wtf are some of you thinking?

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Well-Known Member
dude did you say you were 20 yrs old and a vetran???? did you mean a 20 year veteran??????? i didn't read the last page few pages cause it all seemed usless to me but i must seriosly laugh if your 20 years old and think your a veteran ha ha ha that would mean i was growing weed when you were 12 either way from what i read im not a fan of yours this thread seems like it was started just to start shit


New Member
This arrogant ashole is still a fucking rookie,sounds like he's just trying to pick a fight to me sooooo....let my help him out....You stupid knuckleheaded sonofabitch I've forgot more about growing than you'll ever know why don't you just shut the fuck up and go suck on your mamma's tittie you crybaby good for nothing hater bitch.just go somewhere and find a forum on something you know something about like suckin dick you fuckin jackass

i bwahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahaahahahahahahahhahahaaha bwahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahaahhahahaha sure you know more about growing then me :weed:


Well-Known Member
and for anyone who didn't see this befor since people are posting like mad

this is a public marijuana forum and your going to have to sift through the crap people post everyday. I mean seriously i post on a few forums daily and this one has the least amount of repetative shit and everyone on here smokes the reefer. yes I get excessively mad as well when people ask a question i give them a good answer like for instance get a PPM meter or spend the extra 30 $ and get a god damn good light or don't use pre nuted soil ect ect, but i deal with the fact that most people on here asking those questions are probley 16 yearolds who thought they could put a seed in a solo cup with dirt from their parrents house plant piss the the cup and expect golden nugs to pop out. it's just like the saying you can lead a horse to water but u can't make him drink. You can give all the good advice you want in the end they already knew what they wanted to hear and are probley going to do it anyway and fuck up. So just give the best advice you can or ignore their posts it will help lower your blood preasure a little bit i think. Yes i also get fucking tired of every one and their brother asking the same 10 questions. And yes i my self bought a PPM meter off ebay for like 16 $ shipped best thing i ever did ( no you don't need to spend 80 - 120 $ on a ppm meter chumlie I have had mine for 2 years now no problems and it still reads the standardised TDS solution perfectly you can spend excess cash if you want but its not worth it for what 90 % of the people here will be using them for )


Active Member
you try and gove good advice to rookies but they got these other idiots that think they know how to grow telling them nah you dont need that or this look at me a grew 2 plants under a fucking cfl come on come on im a fucking 20 year old veteran at this shit i think i know something about this im just trying to make a point that a ppm pen and ph pen are necessary for a succesfull grow
Well just because you give advice that you deem to be the best, dosent necessarily mean it is.. there's more than one way to grow a plant bro, and the fact that you say youve been doing this forever does not mean anything here.. for all we know, you could be a 13 year old kid thats just trying to impress people. If your going to go on here and start ranting about how youve got the BEST grow methods, you better have some factual evidence, i havent been growing for 20 years, thats for sure, but ill tell you what, ive listened to other people and ive tried other things, and ive given people advice that, ive been told, has helped them out a lot also, if you have any questions, im sure ive heard them before, but PLEASE ASK ME, I WOULD BE MORE THAN WILLING TO HELP YOU OUT.

Your still harping the OPINION that those tools are the best.. again.. its an opinoin, show me some factual evidence that blatently says that those are the best tools to use when growing marijuana and i will go out and buy them today. Your posing the same attitude as those "Idiots who think they know everything and dont want to listen to anyone" its annoying, its immature, and its unneccessary, post something that has some weighted evidence behind it and go on with your every day life.. go smoke a joint, cool off, and i hope you have a great day :hump:


Well-Known Member
fdd just gave me an infraction bwahahahahahhaha
must have deserved it if it came from fdd

ive been growing a long time in soil and only got a ppm meter last year when i tried out hydro, I successfuly grew for years b4 i ever got it does that mean i suck now cause 7 years of harvesting amazingly dank nuggets was done without a meter


Well-Known Member
Gnarlywabba. im not going to lay it out and spend 2 hours researching to prove to you that a PPM meter is the way to go when growing. but it does tell you exactly how much of your nutes your giving your plant. I dont think you can argue that guessing ( yes following the instructions on your nutes is still guessing because a Tsp that you measure out is in no way an exact measurement ) is better then knowing exactly what your giving them. Yes you can say this guy was wrong in trying to start shit on the internet. but he is correct a PPM meter is the best tool for determining how much you are feeding your plant. another possibility is a very sesnsitve digital scale and measure your nutes in grams to the closest hundriths place but thats a much bigger pain in the ass then pushing a button and submerging somthing for 10 seconds


Active Member
Gnarlywabba. im not going to lay it out and spend 2 hours researching to prove to you that a PPM meter is the way to go when growing. but it does tell you exactly how much of your nutes your giving your plant. I dont think you can argue that guessing ( yes following the instructions on your nutes is still guessing because a Tsp that you measure out is in no way an exact measurement ) is better then knowing exactly what your giving them. Yes you can say this guy was wrong in trying to start shit on the internet. but he is correct a PPM meter is the best tool for determining how much you are feeding your plant. another possibility is a very sesnsitve digital scale and measure your nutes in grams to the closest hundriths place but thats a much bigger pain in the ass then pushing a button and submerging somthing for 10 seconds
Again, your stating an opinion, sorry if you dont like the way i put that, but in all honesty, its an opinion. I doubt it will take you 2 hours to find some kind of document stating that a PPM meter is an extremely beneficial tool in a botanical sense, but at the same time, if it does thats fine, but thats the process that all the people who made these discoveries and all the people who invented these tools had to go through. Im not saying its not a beneficial tool, im not saying it is, but the simple fact of the matter is that he was complaining about how idiots get on here and spout off information about a concept that, he believes, they know nothing about. Now, if he is honestly going to sit there and say that they know less than him, and that they are all wrong, whos to say hes not wrong? The whole point of finding evidence is to back up your claims and to prove or disprove theories. I dont sit here and tell everyone i meet to find me factual evidence, the purpose of that statement was to hopefully show him that hes doing the same exact thing those "idiots" he spoke of are doing, i found the hippocracy of that to be amusing.


Well-Known Member
fair enough so it was more to prove a point then an actual statement that a PPM meter was not a good way to go. that makes more sence I was tpying like crazy and not really reading much because pople were posting alot on here. I thought you were trying to say a PPM meter was not a usefull tool.


Active Member
well put chuck, but no, from what I've gathered from his other posts.. he came out of the womb with all the knowledge to grow the bombest shit around ;-)


Well-Known Member
well now he going to have to grow friends in a different forum!!! ill smoke a blunt and get dazed thanks fdd passing the blunt to gnarly


fdd banned you for being an asshole and threatening to rat him out to the DEA. you never even posted 1 pic. :roll:


WOW.... well f@#$ that guy... and f@#$ the DEA!!:cuss:
this goes out to both of them:finger:kiss-ass


Well-Known Member
i don't own so much as a PH checker. never have, never will. we all did this shit 20 years ago without any of these "tools" i wonder how. =/


Well-Known Member
ha first post that started all this i see you wait till they are that tall to give em that low a ppm.
as far as clones to you can start nuting far sooner than you say.

and i thougfht that s what these sites where for is to teach noobs..not to slam them.
nobody is holding a gun to your head to respond to them are they.

maybe the reason there are so many repeated questions on the same topic is because there is alot of wrong answers in here.

and anyone who thinks they are better than anyone elses grow will be a noob for life
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