
People who need a King, the US is better off without.
I dunno, almost half the US voting population likes the idea of King Donald, or did at one point, many still do, J6 kinda proved the point. However, the fascists of America apparently no longer need a king, and the war is on for a replacement as Donald goes down in flames. Let's hope he takes the GOP down with him when he goes or at least divides them enough.
hey i here Pooty still looking for a few good men to fight, he's started paying palestinian now.....boy talk bout going to the bottom........hey lets send the magats as a token of good will between countries...pretty sure they're old enough to be on the front( dunno bout Biggs)....if they wanna see where the money going...send them to the front line....and give them a rusty gun with a clip
Ukraine was being run by a Russian controlled gov't since that agreement until Zelensky came along and he's been busy digging out the corrupt people that people like right-wingnuts keep claiming still run the place.

All supporting countries should put themselves on a war footing and crank up defence manufacturing as if the Russians were bombing their countries as they probably will unless stopped for good this time.

After WWII the allies had a plan to go into Russia while it was weak and clean up that mess but decided against it. Hindsight is 20/20 and I bet there's been a lot of regrets since. Could have made the west look as bad as the Nazis so most likely why it wasn't done.

if there is one thing this war has taught us, “you can never have too many munitions”. We better lay in an Imperial shitload of various rounds, shells and antiarmor widgets.
I dunno, almost half the US voting population likes the idea of King Donald, or did at one point, many still do, J6 kinda proved the point. However, the fascists of America apparently no longer need a king, and the war is on for a replacement as Donald goes down in flames. Let's hope he takes the GOP down with him when he goes or at least divides them enough.
What you said doesn't alter what I said one bit and they can take Trump with them. OTOH, Canada learned its lesson when it took in US royalists 200 yrs ago and has, I'm sure, already shut the door to MAGA.
What you said doesn't alter what I said one bit and they can take Trump with them. OTOH, Canada learned its lesson when it took in US royalists 200 yrs ago and has, I'm sure, already shut the door to MAGA.
The brits learned their lesson after the American revolution and there was a change of government along with a new attitude as King George went mad. Things turned out differently in Canada because of those reforms, plus during the American and French revolutions and Napoleonic wars deals were made with Quebec about religion, language, culture and loyalty to the crown, they had their own legislative assembly too.
The brits learned their lesson after the American revolution and there was a change of government along with a new attitude as King George went mad. Things turned out differently in Canada because of those reforms, plus during the American and French revolutions and Napoleonic wars deals were made with Quebec about religion, language, culture and loyalty to the crown, they had their own legislative assembly too.
but 1812
I dunno, almost half the US voting population likes the idea of King Donald, or did at one point, many still do, J6 kinda proved the point.
That’s because they believed he was a real patriot, genuinely intelligent, & held *THEIR* best interests at heart.

the thing about J6 is it makes that particular fantasy trio almost impossible to believe in: ‘conservatives’ have famously always been willing to flip in an instant on a “core issue” once it touches THEIR lives & THEIR loved ones

effect of this is two-pronged. The attempted rebellion rang everyone’s bell, but it didn’t wake everyone up; some are still caught in the bad dream they were sold (& willingly bought, mostly) & that makes them dangerous. Trying to fix the wrong things NEVER works, no matter how flawless a job was done.

…And the reverberations continue.

Consider: these are either the most faithful or the most blindly duped, but either way, they’re bought in to the hilt. Everything is on the line for them: their core beliefs, their sense of themselves, their core relationships, their freedom of action - it’s all on the line for them. THAT is what they poked, and there won’t be enough left of them to hose off if they’re truly held accountable for crossing that particular line. The need to succeed that breeds is demanding more and more energy & attention to ignore; like w/ the fnords, the effort to NOT SEE WHAT’S GOING ON RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEM is exhausting. Performance in every sense suffers. The struggle to STAY ASLEEP gets harder every day…and the cognitive dissonance between events and transparent cover stories grows.

‘Woke’ is indeed their enemy. Staying asleep long enough - listening only to the voices of their handlers despite the evidence of reality - is truly their only chance, and it’s not a good one

Whether they like it or not, they won’t succeed no matter what happens: if their ‘side’ wins & takes everything, there will be no payoff, no golden age for those with no gold; their electoral support will not matter - and neither will they. Welcome to the commodity labor pool, ex-citizen! May you find a master who will be kind & take care of you! Until then, word hard! Show ‘em how much better you are than all those brown folks!

However, the fascists of America apparently no longer need a king, and the war is on for a replacement as Donald goes down in flames.
I don’t think this bunch needs a king: in Plato, they were ALL “philosopher-kings”, and the billionaires club is 100% on board w/ that…I’m sure they have plans for “the ordering of all things”
Let's hope he takes the GOP down with him when he goes or at least divides them enough.
From ~74 million votes in ‘22, we can expect the ‘24 “GOP” electorate to split that number in half: 35 million is a high ceiling estimate of those who would still follow T-bone in ‘24, Republican Party or not. The remainder, 35-40 million, would vote Dem, find others to vote for, or sit out.

