DRO bagseed: 1st OFFICIAL GROW


Well-Known Member
good advice clowdy, I also understand what you mean about the PH and soil, but if your water's PH is off from the get go, you need to adjust it with PH up or Ph down. Like i had to do,my water's PH is very Alkaline, and i had to PH down it, shit got old as fuck real quick! And distilled water was not even 7.0 PH like they say it is. Which is nuetral.


Well-Known Member
ya i hear ya thats why u ph ur water before u put it in ur soil then test ur run off
and then go from there

come on people wheres my plus rep for this shit come on lol jk


Well-Known Member
hahahha you and your +rep fuck it lol :leaf:

wont let me, guess i gotta +rep some other people so i can give you some more.


Well-Known Member
lol i want my damn plus rep both of u damn it all lol
lmao just joking
i just like to bother ya guys
just fill a gallon of water up of tap and let it sit for a day
so it could get cleaned up or whatever and room temp
and have ur new cold soil in the gro room and have that sit for a day or so and the soil should warm up some wont be as cold then just mix the water with the soil to get it moist then go get those strips for ph and do what i said or u know what is better dont water the new soil keep it dry cuase growfaqs said keep it dry so when u do water it water it slow and have a pan under it and keep looking at the hole when u see the first couple drops of water come out move the pot and use those drops to ph it cuase those will give u the best reading

el seca leche

Well-Known Member
yea what van said........

ok I went out today and on my way back me and some buddies passed by walmart and fukit! i got me a........................for
free................... cough* cough* :fire:

