

Well-Known Member
Joe is a lot smarter than people give him credit for, he staffed out the Obama administration as part of his job and Obama's administration was as clean as a cat's asshole. Joe has been in DC a long time and kept a big list of good people. Joe is also wise, and that requires a heart and brains enough to use it. Joe is dealing with Putin like he is dealing with Trump, slowly methodically and legally, while letting the pros call the shots and deal with the problem(s).

Joe is a labor, FDR, new deal kinda guy, he's old fashioned like that. Back in the Clinton days, he reluctantly went along with the trends in the 90s, Reaganism was at it's peak back then as was the war on crack and coke. Back then the "both sides are the same shit" was more true, since then the country has polarized and the democrats aren't pandering to the right as much, neither are the major TV networks, except for Foxnews. Post Trump its been the racist fascist party versus the liberal democratic party in reality. Basically a classic fight between good versus evil, smart vs stupid, light vs darkness, the rule of law vs lawlessness, honest people vs con artists and liars. That is what America has been reduced to, a fight for the soul of the nation, good versus evil and Trump is evil by any objective measure.

There is a reason the biggest asshole in America owns the republican party and it's because they are all assholes. He managed to collect them all into one party and hold them together with shared hatred, while driving all the decent folks out. He is the glue that holds them together and they are already flying apart at the prospect of him being gone, wait until he is gone and see what happens to the republicans then.
Remember when Clockwork Orange was basically a Dem.,donating to Schumer and Clinton,was his ideological 180 the result of a chip implant,lobotomy,lightning strike,fall down the stairs,concussion etc. ......hard to fathom.


Well-Known Member
They had better make sure the venue is far behind the lines or HIMARS or something else nasty might make a guest appearance. Just what 20 year old's want to hear, old fashioned martial music played by a military band! Talk about being HIMARSed while already in Hell, they wanted it to end, but not like that! :lol:

They should be just in time for the big Ukrainian offensives, as soon as the ground is frozen enough to support armor and other vehicles. I expect the ground will be frozen in the north east first and down south near the sea last. Vlad is trying to mass troops on the northern border for an attack on Kyiv, when Ukraine starts offensive operations and perhaps an attack from Belarus too. It might not slow the Ukrainians down by much, most of the north will be held by well trained and equipped territorials dug in to defensive positions with the ground ahead of them well prepared. HIMARS will pour into the Russian rear and their staging areas near the railheads close to the border and that should fuck over their attack too.


Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
They had better make sure the venue is far behind the lines or HIMARS or something else nasty might make a guest appearance. Just what 20 year old's want to hear, old fashioned martial music played by a military band! Talk about being HIMARSed while already in Hell, they wanted it to end, but not like that! :lol:

They should be just in time for the big Ukrainian offensives, as soon as the ground is frozen enough to support armor and other vehicles. I expect the ground will be frozen in the north east first and down south near the sea last. Vlad is trying to mass troops on the northern border for an attack on Kyiv, when Ukraine starts offensive operations and perhaps an attack from Belarus too. It might not slow the Ukrainians down by much, most of the north will be held by well trained and equipped territorials dug in to defensive positions with the ground ahead of them well prepared. HIMARS will pour into the Russian rear and their staging areas near the railheads close to the border and that should fuck over their attack too.

this is just pathetic...putin knows his only hope is to smother Ukraine in dead russians, until they can't fight back under the weight of orc corpses.
"volunteer" musicians? i bet there is a long waiting list for that shit. :roll:


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Russia's new army set to launch Putin's offensive on Ukraine in January

19,264 views Dec 18, 2022
"It's absolutely clear now, Russia is planning for the major offensive."

It's time for the West to supply more ammunition and weaponry to Ukraine ahead of the offensive, says Robert Fox, the Evening Standard's defence editor.


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The British Army's new infrared binoculars that record pictures in HD

111,023 views Dec 14, 2022 #forcesnews
The British Army has got a new set of infrared binoculars.

The Jim Compact can spot targets from more than 5km away, have both thermal and low-level light capabilities and can take HD pictures and video recordings.

It also has a laser positioning system and can be easily moved around with personnel or mounted, weighing just 2kg.


Well-Known Member
The Russian mobik slaughter in the east continues, it will be the anvil on which the back of the Russian army breaks.

