You know your too stoned when.......

when you find yourself in front of a pile of stems and an ashtray full of weed.
dude i've done that....
you know you're too stoned when you open and eat random shit off the shelves at wal-mart. me and my buddies got too high and sat in a kroger drinking free coffee samples and lit up ciggys. that was funny. cops came tho.
you know your too stoned when your lighting up a bowl after you have smoked to many to find out that you just lit your hair on fire
when it takes you 10 minutes to count out 2.85 in change to the Taco Bell drive through clerk. (Did that in highschool .. REALLY pissed him off)
when your driving and you cant feel ur foot touching the gas pedal

Haha that happened to me on mushrooms when I was a teenager I felt like I could reach as far as I could and not touch the pedal haha

you know you're too stoned when you lose things and find them in random places like the refrigerator and the bathroom
When your plan is ...

Get water..
Hit Vape..
Listen to Tunes ...
Go To bed...

Suddenly you realize that's been your last month straight.

When the night after a good bake your friends come over.

While getting something out of the fridge you hear, 'Dude did you know there's a bong in your fridge?'

Suddenly you remember that you didn't cache it out and had the brilliant idea to preserve the weed left in the cone by putting the whole bong in the fridge.

When your plan is ...

Get water..
Hit Vape..
Listen to Tunes ...
Go To bed...

Suddenly you realize that's been your last month straight.

mine is wake up..... smoke... get dome..... smoke.. eat......smoke..... x-box...... i don't have a job so it works out.
sometimes not having a job is fun and then you find you have no money for weed and its like FUCK gotta get a job only to end up in the same positon 5 weeks later... lol

you know your too stoned when you set off to do something and then you lite up forget what you trying to do and then you do something else and then you say fuck it and go to bed
When you give your car keys to your friends 12 year old little brother because youre afraid you'll get pulled over.. lol.. I wasn't the retard on the end of that one thankfully because I didn't have a car that time but it actually happened at one of my friends parties when we were all stoned out of our minds.