80 Marijuana Plants Seized At Valrico Home, Deputies Say


Well-Known Member
It is legal to grow industrial Hemp in IL, check the NORML website.


Laws and Resolutions Authorizing Hemp Research

Year Passed: 1999
Summary: The Illinois Senate approved Senate Resolution 49 establishing a task force to "study the economic viability of industrial hemp … and report its findings and recommendations to the Illinois Senate." The state study was completed in January 2000.

There are a bunch of other states where industrial hemp is legal to grow.


Please check your information before you go around spreading rumors of untruths. So then, how old are you ?
Read what you wrote....RESEARCH

Do you not understand the difference between research and the actual act?

Those are laws that were passed to RESEARCH hemp production.

There are 2 states that passed laws for FARMERS to grow hemp and they are not used because of the legalities with the feds.

I suggest YOU check YOUR info.


New Member
I live in Illinois and it IS legal to grow industrial hemp here. It is legal in more than one state to grow industrial hemp. I never specified who was allowed to grow it, just that is is legal to grow.

First you claim it is just plain illegal. Now you say it's legal for farmers to grow in 2 states , which is it? Illegal or legal, come on the clock is ticking............

Hey braniac, its illegal to grow hemp in the US. How old are you?


New Member
Why should we pay attention to the laws, the lawmakers obviously don't obey them. I'm living their example "those laws don't apply to me"


Well-Known Member
I live in Illinois and it IS legal to grow industrial hemp here. It is legal in more than one state to grow industrial hemp. I never specified who was allowed to grow it, just that is is legal to grow.

First you claim it is just plain illegal. Now you say it's legal for farmers to grow in 2 states , which is it? Illegal or legal, come on the clock is ticking............
Please learn the meaning of the word research, even my 10 year old knows.


New Member
Well MR research, legal or illegal? What's it going to be? First you say it's illegal in the US and then ask someone how old they are. Then you say it's legal in 2 states. Which is it?

Can't you make up your mind? It's legal to grow industrial hemp in Illinios. That makes it the opposite of illegal, which would be legal.

So it seems that you really don't know the meaning of the word research, or you'd have done some before your initial statement of "It's illegal to grow hemp in the US".

Please learn the meaning of the word research, even my 10 year old knows.


Well-Known Member
Read what you wrote....RESEARCH

Do you not understand the difference between research and the actual act?

Those are laws that were passed to RESEARCH hemp production.

There are 2 states that passed laws for FARMERS to grow hemp and they are not used because of the legalities with the feds.

I suggest YOU check YOUR info.
Bad dog has foot in mouth...will see vet and get back with you.


Well-Known Member
i often wondered... if i take a bunch of clones and someone comes knocking... that means all of a sudden I'm running a 30 lb buisness?? wtf?

and what about weed growing from seed, just say, i put 10 seeds down 6 ladies and 4 males and i dont even know it?? so thats 10 lbs buisness...

oh yeah, speaking of obama, check out the sig... number 1 baby!


Well-Known Member
Well MR research, legal or illegal? What's it going to be? First you say it's illegal in the US and then ask someone how old they are. Then you say it's legal in 2 states. Which is it?

Can't you make up your mind? It's legal to grow industrial hemp in Illinios. That makes it the opposite of illegal, which would be legal.

So it seems that you really don't know the meaning of the word research, or you'd have done some before your initial statement of "It's illegal to grow hemp in the US".
Yes, just as it seems you don't even know the laws in your own state.


'..farmers are not just discouraged from growing hemp — they are prohibited from raising the crop, NBC5's Phil Rogers reported on Wednesday. While hemp grows wild all over Illinois, it is illegal to grow the plant.'

Still having issues comprehending the meaning of research I see.


New Member
Then why does the NORML website say that Il is a ag hemp state? Not to mention you still said it was ILLEGAL in the US then you said it was LEGAL in 2 states. So which is it? Illegal or Legal?


Well-Known Member
Then why does the NORML website say that Il is a ag hemp state? Not to mention you still said it was ILLEGAL in the US then you said it was LEGAL in 2 states. So which is it? Illegal or Legal?

According to your own post, NORML stated IL passed a law to RESEARCH hemp growth, NOT grow it. Then you stated its legal to grow hemp in 'bunches of states' where in fact only two states have passed laws to allow it, but since the federal govt makes no distinction between hemp and marijuana these two states DO NOT grow it. Do you understand now or do I need to draw a cartoon for you?