

Ursus marijanus
Feeling nervous about flying?

Putin arrives in Middle East flanked by Russian fighter jets
Flanked by fighter jets, Russian President Vladimir Putin touched down in the United Arab Emirates on Wednesday in the first part of his trip to the Middle East, where he will also travel to Saudi Arabia. Putin landed at Abu Dhabi International Airport in the U.A.E. under protection from four Su-35 Russian fighter jets, which flanked the president’s plane for the entire flight, according to the Russian Defense Ministry.

The fighter jets painted the skies over Dubai with the colors of the Russian flag, according to Russian state-run media outlet TASS.
Putin was seen smiling as he walked down the ramp of his plane and was greeted by U.A.E. official in footage released by the Kremlin.
Putin has already concluded a one-on-one meeting with U.A.E. President Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, according to the Kremlin.
The two were expected to discuss the Israeli-Hamas war, the war in Ukraine and their shared economic interests as major oil-producing nations.
Putin is now headed to Riyadh, where he will meet later on Wednesday with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in the capitol of Riyadh.
Putin last traveled to the U.A.E. and Saudi Arabia in 2019.

His visit to the Middle East is in defiance to an International Criminal Court (ICC) warrant, which seeks his arrest for the deportation of Ukrainian children from Ukraine. Putin skipped a major economic meeting in South Africa earlier this year over concerns he may have been arrested there.
Neither the U.A.E. or Saudi Arabia are party to the ICC.

Before Wednesday, Putin’s only international trips since the warrant was issued were to Kyrgyzstan, a former Soviet Republic, and China.
Putin’s trip shows one way in which U.S. and western allies have failed to completely isolate the Russian leader for his war in Ukraine almost two years after its start.
they are Flankers


Well-Known Member
Russians have modified their aircraft to be able to drop 4 glide bombs rather than 2. Dropped 100 bombs on the Ukrainians at Krynky. Drones have been dropping grenades on people in the area after they leave humanitarian centers. One where 70 year old men are targeted after they recharged their devices or got hot water. The ones that got away were chased and harassed by the drones when they had no more grenades.



Ursus marijanus


Well-Known Member
I read it in the Guardian, a publication I trust more than most.

For the longest time I trusted Canadian and UK based news outlets (ok, not The Sun and its like) and the BBC and The Guardian were right up there.
That could work.
Biden might have to do the full Kennedy and send the navy.
Navy already in the China Sea as well as two groups off of Israel. But with the state that Venezuela is in you could send a few coast guard ships.


Ursus marijanus
For the longest time I trusted Canadian and UK based news outlets (ok, not The Sun and its like) and the BBC and The Guardian were right up there.

Navy already in the China Sea as well as two groups off of Israel. But with the state that Venezuela is in you could send a few coast guard ships.
US has eleven carrier groups. I have no doubt we can project ample power.

Imagine if the Falklands conflict were in Iceland and not at the other end of an ocean. The short logistical chain multiplies both naval and air power.

Then again, Venezuela’s military power ranking is 45 out of 145. Argentina comes in at 28. Britain is no. 5.
“We got this.”