Okay update time. Day 43 for most of them popping the soil surface, near the end of the seventh week of vegetative growth.
Repotted all the Satori and Kalichakra into 3 Litre pots today into a mix of 5 parts Moorland MP and 5 parts Westlands MP + JI and 1 part perlite. All soil sieved through a 1/4 inch screen and reconstituted and fluffed up from it's compressed form. I added a teaspoon of Dolomite lime to buffer ph and a teaspoon of calcified seaweed per litre of soil. Watered with 1 drop superthrive per 4L of water and 1.5mil Maxicrop Seaweed extract per 4L of water
No rootgrow this time, that only needs to be applied once and that was done last repot.
So far in terms of nutrient feeding all I've given them is 0.5mil Biobizz grow per L of water a couple of waterings ago and a teasp of epsom salts per L of water.
Due to my space restrictions in my 'grow-room' this is the final repot before I switch to 12/12 in about a weeks time or as soon as they've rooted out these new pots, which I expect will take no more than 4 or 5 days, as soon as that happens I'll switch to 12/12.
Accepted, 3L pots are a little too small to flower in ideally, but with 8 plants that's all I can fit them into at the moment, and still get them all in the grow room. This is why I'm so 'anal' for want of a better expression about making sure the rootball is correctly developed by starting them out in 1L pots, potting up to 2L pots and then 3L pots - each pot up develops and enlarges the rootball - so important if you're restricted in pot size.
Many of the growers on here who don't have the limited room I have and can pot up into large pots for flowering, have an ideal opportunity to get that rootball correctly developed in the pot ups to that final pot size, but so few of them really bother to do it.
They go from a tiny 4" 1L pot almost straight into their final flowering pot size of 2-3 gallons, where the tap root will simply grow straight down and out round the bottom, missing out on all that soil, which is wasted.
The plan, is to put them into flowering in their 3L pots and as soon as I know what sex they are (hopefully within 2 weeks) I'll repot the females into 6.5L pots and chuck the males.
The reason you let the plants 'root out' their final pots before switching to 12/12 is because root growth slows considerably in flowering and so you want the most root growth whilst the plant is in veg.
Health wise they're coming nicely, still got the Mg deficiency problems (thanks to my tap water) but I'm keeping that under control. The tallest is now about 11 or 12 inches high so I really need to switch to 12/12 asap really.
As I repotted them and watered them today, they're still looking a little droopy and sorry for themselves, as soon as they've perked up I'll post some pics of them.