Soil vs. Hydro


Well-Known Member
ya,im from the far north.i dont know if moose drool works.if a moose has drooled over your plant their is good reason to think he has eaten it too.


Well-Known Member
i know one thing dont use nutes with salt because moose love their salt.i had one eat my ski doo seat because of the salt from my sweat going on it.


Well-Known Member
I actually have the perfect comparison. My last batch was grown in soil. My buddy grew the SAME clones (same two strains) in hydro at the same time I did my soil.

Nobody we know could EVER tell the difference which was which except for his nugz are huge and I had a shit ton of smaller ones. He vegged for a long time, I don't like to do that. 24 hours of light is annoying.


Well-Known Member
I know that for sure. Definitely more yield in the same amount of time. My point is that the quality of the bud did not suffer on his because it was grown with Hydro. I do have to say that mine fuck's my head up more, but that's becuase I harvested @ 7 weeks and he harvested @ 8 1/2. Mine definitely came out more cerebral, but I certainly wouldn't say that it tastes any different or is more/less potent. They seem about equal, just a little different from the harvest.

What I consider to be the findings:
1- Hydro grows plants faster and bigger in the same time frame.
2- The outcome from two small setups under HID lighting will be very similar as far as quality/potency

Things not to be considered as findings:
1- Growing indoors under hydro compares in any way to growing outdoors under the sun.
2- The quality when grown under the sun vs. the quality of an indoor hydro grow.

I believe that you are a soil junky and love the flavor of your wonderful bud because you use the sun as your light source and are VERY good at it. This doesn't mean that you can claim hydro vs soil that hydro is inferior in taste or quality. Hydro is grown nearly exclusively under HID (some greenhouses around, but not many).


Well-Known Member
I do want an oppurtunity to grow a strain out and compare it. Give a plant the best soil possible and likewise with the hydro give it the best nutrient solution I can. I have the meters.


Well-Known Member
I believe that you are a soil junky and love the flavor of your wonderful bud because you use the sun as your light source and are VERY good at it. This doesn't mean that you can claim hydro vs soil that hydro is inferior in taste or quality. Hydro is grown nearly exclusively under HID (some greenhouses around, but not many).
FDD grows indoor under HID as well... ;)


Well-Known Member
i prefer indoor soil. outdoor is stonier. indoor is denser with less bud leaves. indoor produces more calyxes. outdoor produces bigger trichromes. indoor is a tastier high. outdoor is a longer lasting high............

i've never grown hydro. i keep saying "to each his own". do what you goals require. i don't know why people think i'm "bad mouthing" anything. grow it however you want. YOUR WAY IS BEST FOR YOU. mine for me. i refuse to argue about personal preference.



Well-Known Member
you and i keep saying this. why won't they listen? :confused::peace::joint::joint:
Well I've always known you wont convince a soil grower to go hydro and likewise for a hydrogrower. You can tell people what you know and let them make their own mind up, but if you try and change someones opinion then more than likely they will dig their heels in and stop listening to what you say.

I think hydro is better for x reasons
You think soil is better for y reasons.

The reasons are different but it depends on what you value.


Elite Rolling Society
Back in the earlly 80's, we grew outdoors, and we grew for MONEY, BIG MONEY. We didn't know much about growing then, we used store bought fertilizer and we did water them often. We didn't know anything about TRICH color, or trimming or topping or pruning. We knew to HARVEST when the weather man said the first frost would fall tomorrow. We thought we were educated about growing by just knowing to toss the males, to get some sensi bud for personal use.
But the point I wanted to make is we got some AWESOME TOPS, every plant had one tremendous top cola, the size of a coke can and 10 or 12 inches long. I haven;t been able to get a cola like those, by growing inside and I haven't seen anyone else get buds like that by growing inside .


Well-Known Member
One thing I will add though, is that considering soil is supposed to be better for a newbie, how often do you hear of a soil grower asking, i have these spots on my leaves and how often do you hear that form a hydro grower. Simple answer is that a hydro grower doesnt often ask whats wrong he knows whats wrong because he takes regular readings of the ec/ppm and the ph.


Well-Known Member
I have to agree with thumb over there. I bought this closet, and did not know shit about hydro. I had some germ. problems, but the closet did most of the work for me and they turned out splendid.