Lets Get Growing

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
dont really have much to say just check out the pics i belive i have a hermie in the flower room :wall: :wall: :wall: :sad::sad: i did some trimming threw them into the wanna be cloner but if the flower is a hermie they are to



Well-Known Member
Dammit Jim!!! It looks like a male to me. Easy on the cranium my friend, you're learning each step no matter which direction you are going.

I suggest growing from the outside toward the center so your main colas are closest to the lights.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Dammit Jim!!! It looks like a male to me. Easy on the cranium my friend, you're learning each step no matter which direction you are going.

I suggest growing from the outside toward the center so your main colas are closest to the lights.

yea i know but i started in november and wasted a shit load of time i could have put it into flower long time ago oh well live and learn.......... i have another plant i want to put into flower so i can see if its female or not........figure 5 days should show some signs so i dont wast any more time then i can leave it and cut clones or take it out if its female


Well-Known Member
If you are going to put her in the flower room, cut your clones first, if you can. That way they are not in the pre-flowering stage when you chop em and I believe they will recover faster.

I did the same thing with the first plant I tried to scrog. I grew it with my buddy in the scrog box we built and learned after it filled the screen perfectly, it was a male. Kinda worked out good because this is the same guy whos girlfriend calls me nigger when I visit him. It's funny, he has seen my grow now and is jealous, and I laugh because it's his chicks fault he doesn't get to capitalize from my herbs...


Well-Known Member
Damn Hulky:!: I was afraid of that. At least the bright side is you have experience in growing healthy plants:weed: I hope your other one is a female buddy. Cut the clones before flowering. You will see within 10 day if you have a girl. In the mean time get yourself some good seeds germinated. Ive read that if the plant is started out stress free it has a better chance to be a girl. I just germinated 5 Kish (formily Skishberry) seeds. Oh and if you want to you can grow that boyto maturity, collect the pollen and save it so you can pollinate a single girl in the future for more seeds. I plan to try this one day when I have lots of bud in the cupboard.:-P good luck bro

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Damn Hulky:!: I was afraid of that. At least the bright side is you have experience in growing healthy plants:weed: I hope your other one is a female buddy. Cut the clones before flowering. You will see within 10 day if you have a girl. In the mean time get yourself some good seeds germinated. Ive read that if the plant is started out stress free it has a better chance to be a girl. I just germinated 5 Kish (formily Skishberry) seeds. Oh and if you want to you can grow that boyto maturity, collect the pollen and save it so you can pollinate a single girl in the future for more seeds. I plan to try this one day when I have lots of bud in the cupboard.:-P good luck bro

thanks man yea it sucks oh well thats life, work through hell reach your heaven..............i have lots more bag seeds to play with ....i was even thinking of getting some clones from a clinic but i dont know if i trust them knowing i have clones and that means im growing they got all my info down so not to sure............i plan on just cutting up the male maybe trying to make some hash


Well-Known Member
thanks man yea it sucks oh well thats life, work through hell reach your heaven..............i have lots more bag seeds to play with ....i was even thinking of getting some clones from a clinic but i dont know if i trust them knowing i have clones and that means im growing they got all my info down so not to sure............i plan on just cutting up the male maybe trying to make some hash
but you got your card right?


Well-Known Member
i was even thinking of getting some clones from a clinic but i dont know if i trust them knowing i have clones and that means im growing they got all my info down so not to sure............
don't sweat it dude, the feds got more crap to do that go after growers like yourself.... If I had the ability to get female clones I def would.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
yea i got one hahaha when i saw them i just had to get one :weed: i want to start just getting one every once in a while so i have different strains

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Alright nothing really has changed still trying to get my clones to take off.......so i believe this is try number 4....but i have read that you should not let your little clones sit in water but omg this is a but ......i didn't have one of my net pots to hold up my sponge inserts for my clones .... i will talk so i confuse my self......so my sponge insert i just tapped it in place well after a little while i went to go check on the kids well the one sponge that didn't have a net-pot to sit in.......had fallen threw to my water res ...i was flipping awww hahaha no worries it was just floating on top of the water like a lilly pad but this is the big thing ..........it was all perky up right strong blabla it looked the best out of all the clones and it was totally in the water.....i didn't think that was good for them but guess i was wrong.........so i filled my res tank up almost all the way so all the bottom of the clones are sitting in the water ..........a hour later all my clones are up right...perky....happy..and surviving to my surprise..........so i guess the clones can sit in the water...............was making me wonder if i just took off the top and let the sponge inserts float in the water if the clones would survive