Even before these idiots try to attack in the north they will be hit by a shitstorm of HIMARS inside their own borders, then they will be up against well dug in trained and equipped territorials with many older combat veterans among them. They will have a very warm welcome prepared for the Russians with mines, IEDs and artillery storms of steel bursting in the air above them, that's miles before they get to their lines and fighting positions and mortars before machineguns after that, as the drones circle overhead like buzzards.

I don't think Ukraine is gonna wait for the attack, they will strike first in another direction and keep a big mobile reserve centrally located just incase. If Vlad does this, it will finish off the Russian army in Ukraine in a month and they will have the whole country back before the ground thaws and Crimea will be cut off from resupply. It will probably finish off the entire Russian army and whatever equipment and ammo they might have left, Vlad appears to be rolling the dice on a big push. Nukes can take care of invasions of the motherland, but not for Crimea, they won't commit suicide over that, it is as indefensible as Kaliningrad, something else they will lose.

18 Dec: Russians RAN OUT OF TROOPS to Storm Opytne | War in Ukraine Explained


Well-Known Member
Maybe developing a light HIMARS with a two rocket cassette that can be palletized and put on the back of a regular half ton with the electronics in a portable suitcase, might be an idea worth pursuing. Dash in with the light forces at high speed with drones doing recon after the big iron breaks through. Go for miles and then shoot and scoot after firing two HIMARS at a high value target deep inside Russian held turf.

This was done with a regular old fashioned HIMARS I suppose, it looks like they took out the local Wagner leadership and they won't fight unless they are flogged into battle. I think they took out a lot of the whip holders and experienced ones with training. Those are the types the big guy's son would be with while he was visiting, the officer or executive types.

Did Ukraine Use Wagner Chief Son's Photo To Bomb Headquarters Of Putin's Mercenaries In Luhansk?

393,934 views Dec 14, 2022 #wagnergroup #russiaukrainewar #GetCloserToTheNews
The son of Wagner chief Yevgeny Prigozhin may have given away the mercenary group’s secretive location in Ukraine. Pavel Prigozhin posted a photo in front of the Zhdanova guest house in the city of Kadiivka in Luhansk on social media. As per reports, Ukrainian intelligence forces may have been following Prigozhin on Telegram and recognised the hotel before launching a HIMARS strike at it. Watch this video to find out more.


Well-Known Member

Ex Supreme Allied Commander Says Russian Army Is Mutinying Due To Looming Ukrainian Winter Offensive

98,724 views Dec 17, 2022
Ex Supreme Allied Commander Says Russian Army Is Mutinying Due To Looming Ukrainian Winter Offensive Ex Supreme Allied Commander Says Russian Army Is Panicking Due To Looming Ukrainian Winter Campaign


Ursus marijanus
Maybe developing a light HIMARS with a two rocket cassette that can be palletized and put on the back of a regular half ton with the electronics in a portable suitcase, might be an idea worth pursuing. Dash in with the light forces at high speed with drones doing recon after the big iron breaks through. Go for miles and then shoot and scoot after firing two HIMARS at a high value target deep inside Russian held turf.

This was done with a regular old fashioned HIMARS I suppose, it looks like they took out the local Wagner leadership and they won't fight unless they are flogged into battle. I think they took out a lot of the whip holders and experienced ones with training. Those are the types the big guy's son would be with while he was visiting, the officer or executive types.

Did Ukraine Use Wagner Chief Son's Photo To Bomb Headquarters Of Putin's Mercenaries In Luhansk?

393,934 views Dec 14, 2022 #wagnergroup #russiaukrainewar #GetCloserToTheNews
The son of Wagner chief Yevgeny Prigozhin may have given away the mercenary group’s secretive location in Ukraine. Pavel Prigozhin posted a photo in front of the Zhdanova guest house in the city of Kadiivka in Luhansk on social media. As per reports, Ukrainian intelligence forces may have been following Prigozhin on Telegram and recognised the hotel before launching a HIMARS strike at it. Watch this video to find out more.


