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As Russian casualties mount in Ukraine, Wagner Group’s neofascist incompetence is revealed

Historians and other observers have often noted that, while fascists are very good at starting wars, they are inevitably incompetent when it comes to executing them. “Fascist governments are condemned to lose wars because they are constitutionally incapable of objectively evaluating the force of the enemy,” wrote Umberto Eco in his seminal essay on “Ur-Fascism.” This is essentially a cognitive flaw, caused by their fundamental insistence on trying to force reality to conform to their view of the world.

Which is why a neofascist armed force like Russia’s Wagner Group is being ground into hamburger—forming a sea of crosses in one rural cemetery, comprised mostly of the cannon fodder it has recruited out of Russian prisons—as its mercenaries wage war in Ukraine on behalf of Vladimir Putin. Wagner Group officials recently announced they were drawing back on their prison-recruitment program—in part because they were alienating potential recruits who might object to “serving with rapists and murderers,” but simultaneously have launched an effort to recruit American veterans.



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As long as the Ukrainians have the ammo, fresh artillery tubes, counter battery radars and drones, they could keep killing Russians fighting like this until they ran out of warm bodies at little cost to themselves. They are losing 800 to 1000 men a day; in another 100 days they will lose almost another 100K at this rate. When the Ukrainians start their offensive, the Russians are gonna lose a lot more, if they get out maneuvered and cut off or into pieces, mass surrenders count as losses too and lots of captured equipment and even ammo. HIMARS has made them distribute their ammo storage in the rear and if they lose a lot of ground fast, they can't easily move or destroy it and no fuel means captured equipment.