stop trying to decriminilize ,arijuana everybody..stop

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
i think the medical marijuana situation should be placed in everystate everywhere....stop trying to decrim it...

I'm not a medical user and why should I have to fake an illness and pay a doctor to write me a note saying I can? You seem all up in arms about the government regulating your life.... but have no problem letting a doctor do it?

Sorry.... I'll never stop supporting the efforts to LEGALIZE IT for ALL adults ;)

also..who the fuck is uncle tom or what ever to take anything from ur history..find out about the federal reserve bank.....its history..our money..the irs...and im not talking about theories....lets talk facts...

I'm quite familiar with history so I don't need you to tell me to "do ur history"... thanks all the same. ;) While I don't like A LOT of bullshit laws we have in place... many implemented unjustly.... none the less .... the only way to implement change is by being pro-active and involved.

Also, I think bringing up the legalities of the Federal Reserve bank does nothing to further the debate about the issue at hand. Stick to the topic and stop trying to confuse the issue with unrelated subject matter.... it's just noise....
;) :peace:


Well-Known Member

i'm not a medical user and why should i have to fake an illness and pay a doctor to write me a note saying i can? You seem all up in arms about the government regulating your life.... But have no problem letting a doctor do it?

Sorry.... I'll never stop supporting the efforts to legalize it for all adults ;)

i'm quite familiar with history so i don't need you to tell me to "do ur history"... Thanks all the same. ;) while i don't like a lot of bullshit laws we have in place... Many implemented unjustly.... None the less .... The only way to implement change is by being pro-active and involved.

Also, i think bringing up the legalities of the federal reserve bank does nothing to further the debate about the issue at hand. Stick to the topic and stop trying to confuse the issue with unrelated subject matter.... It's just noise....
;) :peace:
i like u!!!!....we be going back and forth...why should u have to fake an illness....ur right....but what about ppl who really really could benefit from i.....if u dont like bullshit laws...why would u want them to enact it will turn into a bs me...use what we have...medical marijuana is legal with limitation...girl..u better go in there with chronic migraines get u a card and get some chronic right after.... U just blow to blow..thats wazap..i cant knock

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
i like u!!!!....we be going back and forth...why should u have to fake an illness....ur right....but what about ppl who really really could benefit from i.....if u dont like bullshit laws...why would u want them to enact it will turn into a bs me...use what we have...medical marijuana is legal with limitation...girl..u better go in there with chronic migraines get u a card and get some chronic right after.... U just blow to blow..thats wazap..i cant knock

The argument from the government is that there are Pharmaceutical medications that can do what mj does for mm users, therefore no need to legalize it for medical use. YEP... guess who DOESN'T want MM to be legal.... that's right... the big pharmaceutical companies! They have high dollar lobbyists working very hard to make sure no one takes away a peice of their pie.

This is why I (as a recreational user) prefer to shift the argument to move away from "medical only" to "it's less harmful then alcohol and should be legal for all adults". My feeling is if we push it that way then we would be saying.... "if weed is illegal then alcohol should be too"! Not sure that would rally the alcohol makers to our defense.... but it would certainly get them in the OH HELL NO mode to making alcohol illegal.... and try as they like to prove alcohol is less harmful then weed.... they just won't be able to do it.... and if they can't prove it...then there is no need for weed to be illegal. Kinda like a pin em in the corner and force them to prove weed is harmful..... even if they are only trying to prove their drug isn't.
Hopefully that all makes sense in print like it does in my head...... I'm a bit high :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
i think the whole conversation is silly. you guys keep saying things like "our right to grow" your state is so far advanced in the tolerance of pot it's ridiculous to think that you dont realize how great you have it. you can go to the doctor and ask for a script, you can GROW! Im not worried about losing my "right" to grow, because i never even had a right to smoke! anyways i guess the point is, most of us grow weed illegally right now, why wouldnt we even if we could buy it @ the gas station!? be happy with what you have...

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
i think the whole conversation is silly. you guys keep saying things like "our right to grow" your state is so far advanced in the tolerance of pot it's ridiculous to think that you dont realize how great you have it. you can go to the doctor and ask for a script, you can GROW! Im not worried about losing my "right" to grow, because i never even had a right to smoke! anyways i guess the point is, most of us grow weed illegally right now, why wouldnt we even if we could buy it @ the gas station!? be happy with what you have...

There was a time in history when women couldn't vote ... they were second class citizens. But hey... they had husbands to provide for them so why bother fighting for their rights? Should they (we, as I'm female) have 'just been happy with what they had?'. I THINK NOT!

Change doesn't happen unless people stand up in mass and DEMAND it!

P.S. My state is harsh on mj.... so I'm not in the boat to just be happy about it ;)

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
On another note about legalizing it for "medical use" only. You all think if they do that the FDA won't get their greedy little hands in the pie?

