Biden Bots

The world will always work for the wealthy. The world wouldn't function any other way. There would be no wealthy if it didn't. It's been like that since the beginning. Bee's have a queen. People will always be subject to unfairness. I don't like it but I know I can't change it. Not a Trump fan at all. That's why I only vote to keep people like Trump out of office. I really don't like voting though. Stepping under that curtain and pulling that lever, to me, is like stepping under a giant skirt to pull on a penis.

Isn't that only true because voting with your wallet has been effectively negated by government though? If they can just print money for all the fat cats and make you pay for it with an inflation tax, then haven't they effectively removed your only real check and balance on this corrupt system you're so pissed about by adding force of government to big business thus merging the two?
you're so pissed about by adding force of government to big business thus merging the two?
That's how the Nazi's started, with the support of German industrialists, big government is required to control big business. The republicans work for the rich and con the base while feeding them crumbs and red meat and fucking them over epically. They just gotta blow the dog whistle to own them and can do no wrong in their eyes no matter how much they fuck up. Well, its every con artist's dream come true, and they will tell em what they wanna hear while laughing all the way to the bank. History has repeated itself many times with this in the same places and still they don't learn, hate and fear makes ya stupid and turns ya into a sucker that even a moron and miscreant like Trump could con.
Isn't that only true because voting with your wallet has been effectively negated by government though? If they can just print money for all the fat cats and make you pay for it with an inflation tax, then haven't they effectively removed your only real check and balance on this corrupt system you're so pissed about by adding force of government to big business thus merging the two?

I think things are a lot more complicated than that. I stay simple. I know the only thing I can change is myself. There will always be corruption and government will always serve the wealthy. otherwise there wouldn't be them, the rich. I don't know what a world without the wealthy looks like, I'm actually kind of curious what it would be like but I also know reality. Our planet is in dire straits far beyond our financial institution and lawmakers mucking around.

An example, when I live in LA circa 2012 (I actually went back recently to clean a storage unit.) Every day I'd hike up Nichols Canyon, near Hollywood. Great hike, few people knew about it... took you out on a jetty with a view of all of Los Angeles. It was hard to comprehend at first but looking out over that valley, I remembered... 300 years ago there was nothing in that valley. Just bushes and trees and dirt and animals. For 4 billion years.

In 300 years we did all that? Five or so miles on the opposite side of Mullholland drive is a view of 'the valley'. Same thing. And this is one major metropolitan area in our country. This planet isn't going to have voting, or rich people, or anything ..sooner than I think most realize.

**Some more math. 9 billion people on the planet. Everybody shits once a day. 9 billion piles of shit a day. Where is all that shit going to?
I think things are a lot more complicated than that. I stay simple. I know the only thing I can change is myself. There will always be corruption and government will always serve the wealthy. otherwise there wouldn't be them, the rich. I don't know what a world without the wealthy looks like, I'm actually kind of curious what it would be like but I also know reality. Our planet is in dire straits far beyond our financial institution and lawmakers mucking around.

An example, when I live in LA circa 2012 (I actually went back recently to clean a storage unit.) Every day I'd hike up Nichols Canyon, near Hollywood. Great hike, few people knew about it... took you out on a jetty with a view of all of Los Angeles. It was hard to comprehend at first but looking out over that valley, I remembered... 300 years ago there was nothing in that valley. Just bushes and trees and dirt and animals. For 4 billion years.

In 300 years we did all that? Five or so miles on the opposite side of Mullholland drive is a view of 'the valley'. Same thing. And this is one major metropolitan area in our country. This planet isn't going to have voting, or rich people, or anything ..sooner than I think most realize.

**Some more math. 9 billion people on the planet. Everybody shits once a day. 9 billion piles of shit a day. Where is all that shit going to?
300 years ago there were 10,000+ Grizzly bears roaming California (hence the Bear on the California flag) there are none.
Is that why FDR loved Mussolini so much and considered them kindred spirits?

FDR in graduation robe at lectern speaking to microphones SOF: “The government of Italy has now chosen to preserve what it terms its Freedom of Action; & to fulfill what it states are its promises to Germany. In so doing it has manifested disregard for rights of security of other nations; disregard for the lives of the peoples of those nations which are directly threatened by the spread of this war. And has evidenced its unwillingness to find the means thru pacific negotiations for the satisfaction of what it believes are its legitimate aspirations. On this tenth day of June, 1940 the hand that held the dagger has struck it into the back of its neighbor. Let us not hesitate, all of us, to claim certain truths overwhelmingly, we as a nation - and this applies to all the other American nations: we are convinced that military & naval victory for the goods of force & hate would endanger the institutions of Democracy in the Western World, & that equally therefore the whole of our sympathies lie w/ those nations that are giving their life-blood in combat against those forces.”
I think things are a lot more complicated than that. I stay simple. I know the only thing I can change is myself. There will always be corruption and government will always serve the wealthy. otherwise there wouldn't be them, the rich. I don't know what a world without the wealthy looks like, I'm actually kind of curious what it would be like but I also know reality. Our planet is in dire straits far beyond our financial institution and lawmakers mucking around.

An example, when I live in LA circa 2012 (I actually went back recently to clean a storage unit.) Every day I'd hike up Nichols Canyon, near Hollywood. Great hike, few people knew about it... took you out on a jetty with a view of all of Los Angeles. It was hard to comprehend at first but looking out over that valley, I remembered... 300 years ago there was nothing in that valley. Just bushes and trees and dirt and animals. For 4 billion years.

In 300 years we did all that? Five or so miles on the opposite side of Mullholland drive is a view of 'the valley'. Same thing. And this is one major metropolitan area in our country. This planet isn't going to have voting, or rich people, or anything ..sooner than I think most realize.

**Some more math. 9 billion people on the planet. Everybody shits once a day. 9 billion piles of shit a day. Where is all that shit going to?
True, you endorse every financial transaction via signature. You could restrict it, but giving up and being hopeless is real progress huh. I'm not convinced just presenting a number is math, that's a lot of California compost though.
That's how the Nazi's started, with the support of German industrialists, big government is required to control big business. The republicans work for the rich and con the base while feeding them crumbs and red meat and fucking them over epically. They just gotta blow the dog whistle to own them and can do no wrong in their eyes no matter how much they fuck up. Well, its every con artist's dream come true, and they will tell em what they wanna hear while laughing all the way to the bank. History has repeated itself many times with this in the same places and still they don't learn, hate and fear makes ya stupid and turns ya into a sucker that even a moron and miscreant like Trump could con.

So you're against industry bailouts then and collusion of government and industry then or will your side wield this weapon with great nobility and zero corruption and should we all just have faith and substitute this faith in government as a new religion protected by the first amendment?
So you're against industry bailouts then and collusion of government and industry then or will your side wield this weapon with great nobility and zero corruption and should we all just have faith and substitute this faith in government as a new religion protected by the first amendment?
My side is the side of liberal democracy, what side are you on again? And why? (The real reason). I don't think you even understand how your government is suppose to work or the founding ethos of your country. You do appear Hell bent on destroying it though and you folks formed an alliance with Russia and elected a psycho as POTUS to try to do it, such people are not to be trusted with power. Let me know what republicans winning is suppose to do for you or America? What is their vision for America's future? That's right they have none, no plan either, power for its own sake.

FDR in graduation robe at lectern speaking to microphones SOF: “The government of Italy has now chosen to preserve what it terms its Freedom of Action; & to fulfill what it states are its promises to Germany. In so doing it has manifested disregard for rights of security of other nations; disregard for the lives of the peoples of those nations which are directly threatened by the spread of this war. And has evidenced its unwillingness to find the means thru pacific negotiations for the satisfaction of what it believes are its legitimate aspirations. On this tenth day of June, 1940 the hand that held the dagger has struck it into the back of its neighbor. Let us not hesitate, all of us, to claim certain truths overwhelmingly, we as a nation - and this applies to all the other American nations: we are convinced that military & naval victory for the goods of force & hate would endanger the institutions of Democracy in the Western World, & that equally therefore the whole of our sympathies lie w/ those nations that are giving their life-blood in combat against those forces.”
So Leftists rallied around the brown shirt pipe dream openly up until Hitler invented the Jerry Can which is what enabled the Blitz that threatened the world then?
My side is the side of liberal democracy, what side are you on again? And why? (The real reason). I don't think you even understand how your government is suppose to work or the founding ethos of your country. You do appear Hell bent on destroying it though and you folks formed an alliance with Russia and elected a psycho as POTUS to try to do it, such people are not to be trusted with power. Let me know what republicans winning is suppose to do for you or America? What is their vision for America's future? That's right they have none, no plan either, power for its own sake.

Money is power I hear. Do you have any or do you just have paper, credits on a computer or some sort of social score you hope the government may legislate as an acceptable form for tax payments?
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So Leftists rallied around the brown shirt pipe dream openly up until Hitler invented the Jerry Can which is what enabled the Blitz that threatened the world then?
Yer pretty fuzzyheaded about history, you should try reading some, or even watching a good YouTube video or two. The communists and Nazis were enemies and had deadly street fights in pre–Nazi Germany. Hitler never invented the Jerry can and it had little to do with the Blitzkrieg armor attack on France, the Blitz was the nickname for the bombing of Britian by the Germans.
Money is power I hear. Do you have any or do you just have paper, credits on a computer or some sort of social score you hope the government may legislate as an acceptable form for tax payments?
Money is portable power and paper money is just one of its manifestations. The economy like medicine is for professionals and there are enough of them with different opinions and the freedom to express them for my liking, though the medical professionals are in more agreement than economic ones. Almost every country on earth uses a mixture of socialism and capitalism, at least the ones worth living in. Libertarianism doesn't even work as well as communism FFS, at least that worked half assed for a time in some places, libertarianism is simply a nonstarter and only fools believe such things. It's like the idea of Utopia, in Greek the word means nowhere.
Deep ignorance, no wonder they can fill his empty head with bullshit so easily, the vacuum just sucks it in.
Maybe he will be smarter in his 20s.

Churchill was a big Mussolinni fan though. Wrote him mash notes almost as embarrassing as Trump's missives between himself and Kim Jong Un. Mussolinni kept them on his person after being deposed in the hopes they could be used as an advantage with the Allies.

You know, it seems kind of funny that Donald kept his love notes. I wonder what he had in mind.