My cabinet grow journal!

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Well-Known Member
Congrats on making it to flower! I wouldn't worry too much about your manly-looking plant for now. You will know for sure in a few days.
Hey thanks for stopping by, how ya been man? Hows that grow going? I'm not too worried about having any males, i almost hope i get one or two to make more room!!!LOL!!! Thanks again!!!!:weed:


Well-Known Member
Eh, thats not very expensive at all, I've just seen some outrageous prices in certain formats.. I usually used black-strap, but sometimes I went with fancy.. I always had tons of it kicking around because I use alot in distilling rum..
One thing I never thought about when I had a crop on the go was feeding my plants brewing nutes.. Soil microbes and yeast often have very similar tastes..


Well-Known Member
Eh, thats not very expensive at all, I've just seen some outrageous prices in certain formats.. I usually used black-strap, but sometimes I went with fancy.. I always had tons of it kicking around because I use alot in distilling rum..
One thing I never thought about when I had a crop on the go was feeding my plants brewing nutes.. Soil microbes and yeast often have very similar tastes..
Wassup my lil mafia?Dude you might have found a pheno that could be awesome so what lights due you have now?You keep me more confused than 10 ppl lmfao,born i went and looked at the bottle has vitamins magn,iron calcium and trace elements.Food source for beneficial microorganisms that improve the health of the soil,helps breakdown organic matter providing nutrients for the plant.I guess thats why ive never had mag.def its called Natures Guide.And its blackstrap lmfao i guess im hungry for some backstrap off the ol deer in the fridge rofl


Well-Known Member
Wassup my lil mafia?Dude you might have found a pheno that could be awesome so what lights due you have now?You keep me more confused than 10 ppl lmfao,born i went and looked at the bottle has vitamins magn,iron calcium and trace elements.Food source for beneficial microorganisms that improve the health of the soil,helps breakdown organic matter providing nutrients for the plant.I guess thats why ive never had mag.def its called Natures Guide.And its blackstrap lmfao i guess im hungry for some backstrap off the ol deer in the fridge rofl
That would be sweet if i had some crazy twisted breed that grows retarded leave sets!!LOL!!!!
I now have 2x 400 watt Metal Halide in the cabinet for flowering, thanks to your advice about flowering with MH,i added the second to the grow and they Fu*$ing love it!!
Sorry for the confusion beech, i am also confused at the
moment.......bongsmilie...:joint:.. but for other reasons!!!LOL!!!!

How did the poker go? did ya' win big?


Well-Known Member
Yea, I was gonna say that molasses in general, (especially black-strap) already contains a good amount of trace elements directly uptakeable by the plant.. The carbs on the otherhand aren't for the plant at all, they can't travel up the xylem.. They feed the micro-oganisms that do the pre-processing work..


Well-Known Member
I think i'm gonna get some of that for the next round of flowering, just can't afford it yet. now i can't even find it on the website for the store.....:wall:.
What a day.........


Well-Known Member
Any nursery has it..and its cheap 5 to 6 bucks i wont grow without it i love the taste in my weed.Born, how can you say that, one feeds the other therefore there essential for healthy plants.Am i wrong?Does it not help the plant with its availibilty of nutrients?By,that i mean open are help the plant with uptake of nutrients by increasing the amount of healthy microorganisms,are not healthy the good ones that there being both good and bad...


Well-Known Member
Not much npk will be taken up from what is added from the molasses.. The compounds that make up molasses are generally too complex for plants to absorb.. Micro-organisms definately assist in conversion of nutrients to usable forms, but they need to harvest the energy to do so from those carbohydrates like sucrose, and much more complex compounds, that the plants couldn't use themselves..
Approaching the later part of the season, cannabis plants actually dump a large portion of the carbohydrates they have built within themselves via photosynthesis into the soil.. This charges up the organisms with the energy they need to perform useful functions and by-products.. Its symbiotic, and the needs do over lap slightly, but the roles can be separated..
Adding molasses in a sterile hydrponic setup wouldn't yield the same benefit, though there are trace elements available in it, and a tad of usable npk, but it would really need to be composted of sorts to sustain a plant on any kind of npk ratio.. Proper carb loading additives for hydroponics include the enzymes soil beasties would normally provide..


Well-Known Member
Ok, i had my first major unexplainable problem today!!!
I got there and the all the lights were out. :confused:
The breaker was tripped to the room, but i don't understand why. It has never happened before, and the guy who wired it is an electrician. It's on it own dedicated circuit, nothing else is on the circuit but the grow room!:wall:

Anyway, my plants were a little bigger so i still took pics for ya'!!!!!

Here is an over all of the two cabinets, with a temp,and humidity shot. The fans were off,like i said, so the humidity was a little high at the time.

Also, Beech, check out the last shot! Look at that soil, no moisture anywhere near the top 2 inches of soil!!LOL!!!! I'm gettin' better!:hump:



Well-Known Member
Next up is the eight random bagseed plants that seem to be doing good with no scissors involved this round!!LOL!!!

I know some look really wet, but it was their day to get the hose!!!:lol:

After seeing how my clones came out, in the next set of pics., i'm thinking i'll keep these plants in these pots for awhile to let the roots fill out the pot.
anyway, here is the bagseed mix....



Well-Known Member
So here is the clones i have from plant 3 and 4, not bad for the first time ,huh?:mrgreen:
Any ideas on when these will be ready to throw into flower?

My goal is to be able to put them in place, if i have any males, when i pull them out. My guess is about, what?, another week untill they should be ready to throw these clones into flower?



Well-Known Member
Here is plants 1-4 that are in the fourth day of flowering.....
1-3 are plant#1
4-6 Plant#2
7-9 Plant #3
10-13 Plant #4



Well-Known Member
Pics. 1-2 are Plant #5
3-5 are plant#6
6-7 are plant #7
8-9 are plant #8

These are also in 4 day of flowering......

That's it guys, damn that was long!!!!!!:sleep:

So what do ya' think, please leave comments and feedback, that includes advice!!LOL!!!! SMOKESUMPIN!!!!bongsmilie



Well-Known Member
Could have been caused by inrush current.. You should stagger your ballasts starting moments a tad since they draw alot more current at start-up.. How much inrush current can also depend on the state of the AC waveform at the moment the ballast is turned on, so its easy for that to seem random..


Well-Known Member
Could have been caused by inrush current.. You should stagger your ballasts starting moments a tad since they draw alot more current at start-up.. How much inrush current can also depend on the state of the AC waveform at the moment the ballast is turned on, so its easy for that to seem random..
I think they are about a minute or two apart now, ya' know i never even thought about it that way. It makes sense if two big ballast are trying to warm up,thus pulling much electricity, it would be the same as an overload, causing the trip. Am i on the right track? Maybe i should put the timers start up's about five minutes apart huh?
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