
No civil war these days, UN charter and Scotland would have to rejoin the EU.
Is a little more complex than that. Scotland only joined the EU because they are a member of the UK. Scotland actually voted No to leaving the EU but as they are part of the UK had to abide by the United Kingdoms vote.
To join the EU with out the approval of the UK- or to leave the UK gets a bit harder. And maybe violent. Lots of Scots will fight to be part of the UK. A mate of mine is Scottish and was part of the Regiment that protected the queen. He will fight for Scotland to remain part of the UK. The Royal Family has a big influence and spend lots of time in Scotland for a very good reason.

Scots and Poms love fighting each other (granted Scots love fighting other Scots as well) and have been doing it a long time.

Look at the trouble Northern Ireland and Ireland have/had in regard to the UK leaving the EU but those seem to have been worked/ing through.
Time for Ireland to be one again IMO. Poms should do what they did in Hong Kong.
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IF there came a time when countries were jumping on their nuclear launch buttons i wonder if France and England would be launching at each other?- Just for old times sake. Perhaps Germany could see it might be able to rule Europe again like its always wanted to and launch on them to. Perhaps Spain would again rule Europe in the aftermath?
Israel will for certain get in quick on Iran whilst everyone is looking elsewhere.
I've always wondered that also,since it's all over now,this is for you.
We don't know the true numbers, but this would amount to 8 divisions or 40 brigades the way the Russians count, but they are all combat troops, the point of the spear drawn from a much larger army and a million plus man territorial force by now. They will have many armored brigades with western tanks and APCs. Then there is the drone force they are assembling, that can clean out miles worth of trenches a day with a variety of drones, many cheap. Don't forget those MLRS rocket glide bombs with a 150km range they now have and that will drive the Russian supply dumps and HQs even further to the rear and take out those third layer defenses or assembled reserve forces.


Ukraine War: What can the alleged leaked documents tell us?

322,218 views Apr 7, 2023 #documentleak #ukraineplans #springoffensive
Philip Ingram, Former British Army Intelligence and Security Officer, has addressed secret documents disclosing the reinforcement of Ukraine's forces ahead of a new offensive against Russia which appear to have been leaked online.

He said the documents "doctored the figures to Russian dead to 17,500 and the original document, if it is accurate itself, was significantly more than that".

The US defence department is investigating who is responsible for the potentially damaging leak, which comprised screenshots of classified military documents posted on Twitter and Telegram.

This is why Russian tanks have been annihilated by Ukraine | Russia Ukraine update

21,107 views Apr 7, 2023 UKRAINE
This is why Russian tanks have been annihilated by Ukraine | Russia Ukraine update. Bristling with guns, encased in armour and designed to smash through enemy defences, the tank is surely one of the most terrifying weapons on the modern battlefield. And no country in the world had more of them than Russia. But after a year of all-out war in Ukraine, analysts believe Putin may have lost up to two thirds of his tanks in the largest obliteration of Russian armour since World War Two. The situation is now so dire that Russia’s generals are pulling 70-year-old Cold War relics out of storage to plug the gaps. Meanwhile state-of-the-art British Challenger 2 tanks and German Leopards have started arriving in Ukraine, and could be hurtling towards Russian lines within weeks. This is the story of how the world’s largest tank army was decimated on the killing fields of Ukraine, and what it means for the future of the war.
He has good cause for concern, aside from NATO, fuck with the Finns and they would be parading tanks through St. Peterburg the next day, if not for nukes. However, Finland is now NATO and just a few miles from St. Petersburg and directed radio and TV transmissions can go a long way into Russia and easily cover there. There will be studios full of Russians in Kyiv broadcasting into Russia anyway they can, even YouTube, it is coming. Finland in NATO means no rush for Sweden with no border with Russia and inside NATO's borders anyway, we and they can wait while laughing and they can chill about Russia.
The netting is to hold Camo, but it also stops suicide drone attacks or blunts their effectiveness. These guys can use drones and counter battery radars, and on a static line probably have several positions with dugouts to move around and fire from. They feel confident enough to stick around for a while now though, apparently the Russians can't hit shit and trained artillery officers are becoming rare, while their ammo is getting low.

Ukraine's frontline howitzers: 'The enemy can't hit us'

3,445 views Apr 7, 2023
Ukrainian howitzers fired rounds of artillery shells from a forest near recaptured Lyman in northern Donetsk region on Friday (April 7). The town of Lyman was recaptured in October 2022 by Ukrainian troops during the first large Ukrainian counter offensive in east Ukraine. Unit commander Viktor, 27 years old, told Reuters that using a self-driving howitzer was convenient as it allowed for quick maneuvres.

Russia’s Combat Compliance Problem: Why Moscow Has Struggled in Bakhmut and Elsewhere

917,250 views Apr 3, 2023
Check out my book "What Caused the Russia-Ukraine War": https://amzn.to/3HY5aqW. You can also read it for free by signing up for a Kindle Unlimited trial at https://amzn.to/3QMsBr8. (I use affiliate links, meaning I earn a commission when you make a transaction through them. Even if you read for free, you are still supporting the channel.)

Since the start of the war, Russia has made a number of apparently bad mistakes with its troop deployments and overall tactical decisions. This video explains why a good portion of them are a consequence of Russia's struggles with combat compliance. With soldiers reluctant to follow orders, Russia resorts to actions that command can verify compliance with, which ultimately leads to more Russian casualties than would otherwise occur.

How Putin made Europe go green faster

5,539 views Apr 7, 2023 #PlanetA #UkraineWar #EnergyCrisis
One year after Russia invaded Ukraine, analysts think Putin's aggression may have sped up Europe's energy transition. How's that?
Its helping Australia go greener to.
Due to the huge war time profits in selling Europe Australian natural gas our domestic gas availability is low with a rising cost. The Federal Gov then decided to punish the Gas companies for not looking after aussies first by making gas on the nose and speeding up green investments and infrastructure.
Its helping Australia go greener to.
Due to the huge war time profits in selling Europe Australian natural gas our domestic gas availability is low with a rising cost. The Federal Gov then decided to punish the Gas companies for not looking after aussies first by making gas on the nose and speeding up green investments and infrastructure.
As soon as cheap energy storage arrives you guys should be able to harness solar big time and it will be cheaper to smelt metals using electric furnaces there than elsewhere, make steel while the sunshine's at least!

I posted an idea on oceanic water condensation towers on the climate change thread that a place like Australia might find very useful. An new idea that some very clever folks thought up, see the video, you could see towers off the coast, the numbers are very impressive. You could irrigate millions of acres of farmland in the outback or deal with drought better, these produce an amazing amount of fresh water. Have a peek, it looks like it could be a real game changer for some dry places.