Everybody and their dog wants you to use their apps. This new android phone I got has a ton of them I need to go through and figure out what I can toss or is worth keeping. I only want what I'll actually use and turn off permissions for almost everything. Pisses me off I have to use the DJI app to fly my drone. It tracks all your flight logs, location etc or the damn thing won't move.
Everything's going digital. No more date tags on the license plates. No more pink slips for insurance and they keep pushing me to use the app. Could win 1 of 5 $200 prizes! Screw you!
Another generation and it'll all be digital including your money. If you want to toss the bum on the corner a few bucks he better have the f'n app!
Thing is all the yung-uns are slipping into it thinking it's all real and don't know any better.
I'm paying good money to keep to myself online and that's money well spent . . . with a f'n VISA card no less.