

Ursus marijanus
We should be equipping them with some "wild weasel"( SAM countering variant) and radar jamming capability as well.
(hung quote)
Too bad our few remaining EF-111 Ravens are probably unflyable. I think they were retired like 35 years ago. EW consoles probably looked like this.



Well-Known Member

"BRUSSELS, Dec 14 (Reuters) - Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban insisted on Thursday that the European Union should not yet start talks on Ukraine joining the bloc, a lone stand-out ahead of an EU summit that comes at a critical time for Kyiv in its war against Russia.

Orban is also blocking giving 50 billion euros ($54 billion) in financial aid for Kyiv from the EU budget, but signalled he could back could back long-term aid outside the EU budget, opening a door for some form of deal on that front."

Paying 10.2 billion in euros to Hungary (population 10mil) didn't have the desired effect on Orban. Shows he's not a good fit for the EU, violating rule nr 1 "do as we say else you don't get billions in EU funding". With Donald Tusk in charge again in Poland Orban won't find a partner in them as they have in the past when it comes to obstructing EU plans. Good thing the new nazi regime in NL hasn't formed a cabinet yet but then the populist leader who won in NL is in not pro-Russia or Putin's buddy like Orban.
why does it sound like Orban is trying to blackmail the EU over Ukraine.....


Well-Known Member

"BRUSSELS, Dec 14 (Reuters) - Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban insisted on Thursday that the European Union should not yet start talks on Ukraine joining the bloc, a lone stand-out ahead of an EU summit that comes at a critical time for Kyiv in its war against Russia.

Orban is also blocking giving 50 billion euros ($54 billion) in financial aid for Kyiv from the EU budget, but signalled he could back could back long-term aid outside the EU budget, opening a door for some form of deal on that front."

Paying 10.2 billion in euros to Hungary (population 10mil) didn't have the desired effect on Orban. Shows he's not a good fit for the EU, violating rule nr 1 "do as we say else you don't get billions in EU funding". With Donald Tusk in charge again in Poland Orban won't find a partner in them as they have in the past when it comes to obstructing EU plans. Good thing the new nazi regime in NL hasn't formed a cabinet yet but then the populist leader who won in NL is in not pro-Russia or Putin's buddy like Orban.
Countries like Hungary and Turkey(unfortunately because they occupy a strategic locale) should be kicked out of NATO,even just expelling Hungary would send a message that NATO has limits. Erdogan has been shitting all over NATO policies for years yet he is accommodated due to Turkey's strategic importance and this weakens the alliance.


Well-Known Member
why does it sound like Orban is trying to blackmail the EU over Ukraine.....
EU executive holds up billions for Hungary amid tug-of-war over Ukraine

The European Union executive said on Wednesday it was waiting for a final step from Hungary to unlock Budapest's access to billions of euros hitherto frozen over concerns Prime Minister Viktor Orban had damaged democratic checks-and-balances.

The European Commission said Hungary's latest judicial reforms must first be published in the country's official journal to be fully enacted, which would then allow the Brussels-based executive to unfreeze up to 10 billion euros in development aid for Budapest from the bloc's shared budget.

The bloc had hoped unlocking the money would help sway Orban. But his senior aide bid for up to 30 billion euros in comments to Bloomberg on Tuesday.

On Wednesday, the Commission responded by raising the stakes further as the EU is locked in a deepening tug-of-war with Hungary over support to Ukraine, which Orban threatens to veto at a summit of the bloc's leaders in Brussels on Thursday and Friday.


Well-Known Member
Countries like Hungary and Turkey(unfortunately because they occupy a strategic locale) should be kicked out of NATO,even just expelling Hungary would send a message that NATO has limits. Erdogan has been shitting all over NATO policies for years yet he is accommodated due to Turkey's strategic importance and this weakens the alliance.
Our soon to be former PM has been saying the same thing for years regarding EU membership: “Hungary ‘has no place in the EU anymore”

A year earlier, Orban about Mark Rutte:
I don’t know what is the personal reason for the Dutch prime minister to hate me or Hungary, but he is attacking so harshly, and making very clear that because Hungary in his opinion does not respect the rule of law, [it] must be punished financially. That’s his position, which is not acceptable because there is no decision about what is the rule of law situation in Hungary,” Orbán said.


