So when you say you top them after the 2nd node to get 4 colas, how far along are they and how big are they usually?
3 to 5 nodes in height, doesn't really matter, perhaps 8" across.
And how long do they take to recover?
There is no "recovery period" as in being detrimental to the plant. You'll see output within 24 hours in the nodal axis if you have a typical growing seedling.
Since im going to be starting another grow soon with my buddies im hoping to use the 4 cola method to get more bud.
Great. Anytime you can open up the canopy to light you'll get better production.
I've uploaded a few pix, in no particular order. The third photo shows the reaction from pinching out the main stem (trunk) 3 days after. The stub has calloused over and the new output is already showing good leafing. First two photos show mature colas either 2 or 4 depending on where I pinched at, the last shows the scaffold network after harvest - note the opposing main scaffold branches at right angles to each other, one node above the other. Of course you'll still get secondary branching and output...... witness the skinny branches on the 4th photo.
As an aside, these colas can get pretty heavy so staking is recommended. I take a strip of women's hosiery and wrap it around the perimeter of the colas tieing the ends together, when they start pulling apart from their own weight, attaching the hose strips to the colas about halfway up with twisty ties. That usually is enough, but a 3' tall bamboo stake driven into the pot and attached somewhere on the strip doesn't hurt either.
That second plant yielded over 10 oz of cured bud, all grown indoors under HPS from start to finish. (Changing out lamp types is another forum myth.)
Notice the heavy retention of fan leaves at the point of harvest. I never flush (another forum myth) and I go easy on the Bloom foods as they usually induce premature leaf drop and chlorosis.
Hope this helps,