

Well-Known Member
Is it a bird or a drone flying around and perching on that tree? A soldier 10 years from now might ask that question...

Robocrow, or even something smaller and faster with autonomous AI built into it's little brain, we make a wide variety of simulated bird species....

Probably a Raven,Turkey Vulture, or Crow there are plenty bloated food sources lying about,a scavengers dream,the Russians don't even have the decency to recover bodies of dead soldiers who died for their country, absolutely appalling. You guys really burn the "midnight oil" posting, that's why I don't want WIFI in my house as it would surely cause me insomnia being online LOL.


Well-Known Member

Putin appoints new Ukraine in commander as he reshuffles military again

11,256 views Jan 11, 2023 #MarkHertling #erinburnettoutfront #CNN
Russia’s Defense Ministry announced yet another realignment of the commanders leading the war in Ukraine, as criticism mounts over its handling of the stalled campaign.
It said that General Valery Gerasimov, chief of the Russian General Staff, would become the overall commander of the campaign, with the current commander, Sergey Surovikin, becoming one of his three deputies.
Surovikin was only appointed as the overall commander of what the Kremlin euphemistically calls the “Special Military Operation” in October.
In terms of the bureaucratic hierarchy, the announcement is hardly an upheaval. Surovikin already reported to Gerasimov.


Well-Known Member
The contradiction in this headline tells the truth about what's happening in Soledar


It's as if Putin is putting on a Russianified version of The Office with Putin playing the role of the inept but unaware manager. Or maybe it's a riff on Hogan's heroes with Zelenskyy playing the role of Hogan to Putin's Klink. Too bad it's real.


Well-Known Member
I guess we have to make it bad for business. What are their manpower options? Enslave the entire prison population to private interests? Nobody with a brain would sign up for the slaughter circus, they are already summarily executing people in the field FFS. Military aged people know what is going on in Ukraine, information can no longer be controlled, censored or compartmentalized in the digital age. Sooner or later the Russians are gonna run out of morons.

Privatization of Russia's war fighting

38,546 views Jan 12, 2023
Russia has delegated so much fighting in Ukraine to private actors that we must consider how it changes the war. In this video I use the concept of "new wars" to discuss where Russia's privatization of warfare can lead. One of the problems is that warlords become dependent on war to gain resources and power, so they want the war to continue forever.


Well-Known Member
Probably with no consultation with South Korea catching them completely by surprise and unprepared for the nuclear fallout, some ally! Then again Donald wanted to nuke hurricanes...

The Chinese would have freaked out and so would the UN and your allies, Christ knows what would have happened.

Trump discussed using nuclear weapon on North Korea and blaming it on someone else: Book

11,299 views Jan 12, 2023 #Trump #NorthKorea #GOP
In 2017, then-President Donald Trump discussed the idea of using a nuclear weapon against North Korea and suggested he could blame a U.S. strike against the communist regime on another country, according to a new section of Michael Schmidt's book 'Donald Trump vs. the United States.' Schmidt joins Morning Joe to discuss.


Ursus marijanus
Probably with no consultation with South Korea catching them completely by surprise and unprepared for the nuclear fallout, some ally! Then again Donald wanted to nuke hurricanes...

The Chinese would have freaked out and so would the UN and your allies, Christ knows what would have happened.

Trump discussed using nuclear weapon on North Korea and blaming it on someone else: Book

11,299 views Jan 12, 2023 #Trump #NorthKorea #GOP
In 2017, then-President Donald Trump discussed the idea of using a nuclear weapon against North Korea and suggested he could blame a U.S. strike against the communist regime on another country, according to a new section of Michael Schmidt's book 'Donald Trump vs. the United States.' Schmidt joins Morning Joe to discuss.
the AEC has isotopic fingerprints on every bit of fissile material in the West.