Well anyways here's the Afghan clone i got from my local clinic .......it looks like i am watering it to much or to many nute's or something...... starting to droop and a little bit of yellow......i did put a drop of each nute i will be using later to let it get use to the nute's .... since i had roots i thought it could handle a little nutes......i am hoping to get her big enough so i have two Mothers to different strains ........ then later in the future i will take out one mother to flower or to just chop and replace with a new strain clone ...........(does it matter how long a mother is in veg for ?? can she still go into flowering even after months being in veg mode??)....that will help me determine to chop or flower the mothers when i want to replace them.

Well the mother was huge all the way up to the light and bushy ass hell wish i would have taken some pics of her before i chopped her down i did a shit load of trimming on her last weekend and tryed to make some butter with all the trimmings ......but yea if you look at her now in that pic .....she was growing into the light tall with all burnt leaves cause of that ....then she was almost touching the wall to the right of her omg she got so big but i hacked her down i hope i didn't fuk her up to much

but yea there's a update as you can see there's not much to check out its all the same as last month still trying to get clones trimming the mother back and smoking my paycheck away until i can harvest



Well-Known Member
Just read all through your journal. Looks like your getting your setup all dialed in. Sucks about the hermie you got. All you need is one good female and you all set.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Yep your right ..... i believe i have a good mother now she has white outlined on her little green pistols....... been having problems with my cloning still every one makes it look so easy grrrr i just tried 6 more clones and i know for sure one is good i already tossed 4 that were all wilted and the last one is getting worse every day.........so i said screw it and got 4 clones from my local clinic waiting tell they get a little bigger then i will throw three into flowering ...... then hopefully that one clone i cut gets roots then i can toss it into flowering to that will give me 4 in flowering for my first try.....i have plenty of time now and theres nothing to do besides change water and wait grrrr hahaha :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Once the roots start to pop out just a little, your golden. In a few days they will be going like mad. I have transplanted a few clones with just little root nubs and had roots growing out the bottom of the pot in like a week.

What will you be transplanting into?

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Pellets....i put them in there own 5x5 pots yesterday was getting ready to put them in the ebbaflow in the flower room and just set the lights to 18/6.....but i just threw them in with all the others in the veg room they all have roots already and supposed to be females....just thinking of when i should put them into 24 hours of dark then start flowering them ? oh yea and since there rockwool was soaked when i got them they should be ok for hmmm how long you think before i should water.......i was thinking maybe two days......yea well almost time to flower somthing yes wooo hooo ............

.....but since it rained it made me think if i was running my intake ran in my flower room that would be sucking in air and thats not good......i remeber i had a problem when i first built that room testing it with all this water getting to my fan i thought my fan was leaking somthing but it was just water getting sucked in but that was before i built my sound box ......anyone have problems with rainy days and there intakes ??? i figure if anything i will just have to shut it off and hope it does not get to hot.

well thanks for keep up with my grow even thow i been lagging on flowering hahaha i have seen bugscreen veg flower and harvest grrr u little bug before i can even get my flower room setup and somthing in there but thats in the past were off and running now i cant wait :-P .....

these are the new little ones, lets try and make them feel like part of the family



Well-Known Member
That's pretty much the same setup I'm using. Have you tried using those tiny rockwool cubes? I put just a small handful of them right where the roots will be and at the bottom, 95% Hydroton, 5% rockwool. I noticed a big difference and nothing wilted.

I was having a problem in my cab with the rain last couple of days. Humidity was up as high as 90% at one time. Water vapor condensed inside the cabinet and I had water literally running down the walls. I just kept a fan cranked up and the plants never got wet.



Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
nope didnt even know they had them that small ....... i got 1x1's 4x4's then 6x6x's hahaha i dont know what im going to do with all of them now i will figure out somthing.........i even got two huge cubes of coco core i got when i first was going to start growing hahahah i got coco core and all these nutes there just sitting there awww poor supplies well i plan to use them one day i heard coco is the way to go it was made for just this plant but that what they all say...... but it will be cool to see what the same plants do under different nutes and mediums ....welll im offf babys crying grrr got laid off now im full time mom grrr i love it grrr