

Well-Known Member
China might start off using it's "soft power" but russia isn't going to sit still and allow that, so they would be forced to smack russia down, which brings us back to the whole "existential threat" pile of horseshit...and that would surely be a lot closer to a real existential threat than Ukraine bloodying their nose on a daily basis
As I mentioned that security arrangement with Kazakhstan, Russia's weakened position and the fact there is a sea of oil and NG under the place, plus them giving Vlad shit makes me wonder. China won't look a gift horse in the mouth either and Asia is being offered on a silver platter.


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Putin can't conquer more of Ukraine, Munich Security Conference chair tells DW | DW News

73,692 views Oct 23, 2022 Russian President Vladimir Putin is no longer able to set out what he wanted to do when he invaded Ukraine, the chairman of the Munich Security Conference, Christoph Heusgen, told DW.

"He can prolong the fight, but I do not see that he has the possibility to actually conquer more Ukrainian territory," Heusgen said.

"[Putin] has not made for the last month any progress on his military path to conquer more territory," Heusgen said. "Quite the country. He's on the defensive."

He said Russia's use of kamikaze drones shows Putin has "his back against the wall."

"Putin continues to commit war crimes in the country," Heusgen said of Russian strikes on civilian infrastructure. "This is just a series of crimes against humanity, war crimes that Putin is committing."

Heusgen also described the Russian leader's partial mobilization of military reservists as "a desperate move."

He said Russia would have to follow Germany's example of de-Nazification once Putin is out of power.


Well-Known Member
This will go over in Belarus worse than in Russia, they get a lot more western Russian language broadcast media. If they do this invasion and try and conscript the male population, Belarus will fall to the liberal democratic forces, there will be revolts in society and mutinies in the army while Ukraine invades and the Baltic States and Poland back it all. The war will move out of Ukraine and closer to Vlad's doorstep while adding yet more enemies.

Belarus is on path to join Russia in war against Ukraine: Putin forces Lukashenko to do this

55,394 views Oct 23, 2022 Russia may increase its presence in Belarus in order to draw the Armed Forces of Ukraine away from the active combat zone in the east and south of the country. Russia is bringing more and more military equipment and ammunition to Belarus. And propaganda TV channels in Belarus show parade videos of joint training of the two armies. In social networks, people write about ethnic conflicts between the Belarusian and Russian soldiers. How the situation in Belarus may develop in the next few months - our correspondents found out.


Ursus marijanus
As I mentioned that security arrangement with Kazakhstan, Russia's weakened position and the fact there is a sea of oil and NG under the place, plus them giving Vlad shit makes me wonder. China won't look a gift horse in the mouth either and Asia is being offered on a silver platter.
For security arrangements and their general value, especially time value, I submit Ukraine.

As for the nuclear guarantee, should it be put to the test, I imagine the outcome to be swift, decisive, and a really bad day for Russia’s forces. I think the bosses in Putin’s harness do not want it to come to that, and collectively wince when the tsar or his minister of saber-rattling bluff the N-word.


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NYT: Israel hands over intelligence to Ukraine to fight Russian drones
Israel has provided Ukraine with the intelligence it needs to fight drones. This is reported by the American newspaper New York Times.

A Ukrainian official, speaking off the record, said that Israel had provided intelligence useful for targeting drones. The article also cites the words of the adviser to the Ukrainian Minister of Defense Yuriy Sak, according to which Israel, refusing to more actively help Kyiv to counter drones, deprives itself of the opportunity to hone the tactics of combating threats on its own territory.

Earlier, the newspaper reported that Israel reveals to Ukraine the positions of the Russian military . At the same time, Israel itself claimed that it did not transmit any data, as it did not want to provoke Russia. The special operation in Ukraine began on February 24. In October, the Russian Armed Forces began shelling the country's critical infrastructure and military installations. High-precision strikes are delivered, including with the use of unmanned aerial vehicles. Ukraine and the West have previously launched a fake that Iran is supplying its drones to Russia .


Well-Known Member
For security arrangements and their general value, especially time value, I submit Ukraine.

As for the nuclear guarantee, should it be put to the test, I imagine the outcome to be swift, decisive, and a really bad day for Russia’s forces. I think the bosses in Putin’s harness do not want it to come to that, and collectively wince when the tsar or his minister of saber-rattling bluff the N-word.
You could say they are dipping a toe in the water, Vlad ain't quite ripe for the plucking yet. It would be enough to scare Vlad off in his current and expected future military state, Kazakhstan is an independent country that borders with China, and I believe has a railway into it from China. All the stans south of it would automatically fall in line too as it falls out of the Russian sphere of influence and into China's, China has a lot to offer them, and they have oil and NG.
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Well-Known Member
For security arrangements and their general value, especially time value, I submit Ukraine.

As for the nuclear guarantee, should it be put to the test, I imagine the outcome to be swift, decisive, and a really bad day for Russia’s forces. I think the bosses in Putin’s harness do not want it to come to that, and collectively wince when the tsar or his minister of saber-rattling bluff the N-word.

Kazakhstan ‘chips away’ at its reliance on Russia
Moscow’s regional influence wanes on opposition to Ukraine invasion in central Asia and the Caucasus

"When Chinese leader Xi Jinping visited Kazakhstan last month, he pledged to support Kazakhstan’s “territorial integrity”, a concern for any country in the region with a large ethnic Russian population after the invasion of Ukraine was launched partly on the pretext of “protecting” Russian speakers".

"Russia’s growing isolation is also leading countries to diversify their economic ties. Kazakhstan has been actively searching for alternative energy export routes, several officials said, as the vast majority of Kazakhstan’s oil is piped through Russia".
