Examples of GOP Leadership

Wow :o

Win a pack of frozen pizza bites - China made hat and swag - plus a photo op with a 400 pound orange gorilla…

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Donald needs a lot of cash to appeal the Carroll verdict and has to deposit the amount with the court to appeal, I believe. So, to roll the dice Donald needs some cash to lose and baby needs a new pair of shoes... Lose he will though, and she gets all the cash and can probably sue the dumb fuck again for even more. The capitol police lawsuit settlement should be fantastic and clean him out, even if he was worth $10 billion, a jury in DC would go nuts on him!
Last minute fuckup ….. wallet gonna be empty

His main bean counter is busted and out, he set this shit up, Trump is a know nothing. No accounting firm will touch him, and no bank will either that isn't crooked. His own employees doing the books must be scared shitless, because neither Don or Eric could do it and there is that judge appointed babysitter. He is in a financial and legal box with the walls closing in and something has got to give.
The clock is ticking on the statute of limitations too, but that might not apply to future disqualification lawsuits, if the democrats win and hold hearings to conclude the J6 investigation while entering new evidence into the congressional record. A future congress might expel or refuse to seat them, if things turn up officially one way or another. Trump being disqualified means there was an insurrection and it might affect those who swore an oath, then gave aid and comfort, the constitution covers them too and video recorded their transgression.

Jack is a scary guy to some and once he has Trump's ass, he will be even more fearsome.