Well-Known Member
simple geophysics. Magnetic reversal of the ruble.
The guy is toast,an article in Was. Post by Ashley Parker digs into the scene he has created at Mar-A-Lago,a typical day,18-27 holes of golf accompanied by a jr. aide in a cart w/laptop+printer scanning the net for good news to pump him up,also another aide is busy asking people to call him and cheer him up. He is delusional in that he still requires the constant fawning over as he were still a sitting pres. and has tried to replicate this at Mar-A-Lago surrounding himself w/jr. aides and sycophants.At night he mingles w/all his suck ups after he orders from his special menu while the background music playing is his own personal list.Kind of reminds me of Hitler in the Reichstag bunker as the Russians were closing in, though much more upscale and minus the artillery.


Well-Known Member
The old hawk wants to put the hammer down on Vlad as do many military experts, they know what this is costing Russia and how long it will take them to recover, if they ever do. They are finished as even a regional power, much less a global one. If we are wise we will continue to stir up trouble around them and inside Russia too and have the long term aim of their dissolution as an empire called a federation. This cold war won't end with the war in Ukraine or even with Vlad's demise, regime and attitude change are required and moves towards a liberal democratic government, without an imperial policy or secret police to enforce it domestically.



Well-Known Member

Russian drone attack takes out power supplies in Kyiv; Ruble tumbles

Russia unleashed 35 self-detonating drones on Ukraine in the early hours of Monday morning as many people slept, damaging critical infrastructure in and around the capital, Kyiv.

Governor Oleksiy Kubela said the assault was “fairly serious,” after three areas in the region were left without power supply.

The assault marks Moscow’s third air attack on the city in six days.

Meanwhile, the Russian ruble fell to a more than six-month low against the dollar. As of around noon ET Monday, it was trading at 68.08 against the dollar.

The fall marks the ruble’s lowest level since mid-May.

Russia’s war in Ukraine, Iran protests limited U.S. election meddling, official says

Russia’s war in Ukraine and anti-regime protests in Iran limited both Moscow and Tehran’s ability to try to influence or interfere in the recent U.S. midterm elections, a senior American military official said.

U.S. agencies were on high alert before November’s vote for potential cyberattacks or foreign influence operations, particularly after adversaries were judged by intelligence agencies to have meddled in the last two presidential elections. But there was little sign of disruption in the midterms.

“I was surprised by the lack of activity we saw from the Russians, the Iranians, or the Chinese,” said Army Maj. Gen. William Hartman, who leads the U.S. Cyber National Mission Force, which partners with the National Security Agency in detecting and stopping election intrusions.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has been mired in a prolonged war with tens of thousands of casualties since he ordered an invasion of Ukraine in February. And Iran’s leaders are waging a bloody crackdown against street protests sparked by the September death of a 22-year-old woman, in one of the largest sustained challenges to their power since the 1979 revolution.

— Associated Press

Putin arrives in Belarus for talks with Lukashenko

Russian President Vladimir Putin landed in Minsk for talks with Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko, Russian state media reported Monday afternoon.

The meeting, Putin’s first to the Belarusian capital since 2019, comes amid increasing fears that Moscow may be pushing its ally to increase its military involvement in the war.

Speaking to Russian news agencies earlier Monday, Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov called Belarus Russia’s “number one ally,” but said that suggestions that Moscow wanted to pressure Minsk into joining the conflict were “stupid and unfounded fabrications.”

—Karen Gilchrist


Well-Known Member
Oleksii Danilov, the Secretary of the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine, believes that the Russians have enough stockpiles of missiles for three to four attacks, but after that they will run out of all stocks, which is unacceptable for the military.

Source: Danilov in an interview with Ukrainska Pravda

Quote from Danilov: "If you count the massive attacks that have already taken place, then they have [missiles – ed.] left for a maximum of two or three, maybe four [attacks – ed.]. But then they will be completely without missiles, which is unacceptable, because they may have completely different challenges and they have to have at least some reserves left."

Details: According to Danilov, "they have already passed the limit that according to normal practice they should have kept and they passed it quite a long time ago." However, he specified that the Russians have more or less enough S-300 missiles in their arsenal.

Danilov also noted that the military has learned how to shoot down Iranian-made Shahed-136/131 kamikaze drones, which the Russians use. "They have Shahed drones, but I want to note that we have learned to fight them. Unless there is some kind of force majeure, there recently was a case when we shot down 100% of those that they launched," he emphasised.

Background: On 16 December, Russians launched 76 missiles at Ukraine, including 72 cruise missiles. Ukraine’s air defence forces downed 60 of them.
