
The shell shortage is hurting them, and the general lack of ammo and technical support appears to be causing an increase in casualties from drone strikes. Both sides are using mostly FPV drone strikes now, and the EW advantage is passing back and forth. A least the Ukrainians are getting better medical care which makes their KIA to wounded ratio better. It looks like they will get aid one way or another and if it comes through might set them up for an offensive in the spring or summer. Meanwhile winter has set in, and Moscow is freezing, it would be a bad time to screw with the power grids and invite retaliation. There do appear to be a lot of things blowing up or catching fire in Russia though.
The shell shortage is hurting them, and the general lack of ammo and technical support appears to be causing an increase in casualties from drone strikes. Both sides are using mostly FPV drone strikes now, and the EW advantage is passing back and forth. A least the Ukrainians are getting better medical care which makes their KIA to wounded ratio better. It looks like they will get aid one way or another and if it comes through might set them up for an offensive in the spring or summer. Meanwhile winter has set in, and Moscow is freezing, it would be a bad time to screw with the power grids and invite retaliation. There do appear to be a lot of things blowing up or catching fire in Russia though.
Interesting talk on drones.

Interesting talk on drones.

It would be a dereliction of duty for the CIA and other intelligence agencies not to clandestinely support the Ukrainian FPV and commercial drone effort. They can provide money, technical support and logistics, considering the bang for the buck when you can penetrate the EW defenses, the money involved in not much when compared to military hardware and costs can be shared by multiple NATO intelligence agencies. It would seem to be right up the CIA's ally and they are no dummies, the cost benefits and logistical possibilities make it a no brainer, especially now. Some technical support for radio transceivers that drones use could go a long way for instance.
No tears in Ukraine about it. A lot of little old ladies who apparently are Vlad's biggest fans, will freeze in their apartments, the price of being lied to and believing it and having no vote to change it. Voting is easier than freezing your ass off, so make sure yours counts and you live under the rule of the laws the citizens make, provided they are allowed to eventually correct their mistakes. That's the main issue with the likes of Trump, Putin, Hitler, Stalin or Xi, they remove the ability to get rid of them and they are prone to horrible mistakes and crass, cruel behavior that often leads their societies to disaster or wounding them for generations like Russia.

Vlad fucked his country and the future of a generation, many of the best and brightest left, their energy markets disappeared, and the infrastructure is in decay. The economy is on the rocks and the cracks are showing, the military is being destroyed by the poorest country in Europe, a country with a third of their population and a fraction of their size. The Ruble has the proximate value of a sheet of toilet paper depending on where you buy it and the quality. By the time they get to sell any of their energy nobody will need or want it and it will stay in the ground, considering how dependent they are on oil, it looks like it will have a devastating effect on their economy for a very long time. Oh yeah, he killed hundreds of thousands of his own troops and wounded more over a pointless imperialist war from another century. He is trying to resurrect the Soviet Union from the grave of history, good luck with that.

Russia is Freezing: Heating Collapse and Infrastructure Crisis
Joe has got the oil and gas taps wide open while going green at the same time, it stabilizes prices at home and protects allies from energy volatility and keeps the Midwest happy in an election year. Joe (his administration) is familiar with the coming energy transition so sell it while you can and max out, they are gonna use the oil anyway, might as well be American oil and gas. It puts heat on OPEC and others to keep prices down, meanwhile Russia is fucked and can't sell much of its oil as markets evaporate over the next decade. Whatever Europe needs can be got elsewhere for steadily diminishing prices as demand dries up. It is in the national and economic interests all countries with few or no energy resources to transition to solar, wind, batteries and EVs as the technologies improve and the costs drop. Many countries should attain energy independence or virtual independence within the framework of the EU and its grid for instance. Recent studies have shown we can do it with renewables and do it quickly too, now that green technologies are economically competitive for energy and transport with decreased future costs projected.
Joe, the administration and Mitch are getting antsy over it and if they don't come through Donald and his magats might screw Vlad again by getting his money confiscated and given to Ukraine. Meanwhile keep the cheap drones flowing from the CIA black budget and make them more effective with tech help. Best I can come up with for now.
Trumps base don't want the US involved in foreign relations, If Trump can't run then he'll try to be the power broker behind the scenes. His base is loyal and completely bought in to acceding to Putin's aggression in Ukraine. They want us out of NATO too. So, why would they not throw a monkey wrench into Biden's foreign relations and policies?

Until a deal is signed that commits funds to Ukraine's war effort, it's best to assume it won't happen. This is all part of Biden's pressure on Congress but the GOP in Congress have little motivation to sign off on a bill. I think this is very bad news for Ukraine's ability to defend their nation. It all comes down to how much pressure the electorate puts on its GOP representatives. Biden and Democratic Party Congressmen are doing what they can but the current standstill with the border being tied to Ukraine aid is all going in GOP's favor right now.
The latest "coalition" (US/UK) bitch slapping of the" Hooters" in the Red Sea is sure to turn up more heat in the region (not saying it wasn't needed) and is more bad for Ukraine as it puts them farther out of the spotlight and their need for more AA equipment ,to combat Russia's winter infrastructure assault, is becoming more urgent w/each passing day,guaranteed Zelinskey curses that Oct.7 morning on Israel's border.
No tears in Ukraine about it. A lot of little old ladies who apparently are Vlad's biggest fans, will freeze in their apartments, the price of being lied to and believing it and having no vote to change it. Voting is easier than freezing your ass off, so make sure yours counts and you live under the rule of the laws the citizens make, provided they are allowed to eventually correct their mistakes. That's the main issue with the likes of Trump, Putin, Hitler, Stalin or Xi, they remove the ability to get rid of them and they are prone to horrible mistakes and crass, cruel behavior that often leads their societies to disaster or wounding them for generations like Russia.

Vlad fucked his country and the future of a generation, many of the best and brightest left, their energy markets disappeared, and the infrastructure is in decay. The economy is on the rocks and the cracks are showing, the military is being destroyed by the poorest country in Europe, a country with a third of their population and a fraction of their size. The Ruble has the proximate value of a sheet of toilet paper depending on where you buy it and the quality. By the time they get to sell any of their energy nobody will need or want it and it will stay in the ground, considering how dependent they are on oil, it looks like it will have a devastating effect on their economy for a very long time. Oh yeah, he killed hundreds of thousands of his own troops and wounded more over a pointless imperialist war from another century. He is trying to resurrect the Soviet Union from the grave of history, good luck with that.

Russia is Freezing: Heating Collapse and Infrastructure Crisis
Mr. Xi is now purging his military,after this cleanse coupled w/his clean outs the CCP Politburo,Economic policies,big CEO's,regional govt heads all that is left are cronies who smile and say "yes",how's that gonna work out? History says not well
Cold in Russia comrade?

Turkey, Bulgaria and Romania sign a deal to tackle Black Sea mines
Turkey, Bulgaria and Romania on Thursday signed an agreement to jointly tackle drifting sea mines that have threatened Black Sea shipping since the start of the Ukraine war.
Turkish Defense Minister Yasar Guler said the agreement establishes a Mine Countermeasures Task Group among the three NATO allies to deal with the mines.

“We jointly decided to sign a protocol between three countries in order to fight more effectively against the mine danger in the Black Sea by improving our existing close cooperation and coordination,” Guler said at a news conference in Istanbul with Romanian Defense Minister Angel Tilvar and Bulgarian Deputy Defense Minister Atanas Zapryanov.

Zapryanov said mines pose a “danger to ports, communication networks and key water infrastructure. It is in our interest and NATO's interest to develop countermeasures against this danger.” Tilvar added that Russia's “disdain for the norms of international law and its aggression in the Black Sea is not only a regional problem but also a problem with global consequences.”

The deal comes after Ankara last week refused entry to the Black Sea for two minesweeping vessels donated to Ukraine by Britain.
At the start of the war in February 2022, Turkey enacted the 1936 Montreux Convention to block the passage of Russian or Ukrainian ships through the Bosphorus and Dardanelles straits. It also told non-Black Sea states not to send warships.
Guler said implementation of the Montreux Convention was important for regional security. He suggested that other countries could participate in mine-clearing at the end of the war.

Moscow and Kyiv have blamed each other for stray mines that have washed up near the Black Sea coast.
The initiative aims to make shipping safer, including for vessels transporting grain from Ukraine.

Turkey and the United Nations brokered a deal in July 2022 to ensure the free passage of Ukrainian grain via the Black Sea but Russia abandoned the deal a year later. Since then, Ukraine has shipped grain along a corridor through the western Black Sea.
Cold in Russia comrade?

Turkey, Bulgaria and Romania sign a deal to tackle Black Sea mines
Turkey, Bulgaria and Romania on Thursday signed an agreement to jointly tackle drifting sea mines that have threatened Black Sea shipping since the start of the Ukraine war.
Turkish Defense Minister Yasar Guler said the agreement establishes a Mine Countermeasures Task Group among the three NATO allies to deal with the mines.

“We jointly decided to sign a protocol between three countries in order to fight more effectively against the mine danger in the Black Sea by improving our existing close cooperation and coordination,” Guler said at a news conference in Istanbul with Romanian Defense Minister Angel Tilvar and Bulgarian Deputy Defense Minister Atanas Zapryanov.

Zapryanov said mines pose a “danger to ports, communication networks and key water infrastructure. It is in our interest and NATO's interest to develop countermeasures against this danger.” Tilvar added that Russia's “disdain for the norms of international law and its aggression in the Black Sea is not only a regional problem but also a problem with global consequences.”

The deal comes after Ankara last week refused entry to the Black Sea for two minesweeping vessels donated to Ukraine by Britain.
At the start of the war in February 2022, Turkey enacted the 1936 Montreux Convention to block the passage of Russian or Ukrainian ships through the Bosphorus and Dardanelles straits. It also told non-Black Sea states not to send warships.
Guler said implementation of the Montreux Convention was important for regional security. He suggested that other countries could participate in mine-clearing at the end of the war.

Moscow and Kyiv have blamed each other for stray mines that have washed up near the Black Sea coast.
The initiative aims to make shipping safer, including for vessels transporting grain from Ukraine.

Turkey and the United Nations brokered a deal in July 2022 to ensure the free passage of Ukrainian grain via the Black Sea but Russia abandoned the deal a year later. Since then, Ukraine has shipped grain along a corridor through the western Black Sea.
Only Vlad can solve it, or was that Trump...
Vlad would be mad to attack a NATO country, unless Trump was president of course, but even then, the Europeans could beat back the depleted Russian army on their own and support Ukraine as a direct ally. They are no longer afraid of the big bad bear as they once were, Ukraine has taken his measure, and he came up pretty short. Vlad's economy is on the rocks and about to sink and their oil markets have dried up. Unless he can pull a trained and equipped army outta his ass, I'd say it was Ukraine trying to move funding aid along, or they are really desperate.

Putin plans to expand invasion into Baltic States | Yuriy Sak
This guy wants to invade NATO countries. What exactly does he have to offer? Keeping the population from freezing to death and the economy from crashing seems the most important priority. If it's like that at home, imagine what it is like for the Russians in the trenches, 1917 all over again.

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Maybe, like 105 years ago, a sudden change of government might take the heat of Ukraine and the others.

Probably not; Vladolf seems to have a firm grip on the state’s throat.