VV is singing the blues. From seed to Perpetual Weed.

Well, I hope they get it done in Ohio,
but I won't ever participate in their programs.

I'll just stay underground.

There will be paper work and fees...
and I don't play well with governments.

I'll come out to the government,
when it is legal like corn or soybeans.

Not that I'm afraid.
I just hate paperwork
and I won't do that for any reason.

You will only need a license
if you are transporting
or you plan to sell to the public.

Maybe I'll hire a secretary someday.
I'll need a secretary, a crew of workers and a distributer... To help run my greenhouses.

That is when it's catagorized with corn and soybeans like it should be.
New Mexico Health Secretary Dr. Alfredo Vigil:
“Now patients can get medical cannabis
for their chronic health conditions
in a way that is safe and legal under state law.”

The regulations provide for two kinds of licensed producers:
a qualified patient who can produce up to 4 mature plants
and 12 seedlings for personal use only

And a nonprofit private entity
that can produce a total of 95 mature plants
and seedlings and an inventory of usable marijuana
that reflects current patient needs at any time.

The Health Secretary will consider the health needs
of qualified patients and the public safety
in determining the number and location of licenses
that the Department of Health approves.

Check this out.
Las Vegas NM
Las Vegas
be sure and get a cute secretary.
I still love the Ocean, Thanx guys for keeping the thread going. I will be spending all of my extra time getting the group going here in Lansing. Danny Trevino, Owner of Hydroworl hydro shop is donating the space, its not 'furnished'. Lots of details, muist be handicap accessible unlike the meeting held by the MDCH. VV
I did notice No head shot in the link... Thank god, its early here i have yet to medicate...!
Woooo~weeeee did i dodge a bullet...!!!

And earl, jimmy would be the only one of those "worth a shit" the man is a saint, house building
mad man and his wife too!

Deff' a big puff puff pass for jimmy...!

Omg' what a cluster phuck you all got going there vv'... If there is anything i can
do from this end let a brother know..!

You all should just copy what oregon is doing and leave it at that, its one of the best
systems going in the country, cali' has phucked theres all up trying to go commercial to big
to fast...!

The ore' is who everyone is looking at and watching anyway..>!


Stop playing with it', so close to the tower and the computer problems i bet will clear
right up... Hehehehehehe!
you already have, ***** and I took a ride. Only one thing came close to it, yours, and he had a kicker in there. He and I fit, its a win-win. He wins, patient win. MMMA is awesome. Greg Fransisco is 'the man' in this State, I will support him 100%.
I am not complaining, I have never seen a better opportunity to advance a cause I believe in. MPP studied all of the rules from all of the State's and has been instrumental in many of them. During the campaign, they called our bill poorly written, the MDCH found out it is not poorly written, it has qauratees protections for Patients, caregivers and Doctors. I have heard that we are going to get everything we asked for, well big deal we just told them they have to follow the Law. Matt Abel, a friend and attorney asked if a caregiver could also be a patient, meaning a total of 72 plants and 15 zips, they have said yes. What a change of attitude. I want your best pictures of your room to display on the wall, e-mail it to me, put what you want on it. I'll get it up in 8 x 10's as soon as I have the money to do it. Please include your LOGO in each picture. VV
Roger wilco'

got some good bloom room ones going in now for an update
and a few quick shots of the grow side and it will be in yur box...!

I can see yur excitement in yur type... It is so nice to see, you have wated and worked on
this a very long time v'

big hug for ya brother....

Dirtbag~tlb'! "over grow the world"
Wow... That's possible the largest plant count for medicinal purposes in the country, isn't it?

I currently only have 45 mature plants... I can only imagine what could fit within those restraints... Something like 10-12 lights... But that would be 10-12 pounds... A lot more than the 15 ounce limit.

Catch 22.
Wow... That's possible the largest plant count for medicinal purposes in the country, isn't it?

I currently only have 45 mature plants... I can only imagine what could fit within those restraints... Something like 10-12 lights... But that would be 10-12 pounds... A lot more than the 15 ounce limit.

Catch 22.

