminent Defeat’ in East Ukraine Supply Hub
Russian forces face “imminent defeat” to advancing Ukrainian soldiers in a key supply hub in eastern Ukraine, threatening Russian positions elsewhere and potentially undermining morale further, observers said Thursday.

Russian military bloggers said Ukrainian troops advanced west, north and northeast of the Donetsk region town of Lyman on Wednesday. Russian troops captured Lyman, which had a pre-war population of 20,000, in the third month of the invasion in May.

“From a staging point on the right bank of the Oskil River, the Ukrainian command continues the offensive aimed at reaching Svatove and encircling Lyman,” said Rybar, a pro-war Telegram channel that shares daily reports to 800,000 of its followers, in an English-language update.

A key railway juncture, Lyman could be used as a gateway for Ukrainian forces' counteroffensive to continue advancing further east without losing momentum before winter.

“The collapse of the Lyman pocket will likely be highly consequential to the Russian grouping in northern Donetsk and western Luhansk,” the Institute for the Study of War (ISW) said in a daily update.

The Russian Defense Ministry’s failure to address these losses “will likely further reduce already-low Russian morale,” it added.
In a daily briefing Wednesday, the Defense Ministry's spokesman claimed that Ukraine’s offensive on Lyman had failed and that 70 Ukrainian soldiers were killed.

Rybar, however, noted that the Ukrainian forces’ manpower “allows the enemy to suffer heavy losses without reducing the onslaught” on Russian and pro-Russian positions.

Lyman’s capture would also likely complicate Russia’s imminent annexation of Donetsk and Luhansk in the east, as well as Zaporizhzhia and Kherson in the south, following referendums that Kyiv and its Western allies denounce as a sham.
The Kremlin said this week that the goal of the Russian offensive in Ukraine was to “at least” capture eastern Ukraine.

So France, Spain.. Scanda countries aren't doing anything? Eye opening disgust g'bye Perrier and Pellegrino..I boycott right down to their fucking water:finger: Hard to watch Ukraine president begging for money every day- he has his own spot on TV and column in papers.