Israel and the ignored UN Resolutions

I agree with the U.N. being a waste of time..... but what if anything can or should replace it? One thing is for sure, the United States floats that damn thing economically and our burden should be reduced.... else kick that sucker over to the Hague. That would wake a few people up and maybe get some of those despotic reps out of New York.... immunity rats.

out. :blsmoke:
I agree with the U.N. being a waste of time..... but what if anything can or should replace it? One thing is for sure, the United States floats that damn thing economically and our burden should be reduced.... else kick that sucker over to the Hague. That would wake a few people up and maybe get some of those despotic reps out of New York.... immunity rats.

out. :blsmoke:
The Hague, the soon to be new home of the Bush regime,~LOL~.
Nothing to correct you say? I suppose if you were misquoted on something as serious as Death to Israel you'd keep your mouth shut as well? In that case, you'd get what you deserved. You tout CNN, but I notice that you pick and choose what you repeat, CNN has the school video showing the weapons.
As to the change in definition I never. Clinton tried to change the definition of "is" and "sex" , Obama has tried to change "contact".Those were the definitions I was referring to.. You'd have figured that out if you comprehended my post, instead of "changing" what it said to suit your position.

Her's the video of Hamas using the UN school.
When you research a subject, research ALL of it..but then again, just another case of " I've made up my mind, don't confuse me with facts.. Tell me, have you ever been wrong about anything, or do you 'change' the facts to fit your fiction?

That's right ...nothing to correct ...there is no proof that Isreal was threaten with annihilation if have the actual quote I'd like to see it .... the link I provide shows that he didn't say what you claim ... you said he had to correct himself ... he doesn't ... you do ... Your "definitions" ... have nothing to do with the discussion ...
... where did I "change" what you said to suit my "position?
... you don't pick and choose what you put up? ... you just put things up at random ... right ... and the link you provide shows that Israel attacked a Palestinian school that they claim launched a rocket ... back in 2007 ... I can admit Hamas is wrong ... but you seem to have a problem admiting Isreal is wrong ... way wrong ... and when did I say I made up my mind?:spew:
theres a word isreal knows n thats "HOLOCAUST". its a disgrace! isreal is a terrorist state.jst because its a country with am army doesn1t mean that they r not terrorists. ask the question y is hamas firing rockets in the 1st place. Its not as if they woke up 1 morning and decided to do so. religion and politricks have alot to answer for. presstv for the truth. iran and lebbannon is not going to stand back. my heart goes out to yhe people of gaza. rest assured if isreal was an orginization they wld b terrorists but they r a country so cant be. my ass!:wall:
Did any one actually believe that Israel would obey the UN?
Does that ever work? The UN might as well roll bandages. Then the UN could officially be doing something that mattered.
That question never get s asked in the main stream media. Any pro- Israel folks care to answer this question?

I don't response well to questions that either contain multiple languages or are written as if being typed on a cellphone.

Though as far as why Hamas is doing what it is doing. I do believe it has something to do with the fact that it wants to force Israel to surrender yet more territory in its insane demands for a nation.

Either that or they just want to destroy Israel, being people that would ethnically cleanse the entire region if that was with in their power.
Perhaps a relevant question to ask is why after 1995, when israel gave every square inch of the gaza Strip back, not one refugee camp was dismantled. It's been 14 years since the Israelis moved their citizens out and the camps are still there.

So maybe all this talk about land is a whole bunch of BS...... it's about something much more, and the Palestinians have been deemed expendable, by the west, the U.N. and the Arab states.

out. :blsmoke:

out. :blsmoke:
Lets get real here,

No peace ever will be reached. Ever.

We all know what side is good and bad, get real about some shit, calling these land lovers the hebrews, jews, stereotype them as bad, corrupt, because all they got left is a speck of dust and arabia has got half the world, get real. Cmon man.

There needs to be a new generation that will rise from the Arabs for peace, but itll probly never happen. Thats the only way I see it turning out.

How bout the palestinians just drop the whole fucking ridiculous subject, and get on with life! Hello.

One sided, your right, cause all I see and know is that the Jews had temple after temple destroyed in that part of the world. It is well written. And along comes arabia and built thier muslim sight right on top the jews shit and called it home too. Mohammed? Who the heck is Mohammed. I cant even read the koran cause its filled with straight mind blowing bull. All the paly's gotta do is back up a bit, and give some room for once, y'know, give some room holy cow. Let the world breathe for a change.

Let the fucking world breathe this fucking sigh of relief of straight bullshit.

And why the hell is all this religion BS stemming from that lil spot in the world anyway? WTF.

Were not talking about palestinians here people, no, were talking syria, lebanon, palestine, arab, ahmadingjab, the whole circuit over there is hot for israel, dont you see that? Rewrite borders for peace? no you want a piece? rewrite the border, oh youre not happy? rewrite the border, till this BORDER gets smaller and smaller and smaller for the Jews right into the Ocean. but does anyone really care? NO? One after another, the hits keep coming from all sides at Israel, but jews are the bad, corrupt ones right? Jews are the corrupt ones whos screwing all this shit up and media when these arabs are slicing throats, jackin planes, and basically giving the world the middle finger and calling shots.

And brother, if I hear another word of show me the link where they wanna kill us is? I swear ill convert all my links to dvd pop that mofo in and hit play. And then ill show you what kind of cartoons they have on for saturday morning kill isreal TV.

Someone please set me straight on this as I am so confused about this stuff, I get so hyped its stupid. sorry for rant.
makes me wonder why isreal would become like the nazis or would i be wrong in saying it looks as if the people behind the nazis is the same people behind isreal. open minded thought:?:
looks like a pretext for a war with iran and amerca steps in. my opinion. i dnt agree with killing i`m a mellow stoner. but i agree with standing up to the opressor. ne1 who agrees with isreals onslaught is munipulated by lamestream media.
boy La Chinga sure does have an open mind :lol: :roll:

His open mindedness is only equaled by his accuracy of the situation ... lawdy.

Here's hoping you're only 12.....

out. :blsmoke:
arabia has got half the world, get real. Cmon man.
Yeah this guy knows his shit lol arabia has got half the world, whats he talking about Saudi Arabia, muslims in general?...........this kid ever look at a map WTF is arabia...................but yeah he knows what he's talking about:clap: