
Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
In Canada we have a thing called a crown corporation. However the government need not nationalize SpaceX or hive off the internet portion, if it is a public company they just have to buy a controlling interest, say 10 or 20% would give them effective control.
i'm not sure the government is allowed to hold an active controlling interest in a private company with other private investors...it could be legal, but sounds...wrong.


Well-Known Member
Ooopsie :bigjoint:

A Russian official linked to Vladimir Putin’s private army opened a letter bomb thinking it could contain “his son’s head,” according to notorious Wagner Group boss Yevgeny Prigozhin.

The alleged assassination attempt on Dmitry Syty, the head of the Russian House cultural center in Bangui, Central African Republic, took place on Friday morning, according to Russian state news outlet TASS. A Russian told the outlet that when Sytyv “received an anonymous parcel Friday and opened it, an explosion occurred,” adding that the “injuries are serious. The head of the Russian House has been hospitalized.”

Hours after news of the letter bomb broke, Prigozhin took to Telegram to blame France for the assassination attempt without providing any evidence. The mercenary group boss alleged that last month, Syty had received a threat against his son, who lives in France, promising to deliver his decapitated head to him “if the Russians don’t get out of the African continent and leave the doors wide open to the French,” according to a translation from RFE/RL.


Well-Known Member

Medvedev really needs to quit drinking and being on the telegram as the same time......wonder who else does that?
No shit,I always perceived Medvedev to be more moderate than Putin,now he's a hardliner talking shit.


Well-Known Member
It's kinda funny how the walls are closing in on Vlad and Donald at the same time, they both seem linked by destiny to march through the gates of Hell arm in arm, let hope at least! Meanwhile ole Joe is just as sweet and innocent as ever... They won't know their throats have been cut until their heads hit the ground rolling.


Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
well, crap.

ah, it's not that bad, they have a replacement coming soon, and there will always be enough of them operable to do what has to be done.


Well-Known Member
i'm not sure the government is allowed to hold an active controlling interest in a private company with other private investors...it could be legal, but sounds...wrong.
It normally would not vote it's shares and would only be used for national security purposes, if it did vote its shares it would be public knowledge and a reason should be provided if required or there is a dispute.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Wait what? A division?....

(Insert picture of where pooty say "I'm fucked")
If over a million potential conscripts used it, that's a few hundred divisions worth! :lol: Dictators don't do well with pointless wars in this digital age with modern communications, nobody wants to die so Putin can get his ass out of the fire he sat in. Winter is here, the ground will be freezing and the Ukrainians will be moving on them as they huddle around the DIY stoves in their dugouts and hovels without proper clothing or equipment to survive.


Well-Known Member
If over a million potential conscripts used it, that's a few hundred divisions worth! :lol: Dictators don't do well with pointless wars in this digital age with modern communications, nobody wants to die so Putin can get his ass out of the fire he sat in. Winter is here, the ground will be freezing and the Ukrainians will be moving on them as they huddle around the DIY stoves in their dugouts and hovels without proper clothing or equipment to survive.
This is gonna be good...especially to see pooty fall flat on his face in defeat, and the federation be a pariah...this is gonna be real good...


Well-Known Member
well, crap.

B-21 Raider on the way,2 main reasons for this,1 the maintenance of the stealth tech on B-2(radar absorbing coatings) is ridiculously time consuming and expensive resulting in an really shitty deployment to maintenance ratio. 2 the B-2 has lost a lot of it's effectiveness vs. today's state of art radars and it's penetrating capabilities have decreased quite a bit. Let's not forget it was developed to penetrate the radar's of adversaries w/90's tech,it's close to 35 yrs. old.


Well-Known Member
It's kinda funny how the walls are closing in on Vlad and Donald at the same time, they both seem linked by destiny to march through the gates of Hell arm in arm, let hope at least! Meanwhile ole Joe is just as sweet and innocent as ever... They won't know their throats have been cut until their heads hit the ground rolling.

I wasn't too fond of Biden 30+ yrs. ago when he was a senator and I was in my 20's,he has grown on me quite a bit over time. After Mr. Orange,Joe had the calming effect of a couple of Xanax's. No one can question that he cares and loves his country neither. The personal tragedies he has experienced give him the ability to soothe the nation from a heartfelt angle in addition to the fact that he is actually QUALIFIED for the job,H. Walker? D Trump? WTF is wrong w/people?


Well-Known Member
I wasn't too fond of Biden 30+ yrs. ago when he was a senator and I was in my 20's,he has grown on me quite a bit over time. After Mr. Orange,Joe had the calming effect of a couple of Xanax's. No one can question that he cares and loves his country neither. The personal tragedies he has experienced give him the ability to soothe the nation from a heartfelt angle in addition to the fact that he is actually QUALIFIED for the job,H. Walker? D Trump? WTF is wrong w/people?
Joe is a lot smarter than people give him credit for, he staffed out the Obama administration as part of his job and Obama's administration was as clean as a cat's asshole. Joe has been in DC a long time and kept a big list of good people. Joe is also wise, and that requires a heart and brains enough to use it. Joe is dealing with Putin like he is dealing with Trump, slowly methodically and legally, while letting the pros call the shots and deal with the problem(s).

Joe is a labor, FDR, new deal kinda guy, he's old fashioned like that. Back in the Clinton days, he reluctantly went along with the trends in the 90s, Reaganism was at it's peak back then as was the war on crack and coke. Back then the "both sides are the same shit" was more true, since then the country has polarized and the democrats aren't pandering to the right as much, neither are the major TV networks, except for Foxnews. Post Trump its been the racist fascist party versus the liberal democratic party in reality. Basically a classic fight between good versus evil, smart vs stupid, light vs darkness, the rule of law vs lawlessness, honest people vs con artists and liars. That is what America has been reduced to, a fight for the soul of the nation, good versus evil and Trump is evil by any objective measure.

There is a reason the biggest asshole in America owns the republican party and it's because they are all assholes. He managed to collect them all into one party and hold them together with shared hatred, while driving all the decent folks out. He is the glue that holds them together and they are already flying apart at the prospect of him being gone, wait until he is gone and see what happens to the republicans then.