The overthrow suspects will continue to throw sand in every eye they can, but they will lose their majorities (see cognitive dissonance, above) & their funding (big money only pays for results), & their ability to field national candidates. DeSantis may do well against TFFG, but that’s definitely an aggressive fish’s in a dwindling pond.

And may I say, I think FloridaMan should be THE case that lets us rid ourselves of the 50-separate-satrapies notion of our states: the states are not independent nations & we shouldn’t feed their desire to be loose cannons, just like Florida (and now Wisconsin, their SC election upcoming).

Interesting thing, loose cannons: sounds almost funny, but on a warship under sail, a loose cannon could kill or maim every sailor on the gun deck. It could tear out the side of the ship, and if everything else went wrong too, it could sink the bloody ship itself…and that IMO is what we’re seeing in FloridaMan’s struggle to make Florida his own personal Guantanamo: a state government turned uncontrollable battering ram, tearing apart the ship of state from the inside
nah, Trump convinced us that monarchy is a bad idea. The royal family in UK would probably seem worse than Trump if we were to get a good look at them.

The British monarchy is just a figurehead family and has been for decades. They have no say in how gov't is run other than give permission for a new Prime Minister to be installed. They don't go to the house of commons without an invite and that only happened a couple times the whole of Queen Elizabeth's reign.

Even in Canada we disconnected from the Crown decades ago but the now King Charles is a token head of state. I get a kick when Americans say we still have a monarchy here but I blame the shoddy US education system for stuff like that.

Damn near half of the British would like to see them gone too but still a lot of royal lovers there and here would like to keep them around. Our version of magats I guess. :D

It would have been a bad time to go up against the red army at the peak of their strength and Stalin at the peak of his power, with Europe in tatters at their backs, then Stalin got nukes and it was off the table. War with Russia would have been unpopular after 5 years of building them up as faithful allies, it took a while to get the cold war going and it started here in Canada with a spy story and a defector. Public opinion develops inertia and momentum and can't be changed overnight, attitudes towards Japan and Germany took a generation to die after the war. If there is a coming war with China, Vietnam will be America's ally most likely, and they will probably be a good one!

The allies still could have knocked out Stalin if they'd done it right away. Think of all the grief we and the rest of the world would have been spared if we had. Trillions of dollars saved not having that stupid arms race for f'n nothing other than trying to one-up the other guy.

The Ruskies started into WWII helping Hitler invade Poland and only switched sides when Hitler stabbed them in the back after a joint agreement not to attack each other. Damn good thing Hitler went after the USSR or he would have taken all of Europe and the UK as well if he hadn't wasted so many resources attacking in the east.

Stupid dictators doing stupid things is half the reason the rest of us are still fairly free tho a lot of those freedoms are being eroded day by day. :(

That’s because they believed he was a real patriot, genuinely intelligent, & held *THEIR* best interests at heart.

the thing about J6 is it makes that particular fantasy trio almost impossible to believe in: ‘conservatives’ have famously always been willing to flip in an instant on a “core issue” once it touches THEIR lives & THEIR loved ones

effect of this is two-pronged. The attempted rebellion rang everyone’s bell, but it didn’t wake everyone up; some are still caught in the bad dream they were sold (& willingly bought, mostly) & that makes them dangerous. Trying to fix the wrong things NEVER works, no matter how flawless a job was done.

…And the reverberations continue.

Consider: these are either the most faithful or the most blindly duped, but either way, they’re bought in to the hilt. Everything is on the line for them: their core beliefs, their sense of themselves, their core relationships, their freedom of action - it’s all on the line for them. THAT is what they poked, and there won’t be enough left of them to hose off if they’re truly held accountable for crossing that particular line. The need to succeed that breeds is demanding more and more energy & attention to ignore; like w/ the fnords, the effort to NOT SEE WHAT’S GOING ON RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEM is exhausting. Performance in every sense suffers. The struggle to STAY ASLEEP gets harder every day…and the cognitive dissonance between events and transparent cover stories grows.

‘Woke’ is indeed their enemy. Staying asleep long enough - listening only to the voices of their handlers despite the evidence of reality - is truly their only chance, and it’s not a good one

Whether they like it or not, they won’t succeed no matter what happens: if their ‘side’ wins & takes everything, there will be no payoff, no golden age for those with no gold; their electoral support will not matter - and neither will they. Welcome to the commodity labor pool, ex-citizen! May you find a master who will be kind & take care of you! Until then, word hard! Show ‘em how much better you are than all those brown folks!