Right now individual States that have decriminalized it for medical use have little regulation and people can simply go to a dispensary to get their weed. If it becomes Federal Law that it's ok for medical use only then you can bet your ass the FDA will be in cahoots with the big pharmaceutical companies to regulate the hell out of it... making sure only pharmaceutical companies can produce it (you know they will produce only strains with the lowest THC possible) and only pharmacies can dispense it (kiss your local dispensary good-bye). Essentially the price will skyrocket as most insurance companies won't cover it and the pharm compaines will charge an arm and leg to produce it to regulation...... what a SHAM it will be!!!

I prefer the approach that mj is a DRUG.... in the same class as alcohol (class... not saying they are the same drug) and should be legal for all adults to choose if they want to use it or not. I'd rather have the ATF making sure stores aren't selling to minors then the FDA telling me I have to 1) fake illness 2) pay doctor for scrip 3) pay pharmacy $200 for 1/8 because my insurance company doesn't cover it 4) have my employer know I use it from the "usage reports" they get when negotiating rates (yep...that happens).

I'm an adult... WAY over 21 (double in fact)... I should have the choice to buy alcohol if I want and weed (of any variety) if I so choose.

My rambling point is.... we need to bring to light that mj is nothing more then a 'spirit' adults can use if they so choose. Government has no business telling me what alcohol I can buy, how much I can buy or how much I can consume in my own home..... they have no business telling me any of that about weed either ;)



Well-Known Member
we should be tossing out our seeds into every ditch, flowerbed, public park, forest, etc. in the country and laughing our asses off watching them scramble to to get it all cut down before it reseeds the next year!
Absolutely! only problem is unless you smoke mexi, probably no seeds. I live within 50 miles of the border and don't even know where to get schwag. We need to make our own seeds. Share them freely and toss them like you say. The way it used to be, just better genetics!


Well-Known Member
I support decriminalization of pot fully, I would have it a legal gray area and up to each state at least on the choice on what to do with pot.


Well-Known Member
i had ur same idea carnifreek,

rebel bud growers, mj plants everywhere, next gen of lawmakers bound to fix MJ problem growing up seeing them everywhere...


New Member
It doesn't matter how many med states there are if the DEA can still come in a steal your shit.

It needs to be decriminalized on a federal level first, or med laws don't matter all that much.

I want it to be legal, I don't want to have to keep paying a doctor to say I can smoke. Fuck that ............


Well-Known Member
It doesn't matter how many med states there are if the DEA can still come in a steal your shit.

It needs to be decriminalized on a federal level first, or med laws don't matter all that much.

I want it to be legal, I don't want to have to keep paying a doctor to say I can smoke. Fuck that ............
Preach it sister!
The only reason to not support decriminalization, is if your a weed baron drug dealer ripping off your fellow man.


Iron Lion Zion

Well-Known Member
we will prolly loose the right top grow it.
Even if they tried to say we can't grow it, assuming it was decriminalized/legalized, its not possible to tell someone not to grow something for them, when it is legal for them to have it. The plant and the marijuana we smoke are the same in court today, any lawyer could draw upon this to help a client, assuming they were charged with growing. (This is all based upon the assumption of the decriminalization of it).


New Member
They can't really go and say you can't grow it when people are allowed to make their own beer and wine at home. That would be a double standard. It would be like saying people can't grow tomatoes or something.

If is were legal, people would try to grow at first, but the majority would fail because they just don't know what they're doing. Some of the ones that succeed will get small harvest and will decide it's a lot less work to purchase than to produce. I really don't think that many people will stick to growing their own. If Americans are anything, they're lazy and want instant gratification.


Well-Known Member
They can't really go and say you can't grow it when people are allowed to make their own beer and wine at home. That would be a double standard. It would be like saying people can't grow tomatoes or something.


Uh, you mean like the double standard in place that makes us even need to legalize in the first place? Or the double standard requiring med patients to pay for a state card in many states every year? Or you mean the double standard where you can't just grow legally because you already qualify for any narcotics you want medically anyway?

No, it would be fair.

We'd just have to fight for every inch to make it fair though.

I agree with the rest of what you said though miss.


New Member
Well if they legalized it, would the cops even bother looking for people that are growing? Part of being legal would be that it is legal to possess, or to grow. They can't say you can possess it, but can't grow it, where would it come from then?

Med patients have to pay for a med card because right now marijuana is being viewed as a prescrpition. You can't just write your own prescriptions you know.


Well-Known Member
Although the ending of alcohol prohibition allowed Americans to make their own wine, It was not until Oct 14, 1978 when Jimmy Carter legalized each adult to brew 100 gallons a year with a max of 200 gallons per household. I brew my 100 or so...

So the double standard on homebrew lasted almost 50 years (not that beer was not brewed in the home the entire time of course)

In the movie 'The union: the business behind getting high"

some former police chief who is against pot laws:

1st prohibition-tree of life
1st cop-"god"
# of citizens to control-2
moral of the story-Prohibition will not work
proof-all the weed barons that do not want decriminalization/legalization, the very people the laws are supposed to stop wholeheartedly support the laws out of blind soul encrusting greed:spew:

Prohibition leads to organized crime, period. During prohibition there were more speakeasy's than pubs and liquor stores today.

Bathtub gin, Al Capone, private prisons, and Paraquat...Ain't our gov great!
