Israel and the ignored UN Resolutions

Way to not answer the question Natrone...tho i didn't think you were able anyways.....

out. :blsmoke:
What about terrorism? Terrorism is just a tactic, I don't nessacarly agree with that tactic, but also I have never been in that situation when there is that bad of desperation. When all you have is rocks, I'm sure if they had tanks or jets they would use those. Is that your only beef with the palestinians their tactics?, So you would be all for end to the military occupation of the palestinian terroritoies as long as the palestinians target IDF soldiers while engaging in resistance
See when you lose a war, you don't get your lost territory back..:blsmoke:
So are they claiming that land is now Israel, by all means why don't we just make the whole land Israel and give the palestians the right to vote, Israel is a democracy right? the only one in the middle east right?
It certainly is, they were attacked, kicked butt took the land..spoils of war. Do you think if Egypt had beaten Israel that when it was over, Egypt would have returned the lands they occupied?
So than a legitmate democracy should allow its citizens to vote right?
Israel does, international pressure was brought to bear for the formation of a Palestinian State. Israel gave up Gaza to the p's and the Pal Auth. was formed. In the last Gaza "Election" Hamas supposedly won. So they were democratically elected..So the citizens of each are allowed to vote.
They did vote Natrone...they voted in Hamas and it has been recognized by Israel. How's that been going eh? Oh and the Israelis left the Gaza strip in 1995.... has that placated ANYBODY??? No, it has only escalated their cowardly plans.

Terrorism is a tactic...true. So is counter terrorism, which is being implemented as we speak.

Israel has always shown restraint..... they have the capability to use a "scorched earth" policy such as Russia in Chechnya and France in Algiers. By the way Russia doesn't even care what you or the world thinks about it. How bout them apples? Is your outrage confined to the location or the methodologies...... so far I'm thinking the former.

out. :blsmoke:
umm well ya I said.."your know you're a PotHead..when you get your tongue wrapped around your eyeteeth and can't see what your saying....'ere

That's to you cracker
How's that been going eh? Oh and the Israelis left the Gaza strip in 1995.... has that placated ANYBODY??? :blsmoke:
Thats good, its just a start, they continue to blockade all of the gaza strip so there is no economic development and they continue to occupy the west bank and continue to build illegal settlements in the west bank. Do you think if the brittish just left boston but still occupied the rest of america the americans would have been satisfied with that?
Israel has always shown restraint..... they have the capability to use a "scorched earth" policy such as Russia in Chechnya and France in Algiers. By the way Russia doesn't even care what you or the world thinks about it. How bout them apples? Is your outrage confined to the location or the methodologies...... so far I'm thinking the former.

out. :blsmoke:
well first I don't agree with russia's tactics but what russia does , does not affect me as much as what israel does because 30 billion of mine and your tax dollars goes to financing the state of Israel, none of my money goes to russia. we have islamic extremists flying planes into are building because of are unconditional support for Israel.

If you want to start a thread on Russia's involvment in checyna go right ahead, could be a good discussion on the limits of self determination
Israel has always shown restraint..... they have the capability to use a "scorched earth" policy such as Russia in Chechnya

o. :blsmoke:
So Russia is setting the standards for the only democracy in the middle east, our best buddies in the middle east
Thats good, its just a start, they continue to blockade all of the gaza strip so there is no economic development and they continue to occupy the west bank and continue to build illegal settlements in the west bank. Do you think if the brittish just left boston but still occupied the rest of america the americans would have been satisfied with that?
There was in the beginning, the Hamas started throwing bombs, shooting rockets, and using suicide bombers. I still think that there was more Israel could have done, but where has the rest of the Arab world been? Most of them don't want the Palestinians either. Truthfully though there are extremist every where. there are extremists in Israel, those settlers that continue to build houses on the West Bank. There have been times when the IDF has evicted them, and destroyed the houses, but that doesn't get near the press that the Gaza strip gets.
Natrone seems to think the British Empire left America after the revolutionary war :mrgreen: hoo boy.... a pattern is forming....

out. :blsmoke:
So are they claiming that land is now Israel, by all means why don't we just make the whole land Israel and give the palestians the right to vote, Israel is a democracy right? the only one in the middle east right?

Yep, it's Israels land all right... won in 1967. Period.

Thats good, its just a start, they continue to blockade all of the gaza strip so there is no economic development and they continue to occupy the west bank and continue to build illegal settlements in the west bank. Do you think if the brittish just left boston but still occupied the rest of america the americans would have been satisfied with that?

There would be no blockade if the Palestinians concentrated on business more than murder.

out. :blsmoke:
The Israel Government control the land, media, money, every thing its a 1 sided war with one sided views,
It was just the same in derry when these para,s were able to run the streets killing innocent men and childern but never convicted for any crimes because they make up there own news ban the voice of the innocent from the world and cover it all up and rule them innocent in there own court .
I don't think anyone has any intention of genocide other than the Arab nations towards that what you mean? Who do you think is behind Hamas? Why do you think Iran is hell bent on getting a nuke? Wakey wakey....smell the coffee buddy.

out. :blsmoke:
I don't think anyone has any intention of genocide other than the Arab nations towards that what you mean? Who do you think is behind Hamas? Why do you think Iran is hell bent on getting a nuke? Wakey wakey....smell the coffee buddy.

out. :blsmoke:
you never anwered my question, I didn't think you could anyways
They left just far and long enough to recoup and try again.... in 1812.

Look, nothing is ever CLEAR CUT when people are involved......

What you witness AROUND the GLOBE is not the work of the U.S. ... it is the fallout of the ending of the British Empire. Pick a hot spot, just about ANY of today's hot spot and you will have the fingerprints of the British Empire and colonialism all over it....... history doesn't go ripples to and fro.

Is there a simple way to solve the israel issue..... sure there is. Have the Arab nations grow a pair and recognize the obvious. Israel is there and it's better to live in peace than not.

By the way, have you ever seen pictures of Israel before 1950? Compare them to today and be amazed. those people have accomplished a heck of a lot under great adversity and hatred. That is one of the underlying jealousies on the part of the Arabs..... Israel is the shining star of that region.

Will Israel defeat Hamas? Nope.....

And so it continues....the Palestinians are being torn asunder by their neighbors.... not Israel.

out. :blsmoke: