

Well-Known Member
I liked how he came in his "work clothes",all business,a man trying to save his beloved country,that guy has come a LONG way from his first visit looking uncomfortable while Mr. Orange tried to corrupt him and treated him as inferior,which wasn't surprising considering the source.
you know the more and more i look at Helsinki summit, i think the orange idiot was told told to look the other way with Ukraine. I mean come on, how can one cannot look at the build up of force on the border between the Federation and Ukraine.......and then the orange idiot tries to extort him....

with Zelensky walking in, in his buisness atire just coming from a battelfield to deliever a speech like that......and then to present an actually battle flag from the region.....that's props all around


Well-Known Member
Not the first or last time he would not be putin his place.
He is a thorn of epic proportions concerning Putin,on a lighter note I contrast Putin's rage to that of Inspector Clusoe's boss in the "Pink Panther"
you know the more and more i look at Helsinki summit, i think the orange idiot was told told to look the other way with Ukraine. I mean come on, how can one cannot look at the build up of force on the border between the Federation and Ukraine.......and then the orange idiot tries to extort him....

with Zelensky walking in, in his buisness atire just coming from a battelfield to deliever a speech like that......and then to present an actually battle flag from the region.....that's props all around
Zelinsky,small in stature,BIG heart and balls

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
I hear ya,that's why I've given kudos to Ukraine's security services cause you know how happy Putin would be if he could get to him,With the prior Russian influence in Ukraine I was almost certainly expecting FSB agents already in place in "sleeper" mode ready to pounce at the beginning of hostilities. As I've said before I was braced for assassination attempts and acts of sabotage almost immediately running the gamut from poisonings,sniperings,to govt. buildings blowing up on day 1. The Ukrainian intelligence performance has been downright exceptional when taking the reach,tenacity, familiararity,and notoriety of their opponent.
i'm pretty sure they tried, and i read that at least one unit had direct orders to capture or kill Zelensky, but they walked into a shit show of their own making. they have done a great job protecting him, and other important officials. i guess it's easier to want to protect someone you actually respect, than an asshole like trump...


Well-Known Member
Looks like the isolation of the magats is underway on Foxnews too, Mitch represents the rich and they want power and tax cuts, not more stupidity. When Donald goes down they are gonna try and regain control over the GOP, but will have to deal with or drive out Trump's base. If Donald is running around for another few months freaking out about getting indicted, he might march his base outta the GOP into the Trump party and do the house cleaning for them.


Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
he might march his base outta the GOP into the Trump party and do the house cleaning for them.
that would be awesome...most of them would lose their seats in the next elections, and seasoned democrats would be running against the freshmen republicans that would replace those that left. trump's party itself would be a ridiculous joke, maybe a few of the stupidest places, like greens and boebert's districts would re-elect them, but they would have ZERO committees, ZERO influence, ZERO power...they wouldn't get elected twice, after not producing ANYTHING for their districts, AND being tied to trump...
of course, that's only an issue IF they aren't all indicted and convicted before '24.


Well-Known Member
that would be awesome...most of them would lose their seats in the next elections, and seasoned democrats would be running against the freshmen republicans that would replace those that left. trump's party itself would be a ridiculous joke, maybe a few of the stupidest places, like greens and boebert's districts would re-elect them, but they would have ZERO committees, ZERO influence, ZERO power...they wouldn't get elected twice, after not producing ANYTHING for their districts, AND being tied to trump...
of course, that's only an issue IF they aren't all indicted and convicted before '24.
The magats leaving is what they fear most, they want to be able to use them while not directly pandering to them. Donald will march them out as he's going to jail and threatened to do it before. He will march them straight into the wilderness where they will starve for lack of money, the slick con artists will desert them and only the true lunatics will remain as leaders and their primary purpose will be to get Donald sprung from prison! I don't think he has the time to do it, but he might have time to damage the GOP trying, if they lose 10% more of their base nationally they are fucked, even with minority rule. Joe and the democrats will win in the end by isolating the magats and forcing Mitch to shit them out like a bad meal and a high fever that is breaking.


Well-Known Member
See, the magat rats are jumping ship, Ted Cruz next perhaps! Considering both of them could be facing indictments over J6 and election crimes in Georgia, they might be wise to come around to the side of liberal democracy, both these guys are lawyers and know what might await them and so does Mitch. When the shit hits the fan next year over Trump in the courts, they will need to run hard to avoid getting any on themselves. Ron Johnson could be in trouble too, for trying to pass along fake electors from his state to Pence on the floor, that is furtherance of a conspiracy, or Jack might think it is.



Well-Known Member
you know the more and more i look at Helsinki summit, i think the orange idiot was told told to look the other way with Ukraine. I mean come on, how can one cannot look at the build up of force on the border between the Federation and Ukraine.......and then the orange idiot tries to extort him....

with Zelensky walking in, in his buisness atire just coming from a battelfield to deliever a speech like that......and then to present an actually battle flag from the region.....that's props all around
The quid pro quo that Putin wanted in exchange for helping Trump get elected in 2016 was exactly what you say.


Well-Known Member
you know the more and more i look at Helsinki summit, i think the orange idiot was told told to look the other way with Ukraine. I mean come on, how can one cannot look at the build up of force on the border between the Federation and Ukraine.......and then the orange idiot tries to extort him....

with Zelensky walking in, in his buisness atire just coming from a battelfield to deliever a speech like that......and then to present an actually battle flag from the region.....that's props all around
It was kinda the elephant in the room, in more ways than one...

Zelensky and Ukraine are the link between Putin and Trump and one of the reasons for the near destruction of the state department, who have sprung back to life under Joe. Between Joe and Zelensky they foiled a plot right out of a fiction novel, they share a bit of a bond over that too, both recognize the struggle for liberal democracy is happing in America too and he did speak at yet another battle site for it. First came the battle for the capitol in DC on J6, then the battle for the capitol in Kyiv, both struggles continue.


Well-Known Member
I noticed the maga republicans appear to be shrinking and as Donald goes down they will shrink even more. Joe was wise to single them out and isolate them from the conservative republicans, allowing Mitch a way back into normal politics, politics he will lose over the long run. The fascist elements inside the GOP must be isolated and Ukraine funding is one way to do it with the geopolitical bargain of the century. Another way to isolate them is through J6 prosecutions and investigations, the rest will run from trouble and that is what they will have.

Many times in the past America wished it had such allies against Russia, determined, brave and committed to liberal democracy at the grassroots level. They know how to deal with the Russians, they know them very well and everybody in Ukraine speaks Russian, Ukrainians will tell you that. Give them the weapons and financial support and they will do the rest, eventually Russia will pay for it all or most of their own destruction since we already have their money in the bank.

I don't care for Mitch or his politics, but its a wedge I think needs to be driven home. If there are normalish republicans they need to split from trump. He's just dogshit and they keep stepping in it; they will continue to do so until they start picking it up.

It's a great spot to try and work together, should be easy to pull bipartisan support.


Well-Known Member

The making of a young Hero of Ukraine – BBC News

Families across the country are without power because of Russian attacks, and some are missing family members who were killed in the conflict.

Since the war began, the BBC has been following one soldier - Lt Eugene Gromadskyi - as he fights to defend his country at great personal cost.

BBC correspondent Quentin Sommerville and camera-journalist Darren Conway joined him at an undisclosed location, near Kupyiansk in the country’s east, where fighting continues amid appalling winter conditions.