I don’t think this bunch needs a king: in Plato, they were ALL “philosopher-kings”, and the billionaires club is 100% on board w/ that…I’m sure they have plans for “the ordering of all things”

From ~74 million votes in ‘22, we can expect the ‘24 “GOP” electorate to split that number in half: 35 million is a high ceiling estimate of those who would still follow T-bone in ‘24, Republican Party or not. The remainder, 35-40 million, would vote Dem, find others to vote for, or sit out.

The overthrow suspects will continue to throw sand in every eye they can, but they will lose their majorities (see cognitive dissonance, above) & their funding (big money only pays for results), & their ability to field national candidates. DeSantis may do well against TFFG, but that’s definitely an aggressive fish’s in a dwindling pond.

And may I say, I think FloridaMan should be THE case that lets us rid ourselves of the 50-separate-satrapies notion of our states: the states are not independent nations & we shouldn’t feed their desire to be loose cannons, just like Florida (and now Wisconsin, their SC election upcoming).

Interesting thing, loose cannons: sounds almost funny, but on a warship under sail, a loose cannon could kill or maim every sailor on the gun deck. It could tear out the side of the ship, and if everything else went wrong too, it could sink the bloody ship itself…and that IMO is what we’re seeing in FloridaMan’s struggle to make Florida his own personal Guantanamo: a state government turned uncontrollable battering ram, tearing apart the ship of state from the inside
trouble is in the numbers. Look how many who pounded on the election fraud etc. drums got put [back] into office and are now distorting Congress.

As for “once it touches their lives”, there is a counterdatum cast into etched relief every time Batboy opens his toothy piehole to assail Social Security.
The allies still could have knocked out Stalin if they'd done it right away. Think of all the grief we and the rest of the world would have been spared if we had. Trillions of dollars saved not having that stupid arms race for f'n nothing other than trying to one-up the other guy.

The Ruskies started into WWII helping Hitler invade Poland and only switched sides when Hitler stabbed them in the back after a joint agreement not to attack each other. Damn good thing Hitler went after the USSR or he would have taken all of Europe and the UK as well if he hadn't wasted so many resources attacking in the east.

Stupid dictators doing stupid things is half the reason the rest of us are still fairly free tho a lot of those freedoms are being eroded day by day. :(

I draw attention to the fable of the old woman of Syracuse. Had we taken Stalin out, things would not necessarily have been better.
if there is one thing this war has taught us, “you can never have too many munitions”. We better lay in an Imperial shitload of various rounds, shells and antiarmor widgets.

When you allow all your big manufacturing capacity to move overseas or south to Mexico it hard to get things back up and running without either a lot of time or buckets of money to build back faster. Our governments should have made it clear that products built in our respective countries got top priority for goods and services needed by the gov't even if it wasn't the lowest bid. Lots more good paying jobs for all with all those workers paying taxes and the companies they work for also filling the trough.

Moreso in the states than here the aversion to paying a bit more taxes for better infrastructure and services has let everything fall apart and Biden's trillion plus for infrastructure support is barely going to make a dent in what needs fixing.

Lack of funds for education in both countries and especially red states has begat a couple generations of illiterates that lean heavily on gov't support to survive and breed like rats.

You should download and read this 1951 sci-fi story called The Marching Morons by C. M. Kornbluth. Not too long and was visionary about how our world has deteriorated to what it is now. Lots of different formats so anyone should be able to get one that works for your device. I probably have the actual book somewhere around here and read it at least 30 years ago but it stuck.

When you allow all your big manufacturing capacity to move overseas or south to Mexico it hard to get things back up and running without either a lot of time or buckets of money to build back faster. Our governments should have made it clear that products built in our respective countries got top priority for goods and services needed by the gov't even if it wasn't the lowest bid. Lots more good paying jobs for all with all those workers paying taxes and the companies they work for also filling the trough.

Moreso in the states than here the aversion to paying a bit more taxes for better infrastructure and services has let everything fall apart and Biden's trillion plus for infrastructure support is barely going to make a dent in what needs fixing.

Lack of funds for education in both countries and especially red states has begat a couple generations of illiterates that lean heavily on gov't support to survive and breed like rats.

You should download and read this 1951 sci-fi story called The Marching Morons by C. M. Kornbluth. Not too long and was visionary about how our world has deteriorated to what it is now. Lots of different formats so anyone should be able to get one that works for your device. I probably have the actual book somewhere around here and read it at least 30 years ago but it stuck.

I read it close to 40 years ago! Many of its elements were used in the first RoboCop film. Note inflation: that dollar in the movie was two bits in the story.

As for offshoring strategic manufacturing capacity, that pendulum may be starting its backswing. The combo of the pandemic and the eye-opening logistics of World War Lite (with their shared message of Make Critical Shit At Home) seem to have snagged some high-level attention.