That’s a big ask, even if it is the better way. First we have to find a way to break the near-monopoly on farm-teaming legislators and judges exercised by the Federalist Society, the Heritage Foundation and such. If there are liberal/democratic counterforces to those pirates, I’m unaware of them. If it’s me, (shrug).
But if what I perceive is near enough to fact, there is a real need for the center-left to engage in a much more vigorous branding campaign and to support up&comers among the legislative and judicial sectors, especially where local and state voters choose judges.
We need to improve the … political ecology? that allows people to bring civil suits that stand a real chance of bringing accountability to the billionaire shakers&movers.
The Dominion settlement was a solid step in the right direction. Without draconian legislation, we are best to build a culture in which the fear of getting taken to the cleaners places some restraint(s) on exploitative employers and media.
It would be nice to see a billionaire banker or two indicted and tried. Even more than senators and CEOs, they have been above the law. “See — this is why repealing Glass-Steagall was a bad idea!”