Well-Known Member

In short, Orban was told to shut up by european council (heads of all member states) ‘s president if he wasn’t go to use veto now. Then Scholz told Orban to fuck off and leave the room so the adults could have a vote (and Orban listed as absent). Good stuff.
kinda thought something was up, cause i found this:

Ukraine gets the green light to the EU, and so does Moldava (sp)


Well-Known Member
Although it technically still doesn’t mean they’ll actually will be allowed to join - and if they will it can easily take another decade - it does show EU is committed in supporting Ukraine. I mean, kinda pointless having talks with Ukraine about how it needs to change and meet Copenhagen criteria if they don’t enable Ukraine to kick Russia out in the meantime.


Ursus marijanus
Although it technically still doesn’t mean they’ll actually will be allowed to join - and if they will it can easily take another decade - it does show EU is committed in supporting Ukraine. I mean, kinda pointless having talks with Ukraine about how it needs to change and meet Copenhagen criteria if they don’t enable Ukraine to kick Russia out in the meantime.
Nice to see that when Orbán pulled a Tuberville, they straightened his ass out quicker than we did.


Ursus marijanus
This (while good) is a slow boat with years to implement while Orban still can halt aid to Ukraine.
Our national enfant terrible has gotten a lot of mileage out of judicial delay.
It’s a necessary weakness in any system that depends on consent.

Even so, perhaps our case is approaching the hard limit. Appeals are not breaking his way like they formerly did.

Something might come along to scuttle Orbán.


Well-Known Member
Our soon to be former PM has been saying the same thing for years regarding EU membership: “Hungary ‘has no place in the EU anymore”

A year earlier, Orban about Mark Rutte:
I don’t know what is the personal reason for the Dutch prime minister to hate me or Hungary, but he is attacking so harshly, and making very clear that because Hungary in his opinion does not respect the rule of law, [it] must be punished financially. That’s his position, which is not acceptable because there is no decision about what is the rule of law situation in Hungary,” Orbán said.
I hate to trash Hungary,as an adoptee,I learned that I was 25% Hungarian along w/Polish and German ethnicity in my mid 20's,but facts are facts,I'm increasingly nauseated w/these tough guy,authoritarian posers modeling themselves after the greatest fake tough guy poser who occupied the Oval office 2016-2020.A draft dodging charlaton who pisses on vets.(eg. John McCain) and probably can't do ONE pushup.


Well-Known Member

Don't know why my links don't convert to a preview anymore...

"[Macron] said he was also confident that Orbán would be persuaded in the new year to come on board with the financial aid package for Ukraine, as his decision to block it meant he also blocked fresh funds for his own country, his neighbours and for migration border controls."

That'll probably do it. They really don't like brown people and instead of sharing the load of immigrants coming through Turkey or across the sea they built fences and fanatically try to keep immigrants out, even if they just want to move through it.

Orban is alone now, especially after Poland flipping back to the left, but the EU is shifting right (Finland, Sweden, Greece, Italy, NL, among others. Two most far-right IN EU, the parties in Germany and Austria are gaining ground. It will be reflected in the elections for EU parliament next year.


Well-Known Member

Don't know why my links don't convert to a preview anymore...

"[Macron] said he was also confident that Orbán would be persuaded in the new year to come on board with the financial aid package for Ukraine, as his decision to block it meant he also blocked fresh funds for his own country, his neighbours and for migration border controls."

That'll probably do it. They really don't like brown people and instead of sharing the load of immigrants coming through Turkey or across the sea they built fences and fanatically try to keep immigrants out, even if they just want to move through it.

Orban is alone now, especially after Poland flipping back to the left, but the EU is shifting right (Finland, Sweden, Greece, Italy, NL, among others. Two most far-right IN EU, the parties in Germany and Austria are gaining ground. It will be reflected in the elections for EU parliament next year.
I see the previews. Also have seen some links from 'X' lately but it is hit and miss.

I just saw an article that Orban may signal willingness to cooperate but his government may vote it down. Not counting any chickens yet.


Well-Known Member
Trump got ridiculed for mixing up Erdogan and Orban but they are in ways very similar, they're both obstructionists. For Erdogan it's to portray a powerful influential leader on the world stage, to be a factor that can't be ignored. For Orban it's more on a EU scale. I'm confident that in the end EU won't let Orban/Hungary prevent the aid but it will again cause a delay. There's still 20billion remaining frozen EU funds for Hungary.


Ursus marijanus
Trump got ridiculed for mixing up Erdogan and Orban but they are in ways very similar, they're both obstructionists. For Erdogan it's to portray a powerful influential leader on the world stage, to be a factor that can't be ignored. For Orban it's more on a EU scale. I'm confident that in the end EU won't let Orban/Hungary prevent the aid but it will again cause a delay. There's still 20billion remaining frozen EU funds for Hungary.
In that man’s cartoonish psyche, they probably both fell into the broad category of “shithole countries”. Durka durka.