Well-Known Member
I've had sleep apnea as long as I can remember. When younger, it was just a running joke that I was the worst snorer ever. I used to sleep on planes traveling for work, and when I'd wake up, half the cabin would be shooting me contemptuous looks. Sorry folks. Both my wives were the only women who could stand it, most GFs would wake up elsewhere in the house. Sorry ladies, but you know it was worth it
When I started to fall asleep at the wheel recently driving back from gigs, I took a sleep test. It showed I had SEVERE sleep apnea, I often stopped breathing for almost a minute! Holy shit, how I survived up until this point, I'll never know. I bought an APAP (automatic CPAP) machine a couple of weeks ago with a full face mask. It took me about a week to get used to it, but now I sleep so hard I rarely need to nap (formerly an everyday occurrence). It is like being on some wonderful drug, it should add some quality years to my life. Anyone else using CPAP?