
Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
He's as safe as Joe in the air and probably on a US air force VIP plane with a fighter escort when required. He might come the Canada too, or take a few days break in the sun, he can use one, they won't know when he's going back.

it's not really his safety that is the issue...the russians now know about it as well, and will be planning as much shit as possible for when he's gone, both to take advantage of a (hopefully small) void in leadership, and to cause him as much distraction and worry as possible while he's gone...


Well-Known Member
it's not really his safety that is the issue...the russians now know about it as well, and will be planning as much shit as possible for when he's gone, both to take advantage of a (hopefully small) void in leadership, and to cause him as much distraction and worry as possible while he's gone...
They know this and might be hoping for it, he has instant communications back home with starlink or other means. He is more of a figurehead than a US president, he has a PM and cabinet with real power. Maybe Vlad will do something stupid militarily for political or PR purposes? Like start an attack in the north when they and the ground are not ready, or expend the rest of their missiles for a show, before the missile defense gets too good.

Uncle Sam is gonna give him something big before the new congress and I don't mean just a medal. They are gonna knock out Russia no matter what McCarthy, Trump and the fucking traitors try to do. Mitch wants it out of the way and not dividing the republicans in the new year when Russia starts losing badly and the MAGA republicans want to keep Biden from getting a win. If he doesn't come now the republican house will prevent him from coming later or getting any honors. They would try to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.


Well-Known Member
Zellenskiy visits yet another battle site in the war on democracy! :lol: Maybe he should mention he is used to visiting the battle sites in the war against fascism. :lol:

Congress, WH Preparing For Potential Zelenskyy Visit

The White House and Capitol Hill are preparing for a potential visit from Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. The possible trip comes as the White House is preparing to announce a new package of aid to Ukraine.


Well-Known Member
The magats are freaking out and between them and the Russians on Twitter it's hard to know who is who, it doesn't really matter, I consider them all enemies of liberal democracies whether Russians, useful idiots or traitors, stupid or evil makes no difference to me. Mitch is funding Ukraine and taking care of the budget for a year, enough time for Jack to bust the worst of these assholes and he removed most of their power. He and Joe can work on somethings, Joe knows Mitch and Mitch knows Joe, nobody will get away with anything! Both appear to be pretty slick political operators, Mitch is cunning, but Biden got a Helluva lot done in his first couple of years. There are still many hawks in the republican party and Mitch is among them, probably more than there are magats when it comes to Ukraine.



Well-Known Member
I still don't think there's much there in the tax returns, my guess was he fought it so hard because they showed he wasn't wealthy/successful. Maybe I'm wrong, but are they expecting some line item for piss tapes? You pay taxes on legal money you earn, or illegal money if you need to get it into the financial system. Gotta assume he made enough to live on through legal means, tv show host stuff and whatnot.

I think the taxes showed he was a medium millionaire, like John Elway makes more off his car dealerships than trump does. It's an ego thing, he's a fucking poor loser compared to who he wants to be and what he tries to project.


Well-Known Member
Paul Gosar an known psycho Magat and J6 criminal who will be on Jack's radar, he's from a fascist district so character definitely does not count, neither does patriotism. More useful idiot stuff and Russian propaganda aiding and comfort to America's enemies and a real and present danger to our allies. There is no logical reason for this bullshit other than to curry favor with Trump, Russia will eventually pay for the entire cost of the war when the international legal process unwinds. Even so, 100 billion to defeat Russia and destroy their economy and threat to Europe is a bargain. Most of what America gives are arms, you have them and most are obsolete and due to be replaced in US inventories with new systems and have been paid for in decades past. The war has boosted US arms sales to Europe tremendously and in the end the Russian will pay for it all, since we already have their money in our banks. Canada has started seizing oligarch money already.

Maybe we will find some answers in Trumps taxes, he got Russian money through Deutsche Bank for all his golf courses, including the one he lives at.

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Ursus marijanus
I still don't think there's much there in the tax returns, my guess was he fought it so hard because they showed he wasn't wealthy/successful. Maybe I'm wrong, but are they expecting some line item for piss tapes? You pay taxes on legal money you earn, or illegal money if you need to get it into the financial system. Gotta assume he made enough to live on through legal means, tv show host stuff and whatnot.

I think the taxes showed he was a medium millionaire, like John Elway makes more off his car dealerships than trump does. It's an ego thing, he's a fucking poor loser compared to who he wants to be and what he tries to project.
I think his superpower (heh) was pyramiding debt. If the plates would all have fallen at any point, he probably was worth negative eight, nine figures. Serial bankruptcy left others holding the bag. His other talent was exhausting the resultant plaintiffs.


Ursus marijanus
Paul Gosar an known psycho Magat and J6 criminal who will be on Jack's radar, he from a fascist district so character definitely does not count, neither does patriotism. More useful idiot stuff and Russian propaganda aiding and comfort to America's enemies and a real and present danger to our allies. There is no logical reason for this bullshit other than to curry favor with Trump, Russia will eventually pay for the entire cost of the war when the international legal process unwinds. Even so, 100 billion to defeat Russia and destroy their economy and threat to Europe is a bargain. Most of what America gives are arms, you have them and most are obsolete and due to be replaced in US inventories with new systems and have been paid for in decades past. The war has boosted US arms sales to Europe tremendously and in the end the Russian will pay for it all, since we already have their money in our banks. Canada has started seizing oligarch money already.

Maybe we will find some answers in Trumps taxes, he got Russian money through Deutsche Bank for all his golf courses, including the one he lives at.

oh my. To use a favorite idiom learned from the English,
someone’s been into the strong cheese.