Aussie outdoor flowering,light schedule Q?

what do u mean bye a seed bank that agress with you?
agrees with me "sorry about that"

theyre the only place flexible enough to suit my needs, ive tried a couple and this joint is the go seriously.... i have tried a few ehy...

Pick n mix have the best success rate, customer service and general all round quality....

nirvana hmmmm they have stealth lol... guess thats y i got a customs letter and 3 failed orders lol.... anyhoo that kind fucked me over so yeah i wont be trying them again lol:wall:....
not entirely sure hmmmm maybe.... i couldnt tell ya what changes exactly you would have to make but its gotta be a significant change.... what your talking about may work but how much darkers darker..... i couldnt say really... you asked for a way i told ya a way that works for me... once ya get the hang of things it becomes easier to judge what you need to do.... i have a mate whos plants gone to bud already and it only because its been put in a spot that it gets more shade. the other ones around it are still veging tho, its all because the spot that ones in gets a bit more shade than the rest...

anyhoo i hope ya figure it out BRSkunk
well jester...also remember too much shade will significantly decrease yield and quality..
i thought you knew better :D
well jester...also remember too much shade will significantly decrease yield and quality..
i thought you knew better :D

i mentioned that earlier dude ;-)

i cant put it in every post kinda a waste of ma time lol. you may have to tell people more than once.. but i am of the oppinion you should only have to write it once generally :bigjoint:

i was the one that told u that remember lol...
So hows the baby? in full flower yet????
preflowers. or budding.... yeah itd be getting close to that time.... i was wandering y everyone was still looking into ways to flower early when its almost time for some them to change naturally...
So hows the baby? in full flower yet????
hey dude...
yeah she's doing awesome...
i have been using half a cap of fish emulsion, and half a cap of seasol, mixed with 1.25 of water...
then when im going to feed her, i dilute that mixture with another 500ml...just to be safe..
so far no nute burn, and the leaves are looking more greener and vibrant.
will post pics tonight after work.
hey dude...
yeah she's doing awesome...
i have been using half a cap of fish emulsion, and half a cap of seasol, mixed with 1.25 of water...
then when im going to feed her, i dilute that mixture with another 500ml...just to be safe..
so far no nute burn, and the leaves are looking more greener and vibrant.
will post pics tonight after work.

i forgot your also going to want some potassium bro, itle help the buds swell :)
i got a few pointers ta give ya with MG (like i said ive used a few diffrent things in ma time) and when using MG its a good idea to get a few extra things ive found..... seasol (becomming the main extra thing..) some epsom salt (magnesium) and some potassium (for budding)

in some cases even more nitrogen may be added.... i find MG to be a good base for mixing your own fertilizer up but in cases it can need a few things.....

i preffer other chemies.... but like i said MG makes for a good easy outdoor grow if used right.... this mix works for me

note i may only need some of the extrass ive listed as to the way i apply fertilizer.... i like to give them more nitrogen to encourage faster growth, and stimulate chlorophyl production..... hense maybe this is y i need eppies, (im pretty sure they play a big part in helping the plat distribute the stuff propperly), so maybe thats where i get my problem who knows, all soil is different.... also watch out for nute lock, youll think it needs more of something when realy theres plenty already.... meaning you think it needs magnesium for example... but really you dont its just the plant cant administer it throughout itself, happens fairly often with MG and yeah its a real piss off when you feed them extra shit they dont need.... ta do half as good as they should be doing lol

anyhoo in your case like i said potassium will help it the buds fill out.:bigjoint:
yeah the seasol fish fert concentrate is organic and should be pretty hard to give ya plants nute burn.... i thought thas what you were using in the first place.... sorry about that man..... least your on the right track now ehy
another one huh...well each to theyre own i guess lol.
im not gonna get into another sugar water arguement lol... what a waste of time they are....

personally to be nice ill say some ppl reckon its good other ppl will laugh, its u to your prefferance...