It says usable, and plants, If its hanging to dry its curing and not ready, I decide when it is, and if you stop back and check then I can assure you there will not more than 15 oz of dry useable Marijuna there.
Its also no longer a plant, it doesn't have roots.
Not too bad for a poorly written law?? VV
Ah... I see...

I guess that, "it's still curing, it's not ready." Could be considered not a living plant, and not "dry usable marijuana" I get it now... :mrgreen:

None of my weed will ever be "fully cured" and I'll never run into the 15 ounce limit...

That's my understanding...

Ah... I see...

I guess that, "it's still curing, it's not ready." Could be considered not a living plant, and not "dry usable marijuana" I get it now... :mrgreen:

None of my weed will ever be "fully cured" and I'll never run into the 15 ounce limit...

That's my understanding...


He means, when he decides his plants are done and ready, and when is bud is cured and ready, and the final product, the medicine. At that time he will have no more then 15oz dry. And he basically is using a loop hole. Very smart Vic.

If I am wrong correct me.
BobSilvey a veteran that lives in Kentucky, should be posting his story in this forum soon, we need to spread his story across this country loud and proud, we should not let our veterans or any citizens be subjected to the kind of treatment he has endured. I am asking every rollitup member that visits another forum to post his story there, visit the website he posts and check in. We need to be able to talk numbers, we want these charges dropped. I think his first court date is Feb 8th, he will let you know for sure, mark it on your calenders, it's time to go on offense. VV
I was referred her by VV and I see a good group of free thinkers. Please feel free to visit us at www.k4mm.org and we are a new site that is rying to change the mindset in the state of KY. I appreciate being able to be part of this and hope we can change the whole country. it is time for a new way of thinking and action.
Thanks VV, the Preliminary hearing is feb 20th, we are being offered 8 years consecutive on every count and between my wife and I it is 96 years! Won't have to worry about this world any longer if that happens huh? LOL. I have news for them. I don't make deals with narcs or cops. I will firght them to the wall! thanks brother.
Right on Bob... I hope the best for you and your wife.

If you are in NKY, I know a really, really, good lawyer... I don't know if he has the time to do it, but he's in Cincinnati. He's currently the commissioner for a neighboring county, but he can make marijuana charges disappear. His name's drawing a blank... I don't have my rolodex...

But if you don't have a really good lawyer, I'd suggest getting one.

I thought you could buy your way out of trouble in Ky, isn't that the meaning of "common wealth" :mrgreen:
Monday January 12, 2009. Federal Judge George H. Wu denies former medical marijuana provider Charles C. Lynch’s request for a new trial even though new evidence has been submitted. A jury found Lynch guilty of five cannabis-only felonies on August 5, 2008 for violating federal drug laws even though Lynch’s dispensary, Central Coast Compassionate Caregivers (CCCC), provided medical marijuana legal within California law.

SLO County Sheriff, Pat Hedges, had his narcotics deputies investigate Lynch, his employees, his patients and his dispensary. For eleven months, Sheriff’s deputies staked out the location taking photos, video, writing down license plate numbers, following patients and employees, and even pulling over employees after leaving the location.

Sheriff Deputies also used paid criminal informants to go undercover to attempt to get evidence of Lynch breaking the law. One paid criminal informant was even allowed to keep his personal stash of marijuana after Sheriff Deputy Nicholas A. Fontecchio found 2 joints in his pocket before going undercover.

Lynch relied on advice and began working with city and county officials in preparation of opening the only medical marijuana dispensary in SLO County. Lynch gave dispensary tours to local representatives to demonstrate the safety procedures he had created to assure medical marijuana was not diverted while providing safe access to qualified patients.

If you had a chance to meet Charlie, you would see he’s no criminal and he doesn’t deserve to spend any time in behind bars. He’s going bankrupt and losing the home which he has had for years before starting his own medical marijuana dispensary. Many friends have abandoned him because they fear the government.

His life has been ruined, not by medical marijuana, but by the laws that are meant to protect people. The laws are said to protect people from marijuana but who will protect the people from the laws? Charlie’s case is a perfect example of a bad law gone drastically wrong.