hey there babygrow, i forwardedid your post about the mandala to my buddy and was very happy to read it and told me to tell you thankyou, i know you are using a seaweed feed on your clones but i wanted to suggest nitrozyme, i used it last clonning and was extremley impressed. on day 11 most of the clones had root "systems" entagled in itself. stuff is miracle juice when used as a folier feed. just a suggestion, peace and happy growing.
Cheers sk3tch3, I think your mate is going to be very impressed with his White Satin!
Thanks for the tip on Nitrozyme - I have heard of people getting great results with it, which is why I use Seaweed Extract

As far as I'm concerned the two products are not only doing the same thing, they are the same thing - From Growth Technology -
Nitrozyme, a highly concentrated extract from sea plants, contains a vast array of natural growth enhancers. Nitrozyme has been tested on many commercial crops and has shown outstanding yield increases.
Nitrozyme contains powerful natural growth enhancers, exotic micro-nutrients and bio-stimulants. The high concentration of these biological agents will potentiate the growth process of the plant, with specific advantage to its current stage of growth.
If you notice on the bottle it says 100% Organic, which basically means they haven't added any nasty chemical or man made additives to it, which also effectively means it's all sourced from, drum roll.... Seaweed! As far as I'm aware, Seaweed Extract only comes from 1 particular type of seaweed, and I can't really see how Nitrozyme would be any different.
The main difference between what you use - Nitrozyme (£45.00 a litre only available at local Hydro store) and what I use - Maxicrop's Seaweed Extract (£8.00 a Litre from any good Garden Centre) is 37 quid basically !
This is the problem with the current specialist hydro stores, the big Dutch and multi-national nutrient conglomerates like Canna, Biobizz, Advanced Nutrients and Bcuzz and Growth Technology are in business to make money. They've spotted an untapped market for thier products in the 'underground' Canna growing movement and they're looking to exploit it and if that means re-packaging traditionally used organic products such as Seaweed Extract and Molasses into products like Fish Stew and Carbo load and charging 5 times the price for them and get away with it they will.
The fundamental principles of growing fruit and vegetables hasn't really changed since the last war, so why do we suddenly need all these wonderful new fangled products these companies are trying to sell us?
Try Seaweed Extract instead of Nitrozyme and see if you get the same performance, and if you do, you might save yourself some money