ill leave it with this tho....
wouldnt sugar water attract ants and cus mold???? definately not good in the bush...

but true like i said i guess some ppl agree with it and other ppl like me dont... so could we please agree to dissagree....

and yes i know george cervantes says.................. but this is one thing i dont think im ever gonna waste my time on... the people on this forum believe it to be some magical elixer that will trebble theyre yield and increase the potency.... i call this one f the joke it is.... yeah it will add weight but its all sugar water really..... and for your advise the whole thing wotks better towards the end of flowering and before youve harvested starve the plant for water then feed it one last batch.... it will increase weight and smoke like shit...

jeorge cervantes is a very smart man and this is literally the only thing he does or says i wouldnt bother with.... but thats just me.... other than that he really is another cannabis god :)...... i know mollases aint sugar water exactly but to me its the same concept....

p.s ma missus reckons it could work tho...... and i just thought i should say its not a bad idea either just cos i dont like the idea doesnt mean it dont work.... i could be missing out on something here but im happy with what i use....
personally, i would not add molasses...just not my thing.
but anywho
i want to get a exotic flavor..anyone try things like lemon juice or something like that...
to make em JUICY..:D
nah would ya risk ruining the weed...

plus i dont really think its possible... plants filter shit before they soak it up plus lots of thingshave sugars which will make it taste like shit, you want better flavour grow better weed..... you can get things to make the weed taste better after harvest and cure ie: flavoured blunt wraps or flavouring drops. they cant have sugar tho....

theres no reall magic way to make your plants taste like chocolate or peppermint as it grws... the plants filter out what they need and leave behind the shit.. and they filter it as it makes its way thrue the plant...

i know some thing will carry through... especially if you starve the plant before last harvest.... ie sugar for more weight lol....... dodgy trick

so my oppinion is the only real way to have a better tasting plant is grow it better.... No i have never tried adding flavouring nor do i see the point..... just dont grow or buy dodgy weed... its as simple as that....

also if im wrong could someone whos not full crap please correct me....
also if im wrong could someone whos not full crap please correct me....

YOU are wrong there..(i said it :bigjoint:)
before i started growing, i had to buy weed from the abo's.
they sell like 2.5 for like 25$...i know what a rip (dreams about living back in Canada)..
and when you go and grab some weed off them..its good, but dont get a choice....will post pics of bud tonight!.
2 g's 25 dollars is pretty standard in oz dude......

ummmm how does that mean im wrong dude???? and you know they flavour theyre weed how???? but true can anuyone else please veryfy this????? can you make your weed tast like whatever u want ???? i dont think you can still.....

ummmm lyndon that answer doesnt quite make me a believer ehy.... could someone please explain to me how this is done supposedly... cos im calling this one a load of crap too... but would really like to know if im wrong lol.

id like some cherry budz :).... but seriously dude if it worked everyone would be doing it already dont ya think a trend like that woulda stuck if it was plauseable
i no this for a fact can be done my friend has told me he used to do it i would like to do it when i have enuff to do the amount i want you can soak the precured buds in whisky and rum or port and then cure them and it does taste like it
i no this for a fact can be done my friend has told me he used to do it i would like to do it when i have enuff to do the amount i want you can soak the precured buds in whisky and rum or port and then cure them and it does taste like it

thats during the curing..... wasnt he talking about as the plant grows.....
and yeah theres drops and papers ya can get for afterwards just not while its growing...
i no this for a fact can be done my friend has told me he used to do it i would like to do it when i have enuff to do the amount i want you can soak the precured buds in whisky and rum or port and then cure them and it does taste like it

thats kinda what im saying...sorry if you misunderstood.
It would not matter what stage the plant was in...or even if it was just the buds itself.
i have tried that whisky and rum method..and i might had a totally different taste, and burned not to bad.
but anyway.did not mean to stir up the pot jester...
nah thats cool man.... but i thought u meant while the plants growing and true im fairly sure its not possible.