

Well-Known Member
could be, i caught the fake hair woman, calling for Biden's impeachment for giving money to Ukraine....right after i read that, i shut my tablet off, went in to the kitchen, and opened me a beer...and went WTF!!! to the top of my lungs.....
I was hoping she's get voted out on her next district election,but Joe Scarborough said this morn. that she will probably never lose in her district, must be a boony Georgia district,trailers,rusted beat down Chevy pick ups,American flags,and BAD teeth,man, there fellow Americans,but don't they want to help themselves(health care,better wages and living standards). They just can't transcend the hate and throw their votes for someone who presses their ignorance buttons who could care less about their diabetes and dental issues.


Well-Known Member
Don't know but I've had it up to my eyeballs w/this bitch's publicity stunts,what a sad commentary that this vile,revolting woman represents the face of America in ANY way, trying to find one positive quality in her is like searching a black hole, fellow Americans in her Georgia district please put her out to pasture next time she has to run. We may have different political views but she is tarnishing the country's views of your people and state, I know you don't want to be portrayed in the light that she exudes. Southern manners?, a brash,loudmouth,conspiracy slinging,lying, manner less pig , dressed like a prostitute while trying to steal the show at the State of the Union. Wake up Georgia,she doesn't do y'all proud,she's all about her and is staining your state and people.
With that coat, I was thinking, pimp..like Huggy Bear in Starskey and Hutch.

Found one!



Well-Known Member
Production is ramping up for everything and we haven't factored in air and naval power, Ukraine is getting weapons and systems slated for replacement in some cases or ready to be sold as surplus. If anything, the war in Ukraine is like the war in Europe during WW2, America wasn't completely unprepared after Pearl harbor, it was ramping up its arms industry making arms for the allies' years before and the army was expanded since 1940 with the draft. Ukraine could be a preamble, or it could be a way for America and China to remove Russia from the playing field, since China would have the most to gain in Asia with a weak and dissolving Russian federation.

We will see, but China wants to avoid sanctions and trouble with Uncle Sam and the EU if it can and supporting Russia with arms would get a bigger reaction from the Europeans than America, Ukraine is on their doorstep after all. They might take it up to the limit though and stay just under the trigger wire for sanctions. After all, their longer-term goal would be to weaken Russia, the longer the war, the more the allies ramp up their war production and the more ready for conflict they become.
The US has depleted it's mfg. base to a worrying degree concerning a protracted War w/ China,we are a shadow of our former greatness in steel,shipbuilding,textile,and virtually every facet of war production. Looking back at the WW2 USA production is awe inspiring. I understand modern war is not 100% applicable in these terms,but it is still scary knowing that holding that advantage now rests w/the potential opponent. I don't have the answers I'm just recognizing the loss and the potential pitfalls while admittedly some of the reasons are a more upwardly mobile ,skilled tech economy and the fact that many Americans now loath monotonous production work that is associated w/much of armament production. While the Chinese are wily and a weakened Russia could benefit them, they are now publicly stating that Russia can't lose and they need Russia in a geo-political sense in countering the US,if for no other reason as another thorn,irritating and diverting attention. Long term you're prob. right and Xi has green eyes for exploiting frontier Russia, but the timeline is prob.a decade from now for that,near term w/China's domestic issues as well as the pissy current state of US/China relations they need the Russians to keep mucking things up.


Well-Known Member
One wonders how far the voters of her district would go to cut their own throats out of fear and hate. The only purpose in electing a moron like that is to stick their thumb in Uncle Sam's eye and grind it in really good. What do they think she, Gatez and Jordan will accomplish in Washington? Brink back Trump? Give them responsible government?
Angertainment..if I didn't already mention. That is the next two years. Get used to it..all Dems are gone from House Committee..most noise comes from the House.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
I was hoping she's get voted out on her next district election,but Joe Scarborough said this morn. that she will probably never lose in her district, must be a boony Georgia district,trailers,rusted beat down Chevy pick ups,American flags,and BAD teeth,man, there fellow Americans,but don't they want to help themselves(health care,better wages and living standards). They just can't transcend the hate and throw their votes for someone who presses their ignorance buttons who could care less about their diabetes and dental issues.
it's not...i have family there. it's a normal area, for Georgia. Georgia is just a red state, with a lot of poor and poorly educated people.
The younger people there all seem pretty apathetic, it's older people keeping her in office, in a few more election cycles they'll all be dead and someone will kick her ass out, but that's what it will take. Or some kind of huge scandal....or her getting convicted of being the seditious fuck she is...

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
I await for Putin's to visit Kyiv.

Doubt it. China's not gonna let crazy happen next door.
what does china have to do with it? putin doesn't consult with them before making decisions, and he's clearly unhinged. He WILL throw nukes soon, and THIS would be the time for preemptive action.
But i'll be dismissed again...and the usual satisfaction i feel at being proved correct after being dismissed will probably not occur, as we'll all be constituent atoms floating in a hot wind, because we won't take preemptive action, we'll wait and be surprised when the first missile comes over the horizon.


Well-Known Member
it's not...i have family there. it's a normal area, for Georgia. Georgia is just a red state, with a lot of poor and poorly educated people.
The younger people there all seem pretty apathetic, it's older people keeping her in office, in a few more election cycles they'll all be dead and someone will kick her ass out, but that's what it will take. Or some kind of huge scandal....or her getting convicted of being the seditious fuck she is...
Georgia needs to spawn more Jimmy's and less Margories IMO.