Mar- A Lago raided FBI Warrants

if this fucking fat orange cane toad STILL has possession of A FUCKING GUM WRAPPER that he shouldn't have, they should arrest him on the fucking spot for the fuck much slack can you give a fucking traitor?
What bugs me more is no disclosed search of Bedminster despite abundant probable cause.

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Scares the shit out of me thinking just what’s up here. Imagine a few “strongmen” dividing the world between them.
i really think that was trump's plan...him, putin, Xi, MBS, kim...trump gets north America and part of south America, Xi gets most of asia, MBS gets the middle east, putin gets europe, and kim gets the scraps between china and russia...i'm not sure who they would have given Africa to, but i'm sure there was some jack booted fascist fuck they had in mind
i really think that was trump's plan...him, putin, Xi, MBS, kim...trump gets north America and part of south America, Xi gets most of asia, MBS gets the middle east, putin gets europe, and kim gets the scraps between china and russia...i'm not sure who they would have given Africa to, but i'm sure there was some jack booted fascist fuck they had in mind
the Belt And Road Initiative is Chinese, and it targets Africa heavily.
There might be J6 evidence involved with the Mar A Largo documents, not the classified ones, other things like phone logs. Some of those missing documents were probably flushed or burned to get rid of evidence, but Trump might have them scattered around his properties.

the Belt And Road Initiative is Chinese, and it targets Africa heavily.
They recently dropped it and are more focused on central Asia, where the road/railway exists, but it runs through Russia for a spell. They are only a stan or two away from oil and gas, so a pipeline alongside the highway and railway is a possibility, as is rerouting to avoid Russia on the silk road route to Europe.
They recently dropped it and are more focused on central Asia, where the road/railway exists, but it runs through Russia for a spell. They are only a stan or two away from oil and gas, so a pipeline alongside the highway and railway is a possibility, as is rerouting to avoid Russia on the silk road route to Europe.
I can find no articles saying that they discontinued it. I am finding other countries ending participation, which is not the same thing.
I can find no articles saying that they discontinued it. I am finding other countries ending participation, which is not the same thing.
I read recently, can't remember where, they were cutting it back for diplomatic and economic reasons. There also appears to be an increased focus on central Asia, where the system was completed, but might need alteration. The Chinese want a land route to Europe for rail mostly and Russia recently became problematic. I don't think it formally ended but has changed focus.
I read recently, can't remember where, they were cutting it back for diplomatic and economic reasons. There also appears to be an increased focus on central Asia, where the system was completed, but might need alteration. The Chinese want a land route to Europe for rail mostly and Russia recently became problematic. I don't think it formally ended but has changed focus.
Cutting it back is quite distinct from dropping it. Do I need to deploy the goalpost-moving gif?
we saw a truck go up one of those runaway truck ramps on a trip to Durange maybe 6 or 8 years ago. luckily we were pretty far back but the way that thing plowed thru gravel was impressive

I am currently recovering from burning off my fingertips on my right hand due to mountain brake issues. I had just replaced my brakes and was out cruising around the mountains and started to smell them after a long downhill so pulled over and went to take a look. Now here is where I try to pass it off as me doing the least dumb thing, I could tell they were hot so I went to put my hand out to feel and then slipped in the gravel and my hand went forward and past the tite rim and touched the rotor....or I did the more dumb thing and just touched it. Idk, but this crap has sucked. It was indeed extremely hot so had big blisters on the pads of my fingers on my right hand.