

Well-Known Member
nice idea with the naval drones, and adding the Brimstone would be a nice touch......
I thought of this when the drones first made their appearance, ok the second. The aborted Musk one does not count. I thought the added mass above the waterline might be a problem given the possible wave height but calmer seas would be fine. The next step would be to guide them, maybe even a transmitter link from the boat.


Well-Known Member
I figure Ukraine will hold on with European help until things are settled in America. If Joe and the democrats win a hattrick in November I would expect Vlad to leave all of Ukraine immediately after the election!
He would not leave until he sues for piece. There is no way he will give back land without a concession.


Well-Known Member
I thought of this when the drones first made their appearance, ok the second. The aborted Musk one does not count. I thought the added mass above the waterline might be a problem given the possible wave height but calmer seas would be fine. The next step would be to guide them, maybe even a transmitter link from the boat.
guide them would be a nice step, something i can see them doing. I think in the commentary of that vid they said something like a Brimston anti ship missle or something to that effect would be a nice touch as well. Nother thing that popped in my head is magnetic mini drones (aka mines) release and attach to the ship, uav boat moves away, and someone hit the switch.....kinda like a naval mother craft of some sort.....


Well-Known Member
They have modified their tactics again. Now when a group of Russian mechanized equipment go up a road they drop some mines in front of them. They also mine the rear so any vehicles get away they get hit on a road that they already went down, thinking it is a safe exit.
i didn't think people made mines that small to encounter mechanized equipment, especially in bomblett size....i could be wrong. I do like the new tactics though...


Ursus marijanus
The missile/drone moved 14 floors in one second, a floor is about 14', so 200'. 200 x 60 = 12,000 ft/minute, converted to 8,000 mph. Could easily be off by 50%, the path of the missile is farther away than the apt block, the video only shows one second increments. Even with the errors it seems to be a missile rather than a drone at these speeds, also not falling debris. Russia aiming for apartment buildings again?

12000 ft/minute is about 140 mph

A 2.3mi/sec impact speed would have interesting effects. The impinger would have been incandescent.



Well-Known Member
He would not leave until he sues for piece. There is no way he will give back land without a concession.
He might be dead or have no choice. I think there will be additional American funding before the election, but we will see, for now the Ukrainians are doing exactly what the Americans and NATO wants the attrition of Russian military power. The Ukrainians could do much better with more support, and we know all about that issue and the politics the republicans are playing at the risk of national security. By the time the election rolls around the Russians in Ukraine should be in a sorry state, even if there are a lot of them. We will see, but if Joe and the democrats win a hattrick, there will be congressional pressure to finish the fucker!


Well-Known Member
He might be dead or have no choice. I think there will be additional American funding before the election, but we will see, for now the Ukrainians are doing exactly what the Americans and NATO wants the attrition of Russian military power. The Ukrainians could do much better with more support, and we know all about that issue and the politics the republicans are playing at the risk of national security. By the time the election rolls around the Russians in Ukraine should be in a sorry state, even if there are a lot of them. We will see, but if Joe and the democrats win a hattrick, there will be congressional pressure to finish the fucker!
Hat trick?,At this point I'll gladly take a Pres. W,flip the House,but the Senate looks tough and if one L has to be accepted I'll take it here,the R's in the Senate are a couple of levels saner than their House brethren,less obstructionist ,and more willing to deal. Don't take this as I wouldn't LOVE to see a trifecta though but if I have to pick a poison....


Well-Known Member
Hat trick?,At this point I'll gladly take a Pres. W,flip the House,but the Senate looks tough and if one L has to be accepted I'll take it here,the R's in the Senate are a couple of levels saner than their House brethren,less obstructionist ,and more willing to deal. Don't take this as I wouldn't LOVE to see a trifecta though but if I have to pick a poison....
The republicans are split, and Donald is a loose cannon that might take the ship with him when he goes down. They don't have the issues like abortion on their side and are having trouble in some red states over it. A lot of state level republicans are also in legal shit with court cases during an election year, like Trump. What happens if he is disqualified and mounts a write in campaign and starts endorsing his own candidates? If he is disqualified and imprisoned, will his fans even show up to vote if he isn't on the ticket? Donald the dictator's recent rantings haven't helped them either, their silence is complicity. We should have the answers to some of these questions by the end of the month with court rulings.

The GOP will soon only have a 2-seat majority in the house and Joe could "knock off" a couple with a sweet federal job or ambassadorship...


Well-Known Member
The republicans are split, and Donald is a loose cannon that might take the ship with him when he goes down. They don't have the issues like abortion on their side and are having trouble in some red states over it. A lot of state level republicans are also in legal shit with court cases during an election year, like Trump. What happens if he is disqualified and mounts a write in campaign and starts endorsing his own candidates? If he is disqualified and imprisoned, will his fans even show up to vote if he isn't on the ticket? Donald the dictator's recent rantings haven't helped them either, their silence is complicity. We should have the answers to some of these questions by the end of the month with court rulings.

The GOP will soon only have a 2-seat majority in the house and Joe could "knock off" a couple with a sweet federal job or ambassadorship...
I want the dickhead to run and get beat(polls show Biden not doing well vs. other R's like Haley and the "AGE THING" really comes in to play),Menendez (S) NJ isn't helping matters either,he's a corrupt arrogant d.bag whose malfeasance adds wind to the R's sails w/his chase for gold bars. So the Senate is iffy at best w/some races in some tough states,but yeah,otherwise the prospects for the House look good, hello Spkr. Jeffries,Mr. Johnson I barely knew ya.


Well-Known Member

Republicans likely to approve Ukraine military aid 'within days' | Lord Robertson
I'm wondering why we haven't hooked them up w/surplus Cobra attack choppers, the USMC uses the Z (zulu) model,and any preceeding models would be a upgrade over soviet era models Ukraine now uses, they are using utility choppers w/rocket pods and m,guns added , the older Cobra's of AH-1W vintage are way more recent and are dedicated attack helis.The transition to these has to be more simple than the F-16 requirements,have no idea why this hasn't occurred or been mentioned in giving the Ukrainians more teeth on the battlefield,hell even surplus Blackhawks in numbers could add a air assault element to the Ukrainian's game,on the idea of the 101'st Assault div.,maybe in a Brigade size,a formidable capability.


Well-Known Member
I'm wondering why we haven't hooked them up w/surplus Cobra attack choppers, the USMC uses the Z (zulu) model,and any preceeding models would be a upgrade over soviet era models Ukraine now uses, they are using utility choppers w/rocket pods and m,guns added , the older Cobra's of AH-1W vintage are way more recent and are dedicated attack helis.The transition to these has to be more simple than the F-16 requirements,have no idea why this hasn't occurred or been mentioned in giving the Ukrainians more teeth on the battlefield,hell even surplus Blackhawks in numbers could add a air assault element to the Ukrainian's game,on the idea of the 101'st Assault div.,maybe in a Brigade size,a formidable capability.
i've been wondering that myself.....course atm UA needs more air defence....according to some numbers russia has fired more that 300 long range missles at UA and over 200 drones, they are basically using up all the long range hits atm cause of the winter. On the flip side of it, Russia also can't keep up with the bodies they need to hold certain area along the front, especially with Russia sending wave after wave of new recruits trying to take land. While it's also being bitter cold there Russia troops are feeling it with no way to heat themselves, if they do, they are setting themselves up to be hit. This winter should be interesting on both sides of the ball.